January 2017 Running Challenge



  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    Shoot, so close, I blame the -20 C blizzards. Damn you blizzards


    January 1 - 12.1 km
    January 2 - 7.0 km
    January 3 - 12.9+5.3 km
    January 4 - 11.5 km
    January 5 - 7.0 km
    January 6 - 3.8 km
    January 7 - 9.45 km
    January 8 - 9.8+6.0 km
    January 9 - 5.2 km
    January 10- 10.0+6.0 km
    January 11- 8.0 km
    January 12- 7.0 km
    January 13- 7.0+7.4 km
    January 14- 10.0 km
    January 15- 13.1+6.1
    January 16- 6.0 km
    January 17- 10.0 km
    January 18- 13.4 km
    January 19- 10.0 km
    January 20- 13.5+6.0 km
    January 21- 7.5 km
    January 22- 17.2 km
    January 23- 8.6 km
    January 24- 13.3+5.0 km
    January 25- 10.0 km
    January 26- 6.0 km
    January 27- 13.2+6.0 km
    January 28- 7.7 km
    January 29- 10.0 km
    January 30- January rest day
    January 31- 11.3 km

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks to everybody who weighed in on my question about running with a group or alone. It's nice to hear everyone's perspectives on the topic. I echo what a lot of you said about running alone for "me time" or to focus on speed work/tempo runs specific to your training plan. Also, I value being able to plan my runs when it fits best into my schedule, especially finding the best time to do long runs on the weekends. There's a meetup group as well as a group from a nearby running store that both do informal pub runs one evening a week, so I may start out by trying one of those to see how I like running with a group. It would also be nice to try out a long run with a group at some point to help myself keep a consistent pace (something I'm really bad at without constantly looking at my watch). I ran a half marathon with my step-sister last year, who is about the same pace that I am, and I enjoyed running with her more than I thought I would because she really helped me to keep a consistent and manageable pace throughout most of the race.

  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member

    01/01/17 - 5 miles
    01/02/17 - 5 miles
    01/03/17 - 3 miles

    01/05/17 - 6 miles

    01/07/17 - 10 miles
    01/08/17 - 3.25 miles

    01/10/17 - 6 miles
    01/11/17 - 5.5 miles
    01/12/17 - 3.25 miles
    01/13/17 - 6.5 miles
    01/14/17 - 5 miles
    01/15/17 - 4 miles

    01/17/17 - 5 miles
    01/18/17 - 5 miles
    01/19/17 - 10 miles

    01/21/17 - 6 miles
    01/22/17 - 5 miles
    01/23/17 - 5 miles
    01/24/17 - 4.5 miles

    01/26/17 - 6 miles
    01/27/17 - 11 miles
    01/28/17 - 6 miles

    01/30/17 - 6 miles
    01/31/17 - 6 miles

  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Finished off the month with a mile on the treadmill whilst at the gym. Was a frustrating month to say the least as I was ill/recovering for literally the whole month - in turn this meant I had to abandon my plans for a March marathon. In context though, almost 150k of running is pretty amazing considering I didn't run 9 months ago!

    I think I'm finally feeling better so going to ease myself back into distance running over the next few weeks whilst I work out what my new goals are going to be. If I can get the schedules to work I'll try to get in 3/4 half marathons over spring/summer and a marathon in the Autumn.

    3-Jan: 11.49k [6.7k MP + 4.8k easy - suffering with cold]
    4-Jan: 5.3k treadmill intervals [TM]
    5-Jan: 12.9k MP (slight hills)
    6-Jan: 5.2k treadmill tempo + 2.2k treadmill intervals [TM]
    7-Jan: 5.8k + 6.1k 'tired' runs (slightly slower than MP)
    11-Jan: 24.2k long run
    16-Jan: 5.6k MP
    17-Jan: 10.6k fast
    18-Jan: 13.1k easy
    20-Jan: 14.6k MP
    21-Jan: 8.5k MP
    22-Jan: 6.3k MP
    23-Jan: 8.7k MP
    24-Jan: 1.7k tempo TM
    25-Jan: 1.6k tempo TM
    26-Jan: 3.2k easy TM
    31-Jan: 1.7k tempo TM

  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member

    Aim: 100k

    8/1: 5.7K
    12/1: 2.6k
    14/1: 10.4k
    15/1: 1.6k
    16/1: 5k
    18/1: 3.3k.
    19/1: 15k
    20/1: 2.6k (warmup for strength training)
    21/1: 10.3k various surfaces: asphalt-beach-gravel
    23/1: 3k (warmup for strength training)
    24/1: 13.8k (w/u-intervals-c/d)
    25/1: 2k (warmup for strength training)
    27/1: 2.8k (warmup for strength training)
    28/1: 11.4k (easy, various surfaces)
    30/1: 4k (warmup for strength training-adductor pain)
    31/1: 9k easy recovery run to test the adductor


    Goal reached after a bunch of problems. All went well in my last run. No pain at my adductor at all, treatment ofc, the magic RICE plus ibuprofen. Toe blisters under control atm. Yoga on the way! Now lets kick some *kitten* at Sunday's 20k trail race (probably mine...)

