For those of you who re-gained weight

There are a fair number of posts on here that are along the line of - I lost a whole bunch of pounds and then regained most of it and now I'm back. I'm wondering if you would mind to reflect on what happened that you regained the weight? Was there a problem with your original weight loss plan? Was there a problem with maintenance? Did your motivation just dwindle? I have a ways to go before I get into maintenance, but I thought I might be able to get some wisdom or at least things to watch out for :smiley:


  • akamran1
    akamran1 Posts: 78 Member
    For me, it was two things: first, the way I'd lost the weight originally (weight watchers) was unsustainable for me - it's too low fat for me. Second, my weight has always been a barometer of my emotional state, and I experienced multiple bereavements within a short time span.

    I didn't regain all the weight. I joined MFP and track everything (although I just eyeball most of the time; weighing everything is a pain) and the weight - and then some! - has come off.
  • guacamole17
    guacamole17 Posts: 109 Member
    I've lost the same 30 or 35 pounds twice now and regained slowly over years both times. For me, reverting back to my natural, preferred state of being has resulted in gaining the weight back. Whether that's because life got in the way, just overall lack of concern, or just flat frustrated that this takes up so much mind space and wanting to focus on other things.

    Over the past year, I've tried to develop interest in more active hobbies (namely obstacle course racing - Spartan and the like) and feeling less guilty about paying for training, which has helped me focus a little more on strength/endurance/conditioning than just weight (e.g., I can do a crap ton of burpees now, even if I weigh only 10 pounds less than last year, and that's fine with me). I'm using the winter time to hopefully lose a little weight, which will make completing obstacles (those darn ropes and walls and monkey bars) much easier.

    Though I'm struggling with focusing too much on being "the fat one" or "the slowest one", so that's a hurdle for me to overcome.

  • ValHollings
    ValHollings Posts: 1 Member
    An emotional journey, at the end of last year, I had to undergo 6 weeks of radiation therapy for skin the middle of that, my husband fell and broke his femur! So there was never any time to plan meals, I was eating fast food or whatever friends provided. Not a great ending to 2016, or a great start to 2017! But it's a new time, and I have a new outlook, so with MFP, which was so successful in the past, I'll reach my goal before the end of 2017! One day at a time!!!
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    I lost 120 lbs over a 1.5 yr period. Then just gave up trying. I stopped counting calories, watching what I ate, and exercising. I gained 125-130 lbs back over a 2 year period. For me it was that simple, I stopped wanting to keep it off. I am back trying again but with a new view on how to attack this.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,006 Member
    I think the main reason people gain back the weight is that when they reach their goal they celebrate a job well done. They no longer have the aches and pains from when they were bigger. They aren't out of breath anymore. They can do stuff they weren't able to before. They forget what it was like to be larger.

    And the motivation is gone, because they're where they want to be. They just won the Super Bowl. Most people aren't like Tom Brady - they won it, they accomplished what they needed to do. Now they don't have the motivation to keep it up.

    So they go back to they way they were before at the same weight - they don't watch what they eat, and they stop exercising as much. And they don't notice the pounds coming on until they get back to where they were before and have the same problems again.

    BINGO. You nailed it. This is me exactly...

    This time I'm hitting the strength training harder & not all that concerned about what the scale says. I figure if I'm stronger all around with less body fat what is there not to like about
  • sarraheclark
    sarraheclark Posts: 125 Member
    I hit my goal and then lost my motivation since I had no new target.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I think the main reason people gain back the weight is that when they reach their goal they celebrate a job well done. They no longer have the aches and pains from when they were bigger. They aren't out of breath anymore. They can do stuff they weren't able to before. They forget what it was like to be larger.

    And the motivation is gone, because they're where they want to be. They just won the Super Bowl. Most people aren't like Tom Brady - they won it, they accomplished what they needed to do. Now they don't have the motivation to keep it up.

    So they go back to they way they were before at the same weight - they don't watch what they eat, and they stop exercising as much. And they don't notice the pounds coming on until they get back to where they were before and have the same problems again.

