Anyone Else still feel fat?

I've lost 40lbs I used too weigh 230 and I measure myself constantly but recently I have been gaining inches around my waist even though I am eating healthy, counting calories and working out, is anyone else having problems like this? I am feeling discouraged and angry because I am working so hard and yet I feel like I am taking four steps back.


  • emeraldbullsnake
    emeraldbullsnake Posts: 10 Member
    Dont worry maybe its muscle mass
  • roxvidican
    roxvidican Posts: 74 Member
    Hey! :) I'm totally feeling you! I usually stop weighing and measuring myself around the time of my period, because I retain a lot of water and I get seriously bloated! Keep doing what you're doing and maybe take a short break from measuring/weighing yourself, if you feel discouraged. You've already lost a lot of weight, so try to stay positive and just keep at it! Taking a short break from it might do wonders.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Double check your calorie counting accuracy. You don't typically gain inches around the waist while at a calorie deficit.
    Dont worry maybe its muscle mass

    Not likely.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I've lost 40lbs I used too weigh 230 and I measure myself constantly but recently I have been gaining inches around my waist even though I am eating healthy, counting calories and working out, is anyone else having problems like this? I am feeling discouraged and angry because I am working so hard and yet I feel like I am taking four steps back.

    The bolded is your problem. Once a month will give you a more accurate result as to how your body is responding to your diet and exercise.

    On a daily basis your measurements just the same as your weight will fluctuate.

  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    yes i am down about that much and it does seem that im just as big .. and i am still over weight so i think it just shows me i have more to do ,, from the start i am wearing smaller clothes and have other NSV to be happy about ,, just gotta keep plugging

    good luck
  • vfb0725
    vfb0725 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2017
    I've lost 40lbs I used too weigh 230 and I measure myself constantly but recently I have been gaining inches around my waist even though I am eating healthy, counting calories and working out, is anyone else having problems like this? I am feeling discouraged and angry because I am working so hard and yet I feel like I am taking four steps back.

    I understand where you are coming from; its hard not to "focus and/or concentrate" on how our new eating habit/style continues to impact our body. But, I have to agree with the others. One, measuring yourself constantly. You will not get an accurate reading by doing this, cut back to once a month. Second, as you reduce body fat and continue to exercise, you will gain muscle mass. Self-talk is everything. Rather than focusing on what is NOT happening, focus your self-talk, by telling yourself, EVERYDAY, on the positive things you have done and continue to do. :);)

    good luck and don't give up! Just reprogram your approach