    Stay free of injuries!

    5/2: 4th Palaia Kavala Winterun -20k-
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I enjoy the group I've been running with on Monday nights - he puts together a new interesting route each week. Sometimes with a theme and sightseeing points along the path.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited January 2017
    Jan 1 - Nap
    Jan 2 - Nap/4 mile run/.8 walk/ 20 min strength
    Jan 3 - nothing really
    Jan 4 - uh....
    Jan 5 - 30 min walk
    Jan 6 - 2.9 mile freezing cold run, 10 min hip workout
    Jan 7 - 3.1 mile run
    Jan 10 - 1 mile (asthma issues)
    Jan 11 - nope
    Jan 12 - work&travel day
    Jan 13 - travel day
    Jan 14 - 3.5 miles treadmill run (intervals switching been 5mph and 6mph)
    Jan 15 - 5 miles treadmill run (pyramid working from 5mph to 7mph and back down)
    Jan 16 - Hubby's surgery day
    Jan 17 - Getting up and down to help in the hospital
    Jan 18 - managed to walk 2 miles and climb 200+ stairs but in small segments (about half mile each)
    Jan 19 - nothing really
    Jan 20 - walking 1mph down the hotel hallway to help DH get his circulation going and reduce leg swelling
    Jan 21 - pretty much nothing
    Jan 22 - loaded the car all by myself because hubby can't lift over 5lbs
    Jan 23 - just driving awhile then unloading the car/grocery shopping/laundry/etc
    Jan 24 - 3 mi run
    Jan 25 - 45 min light walking (not all at once)
    Jan 26 - Rest day
    Jan 27 - 4 mi run....20 min arms/abs strength
    Jan 28 - 4 mi run....15 min lower body strength
    Jan 29 - Nap
    Jan 30 - 5 mi run with 2 miles of 3 trips up and down 1/3 mi long hill.......15 min arms strength
    Jan 31 - Not sure yet.

    Goal: Run 50 miles I guess? 35.6 done.

    So I ran 5 miles last night and that made 16 miles for my first solid week back running after 2 months of hit and miss. I was thinking run 4.5 more tonight to hit 40 of the 50 mile goal. But then I was thinking I was feeling my shins telling me I was doing too much too soon. VERY MILD like a 1 on a scale of 1-10.

    I can't run Wed or Thurs, so do I push it and run at least 3 miles tonight, or do I take 3 days off and resume on Friday :grey_question::grey_question:
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Sad to learn that the SmartCoach tool on Runner's World's page has been permanently closed. I'm not aware of anything similar, at least not for free. I'm going to miss it.

    Does anyone know of a training schedule making tool similar to SmartCoach?
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Sad to learn that the SmartCoach tool on Runner's World's page has been permanently closed. I'm not aware of anything similar, at least not for free. I'm going to miss it.

    Does anyone know of a training schedule making tool similar to SmartCoach?

    I'm not familiar with it. Endomondo has a custom training tool though that I've used (I don't know if it is similar. you tell it race date, distance, how far you currently run per week, how fast, how many days/week you want to train and it suggests a schedule and updates weekly depending on your progress).
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    Ericsmi wrote: »
    Minimal goal of 50 and hopefully a little consistency.

    Accomplished exactly 0 out of 50 due to non-related family health issues, schedules have been screwy since Dec 21. Hoping to build back up starting in February.
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    January goal: 100 miles
    1/1: 3.6 miles (m)
    1/2: Downpour Day
    1/3: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/4: 4 miles (m)
    1/5: 5 miles (m)
    1/6: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/7: 4 miles (m)
    1/8: 6 miles (m)
    1/9: Rest Day
    1/10: 4.15 miles (m)
    1/11: Unplanned Rest
    1/12: 3.75 miles (m)
    1/13: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/14: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/15: 3 miles (m -.5)
    1/16: Rest Day
    1/17: 4 miles (m) + 2.5 miles
    1/18: 3.5 miles
    1/19: 3.5 miles
    1/20: 3 miles
    1/21: No running - walked
    1/22: Unplanned rest
    1/23: 4 miles (m)
    1/24: 4 miles (m)
    1/25: 3.5 miles (m)
    1/26: Rest
    1/27: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/28: 5 miles (m)
    1/29: 3.6 miles (m)
    1/30: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/31: 3 miles (m)

    My Total/January: 100.1 miles GOAL!
    Mike's Total: 86.1 miles

    Finished off the month today with a 3 mile run to just make my goal. Onward to February! :)

    Have a fabulous rest of the day!

  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    @ritzvin Is the tool on Endomondo for premium subscribers only? What you described is pretty much what RW SmartCoach would do, with a few variables.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    @ritzvin Is the tool on Endomondo for premium subscribers only? What you described is pretty much what RW SmartCoach would do, with a few variables.

    I think it is now that I think about it- if memory serves, it's only ~$3/month though, and I also like their graphs (especially personal bests over time).
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @bmelb1- Fantastic accomplishments! Congrats!!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    January Mile totals
    1/1 rest. Colds suck
    1/2- 5.23
    1/3- 4.03
    1/4- 4.01
    1/5- 5.0
    1/6- 4.0
    1/7- Rest calf/achilles pain
    1/8- recovery from calf/achilles pain
    1/9- rest/recovery from calf/achilles pain
    1/10- 2.01 YAY!
    1/11-Rest, want to be careful before PT clearance
    1/12- Rest- Saw PT, got clearance to run!
    1/13- 4.02-first run after cleared
    1/14- 6.11 test run-can I run a normal training distance? Yes, yes I can.
    1/15- Rest, prepping for beginning training tomorrow
    1/16- 5.38
    1/17- REST
    1/18- 7
    1/19- XT- Just enough elliptical and other stuff at PT to count it!
    1/20- 4.64
    1/21- 13.11
    1/22- 3.14
    1/23- 5.06
    1/24- REST
    1/25- 7.15
    1/27- Rest/Hypochondria
    1/29: 3.15
    1/30- 6.0
    1/31- Rest

    Total: 89.07

    Monthly goal: stay healthy and continue base building to start marathon training at the end of the month.
    Nominal mileage goal: 70 (revised down after injury).

    Today's notes: Ending January on a rest day. This is the first month since April that I've run less than 100 miles. Oh, well, getting injured does that. Here's to a better February!
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    A few recovery miles to add to my total. My hip wasn't too happy after my long run and some cross-training on Sunday, so an extra rest day yesterday was in order and seems to have helped. It felt fine today on a run, stretch, repeat recovery run.

    So pleased with having smashed my goal, although I did forget there were 5 long run days in January because of the way the month fell.

    January Running Challenge

    1st - 12.66 miles inc 5km PB 25:05
    3rd - 3.11 miles
    4th - 6.17 miles
    6th - 3.03 miles
    7th - 3.11 miles
    8th - 12.04 miles
    10th - 3.09 miles
    12th - 4.35 miles
    14th - 9.12 miles
    16th - 3.10 miles
    18th - 6.12 miles
    21st - 14.04 miles
    22nd - 4.10 miles
    24th - 4.01 miles
    25th - 5.51 miles
    28th - 15.02 miles
    31st - 4.04 miles

    MTD - 112.62/100 miles

    Upcoming races:
    5th February - KFL XC Blean Woods
    19th February - Bramley 20
    12th March - North London Half Marathon
    9th April - Brighton Marathon
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    edited January 2017
    Jan: 45 miles running.


    16th: 0 miles, Pilates and Strength training - MTD 27.19
    17th: 4.12 miles, leading a return to running group - MTD 31.31
    18th: 2.3 miles TM, Pilates and Strength training - MTD 33.61
    19th: 4.79 miles, speed training with the club - MTD 38.4
    20th: 0 miles - MTD 38.4
    21st: 4.63 miles Park Run, warm up and cool down - MTD 43.03
    22nd: 5.61 miles - MTD 48.64
    23rd: 1.58 TM miles, Pilates and Strength training - MTD 50.22
    24th: 4.05 miles club run - MTD 54.27
    25th: 0 miles, Pilates and Strength training - MTD
    26th: 0 miles - MTD
    27th: 0 miles - MTD
    28th: 3.2 miles - MTD 56.47
    29th: 0 miles - MTD
    30th: 0 miles, handicapped by Grandma duties - MTD
    31st: 4.86 miles, club handicap a PB and age record! - MTD 61.82

    @MNLittleFinn - thanks for sharing the ITB Rehab stuff!
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member

    In it for 50

    DAY - Miles
    05 - 7.4
    09 - 10.4
    17 - 8.4
    19 - 9.0 rainy day run
    23 - 8.25 ANOTHER rainy day run :angry:
    29 - 3.4 (sun! finally :sunglasses: )
    31 - 8.2 :star: Gong Hay Fat Choy! 新年快乐 (Happy New Year)
    In your face, January!