    Yes- viewing it as a short-term project of achieving a weight loss goal, as opposed to a long-term project of maintaining a healthy weight for the rest of your life.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I lost weight before, just on my own. Stopped trying and it came back. I didn't have a goal in mind, didn't have a plan besides lose weight and didn't really have any tools to help.

    I guess time will only tell if this time is different. I think it will be as I have a much better understanding of weight loss and what I need to do to keep it off. I've been lurking in the maintenance forum (I'm not at my GW yet) and making sure I have a solid plan in place for maintenance. Even if it means I continue to use my food scale for years to come.

    I don't want the weight back. I'm down 66 lbs as of today and that is 20% of my body gone. I don't want any of that back.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited February 2017
    I lost ~50 pounds in 2014, maintained in 2015, and regained 10-12 in 2016. Now I'm getting it back off.

    What worked in 2015? I stayed active, kept logging. I found physical feats to focus on since weight loss was no longer a goal. I did a half marathon in Feb, a 10k in July, and a half marathon in Oct. What went wrong in 2016? Fell off track with my activity, partially because my husband did and instead of keeping my goals front & center I slacked off. I still considered myself in maintenance, though here & there I'd try to maintain a deficit but within 2-3 weeks I'd slack off on that too. With less activity, and slacking on tracking, I was heading in the wrong direction. End of 2016: I decided I was no longer in maintenance and needed to get back in weight loss mode. And needed to make me a priority, regardless of what hubby was doing. So I let my family know my goals, and I found a 10k for the spring to help me focus on my activity. Now I'm back to running 2x during the week, hitting my calorie burn goals every day, and doing a long run on weekends. And I'm down a few of the 10-12 pounds I picked up. Feel strong.

    What do I personally need to do to maintain weight? I need to stay active. For me, that means having 5k, 10k, or half marathon events thru the year to help keep me focused. If I'm not active, then my body at maintenance w/ a desk job and 1 hour each way commute only burns about 1400-1500 per day. And I'd rather be active as it has multiple health benefits than always eat 1400-1500.
    vanmep wrote: »
    There are a fair number of posts on here that are along the line of - I lost a whole bunch of pounds and then regained most of it and now I'm back. I'm wondering if you would mind to reflect on what happened that you regained the weight? Was there a problem with your original weight loss plan? Was there a problem with maintenance? Did your motivation just dwindle? I have a ways to go before I get into maintenance, but I thought I might be able to get some wisdom or at least things to watch out for :smiley:

  • jessicalferrara
    jessicalferrara Posts: 59 Member
    I have been up and down on the scale more times than I care to remember. The biggest problem for me, as most have said, is that once you hit your goal, you stop trying so hard. I lost my weight a few times with Weight Watchers, but then I stopped counting my points, and stopped caring. I would eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and had no concern about what I was doing to myself. This time around, I have found a workout that I absolutely love, and can see myself doing it for a long time to come, and I'm trying MFP to switch it up and see if counting calories is better than counting points. In any event, this will be the last time I do this to myself because going up and down 40 pounds is not good for me physically or mentally.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I lost 60+ lbs around 2011-2012. It was pretty extreme, I was a senior in high school so I had a lot of free time to exercise plus was taking P.E. classes, and I didn't go out with friends often so I never had a whole lot of food temptation to throw me off track. I was eating much too little and exercising a ton. I averaged a 3 lb loss per week, pretty drastic for being under 200 lbs even at my heaviest.
    I'm not sure I ever really decided I was "done" losing. Around the time I reached my lowest weight I was in a relationship and graduated from high school, so I was eating a lot more and exercising a lot less. Once I started gaining some weight back it snowballed, I got upset with myself daily and stopped running all together and started binge eating regularly. Pretty soon I had gained 50 lbs, and added another 30 over the next few years.
    I think a large part of regaining for me was that I had such laser focus when I was losing and it was not maintainable. It would have taken me a long time to figure out how to transition what I was doing to figuring out maintenance that didn't involve hours of exercise a day.
    I have learned a lot since then though. I look forward to an easy transition into maintenance now that I've found an exercise routine I enjoy and will continue in the future, and eat at a moderate deficit. My goal is to some day be able to maintain without logging, but I know that I may have to at least track loosely for a while before I can handle that.
  • FoxyMars25
    FoxyMars25 Posts: 112 Member
    Between April 2012 and December 2013, I lost about 66 pounds total. Started at 211 and went down to 145. I did it mostly on my own, with a lot of research and only counted calories for a few months of that time (because I actually was not eating enough). I lost the weight by working out 5-6 days a week, eliminating wine during the week (but allowing it on weekends), and just eating healthier foods. Then in January 2014, I started dating my current boyfriend and ever since then, my weight loss not only stopped but I have gained about 20 pounds back DESPITE the fact that I still continue to work out 5-6 days a week (with even more HIIT and heavier weight lifting) and still eating healthy. The problem is, my boyfriend, who is living with me, does not have very good habits and that has affected me. He does not watch what he eats and he does not work out and it has hurt my motivation. Although I hardly ever miss a work out because I love exercise, over the last 3 years, I definitely have been drinking more and sometimes he suggests we order pizza or chinese (something I NEVER would have done when I lived by myself) and I don't always say no, like I should. In addition to that, I went on Welbutrin in 2015 and gained 10 pounds in one month while on that, so I stopped taking it but have not been able to lose the weight. I also quit smoking in November 2015 and of course, immediately put on weight after that. I also have struggled with anxiety and depression most of my life and that got much better when I lost the 66 pounds but since I have re-gained 20, my depression and anxiety have come back full force. I am so annoyed because I work out hard, eat healthier than most people I know (even WITH the pizza/chinese nights every once in awhile), say no to all the donuts/bagels/pizza that my co-workers bring to the office, get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, and my weight will not budge. So I am back on here and counting calories/macros and weighing my food because I refuse to get back to where I was before. I hate doing it because I didn't have to count calories or weigh my food before and doing so makes me obsessive and just plain pissed (my skinny friends don't have to weigh their freaking food!), but I don't know what else to do at this point.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Yup. I lost 28 pounds from 2013-2014. Gained about 15 pounds back in 2015. Lost about 5 of that and maintained it in 2016 and now it's slowly coming off again.

    What happened? I stopped caring about my diet. I still worked out, but I was eating poorly and mostly in a surplus, while tellying lying to myself I was in a deficit. Right at the end of 2015, I hurt my back which made it hard to stick to my workout plan. So now in 2016, I'm injured AND eating mostly over my calorie goal. Mind you, I still ate good foods...I just ate too much of them.

    Right after Thanksgiving 2016, I finally said enough was enough and started to care about my diet again. I also got treatment for my back issues and changed my workouts to work around my pain. I've lost 8 pounds since then and I'm only 8 pounds from where I was in 2014.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    I don't know if this is true of others, but age has played a big role for me this time around. I feel like I can't afford to play around with losing & regaining anymore. Sometimes I see younger people with posts like you mentioned and think, if only they could appreciate *now* how much harder this process will become in another 10-20 years, when age & weight related health issues kick in, they would be much more vigilant.

    ^This^ for me as well. I started losing on with MFP in 2013, lost 30 pounds, lost motivation for whatever reason, gained 20+ back, and at 62 the weight was really starting to affect me physically, more than anytime in the past: sore knees and hips, elevated cholesterol #s, acid reflux. I was in denial about all of it. Fast forward to today, down 60 pounds total, less than I've weighed in over 35 years, I'm off all meds. I can't and won't ever go back. Failure in my remaining years is not an option. My motivation now is a climbing trip this summer with my 45 year old son and hopefully this will become an annual tradition, impossible if I don't keep the weight off. OP, do this while you're young so you don't have regrets later about waiting so long.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Mine was a combination of things. I started a new job with long hours and a relatively high degree of stress. Suddenly I found myself overwhelmed and the thought of meal planning and exercise were just too much. In retrospect, those things are obviously NOT what you want to let fall by the wayside in a high stress situation.

    I was also a bit burned out on tracking my food. I lost 56 pounds here on MFP over a period of about 15 months but I was bored and maybe a bit too confident in my ability to maintain (obviously!) I haven't gained it all back, but enough. Older and wiser now :smile: