How to fill something that never feels full

TrishaBrink Posts: 7 Member
I wish I could trade food addiction for any other addiction! If you're addicted to anything else... cigarettes, drugs, porn, shopping, whatever... you can literally wake up tomorrow, quit doing those things, and still live to see another day. The sucky thing about food addiction is that we have to eat to survive, so I can't just "stop eating". The even suckier thing about food addiction is that I literally can't stop eating! Lol... Every bite is just thrown into the mass abyss of my stomach and I am never full! At least when I'm eating proteins and vegetables, I stop after one plate because I don't enjoy that type of food; but I never stop eating out of fullness. I'm only on day 2 and I know my stomach will shrink in time, but being hungry is no fun!

I guess I should focus on the outcome, instead of the day-by-day struggle. Even if I get down to my weight loss goal, every choice after that is still going to matter in order to keep the weight off. It's a good thing we can support one another here. Taking on that kind of lifelong challenge alone can be a little daunting to say the least. But anyway, today was a successful day. I stuck to a high protein, low carb meal plan. I chewed my food extensively before swallowing, and got my exercise in for the day. Day 3... Here I come!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you have an actual food addiction you should see a therapist
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    If you have an actual food addiction you should see a therapist

    Yeah, this is true.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    Also.... drink plenty of water
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    Your stomach doesnt actually stretch you know.. I mean there is nothing to "shrink".. If you constantly over stuff yourself, you lose sensation and after awhile its like having a dead nerve. You dont feel it so you keep eating until you do. Overeating is generally caused by something psychological in your life. Stress, depression, fear, anxiety.. coping.. etc etc. You need a new coping mechanism. I found the best way to deal with food addiction is to not have access to it. Eventually.. over many.. many.. Oh god so many months, you wake up one day realizing, you arent hungry. Well, except for your normal breakfast.

    If its possible, NEVER buy easy access foods. Buy ingredients so you have to make food everytime you are hungry.
    1. Extra exercise standing at the stove.
    2. You may change your mind if faced with standing in front of the stove
    3. healthier in the long run and YOU SEE what goes into it. None of those nasty bp or red dye crap which ALSO gets you ADDICTED to foods! Yup.. you ween yourself of the DRUGS in your packaged foods!

    I did this with two young kids. Most people try to use the excuse they cant because they have kids. Surprise! Packaged foods didnt exist in the 1800's! YES YOU CAN! Husbands are a different problem. They can get crybaby and naggy and even right jack A$$e$ over losing their snacks. With kids you can tell them to suck it up butter cup.. with husbands.. not as easy. So either he will be supportive, or you tell him to keep his junk food under lock and key so you dont have access to them. I had to do this with my now EX. He was not supportive at all. I stopped craving the poison in foods after about 4 months.
  • TrishaBrink
    TrishaBrink Posts: 7 Member
    I wish I could trade food addiction for any other addiction! If you're addicted to anything else... cigarettes, drugs, porn, shopping, whatever... you can literally wake up tomorrow, quit doing those things, and still live to see another day.

    Must be one of the most silly, uninformed remarks I have read on this board. And I have read many.
    Clearly you have never dealt with somebody that has an addiction.
    After this ignorant remark I just stopped reading

    Maybe you should've kept reading and actually understood the words I was writing... I never once said that quitting any addiction was easy... I was simply saying that you won't die without cigarettes, drugs, porn, shopping, etc. You actually need food to survive so you might want to keep reading and figure out what a want is verses a need. Have a splendid day!
  • TrishaBrink
    TrishaBrink Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2017
  • TrishaBrink
    TrishaBrink Posts: 7 Member
    I'm just curious... how much were you eating, and how much are you trying to eat now?

    (And on a side note... People who have real addictions - cigarettes, porn, drugs, whatever - they CAN'T just literally wake up tomorrow and quit. If they could, it wouldn't be an addiction).

    I'm honestly not sure how much I was eating before starting the program, but the un-full feeling was always there, no matter if I was eating everything I wanted verses now only eating 1200 a day.

    I never said it would be easy for people with these addictions to just wake up and quit having an addiction... I was saying that people can't live without food, but they can live without other addictions. If you don't eat for long enough... you will die. The way to overcome those types of addictions is to gradually stop doing them. I was simply stating that it was harder to overcome food addiction because you can't stop eating.... You need food to live.
  • TrishaBrink
    TrishaBrink Posts: 7 Member
    Look into Paleo as developed and explained by Loren Cordain. Don't read the opportunistic authors who came after him and have piggybacked his work and turned it into their own idea of Paleo resulting in a business empire that turns huge profits. Look into Cordain on Youtube and his books on Amazon.

    Thanks so much for the info! I'm listening to him on YouTube right now!
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    I'm just curious... how much were you eating, and how much are you trying to eat now?

    (And on a side note... People who have real addictions - cigarettes, porn, drugs, whatever - they CAN'T just literally wake up tomorrow and quit. If they could, it wouldn't be an addiction).

    I'm honestly not sure how much I was eating before starting the program, but the un-full feeling was always there, no matter if I was eating everything I wanted verses now only eating 1200 a day.

    I never said it would be easy for people with these addictions to just wake up and quit having an addiction... I was saying that people can't live without food, but they can live without other addictions. If you don't eat for long enough... you will die. The way to overcome those types of addictions is to gradually stop doing them. I was simply stating that it was harder to overcome food addiction because you can't stop eating.... You need food to live.

    Of course you need food to live but you don't need ALL foods. You can start by cutting those out. Your so called "food addiction" is not any harder to overcome then any other.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,607 Member
    I'm just curious... how much were you eating, and how much are you trying to eat now?

    (And on a side note... People who have real addictions - cigarettes, porn, drugs, whatever - they CAN'T just literally wake up tomorrow and quit. If they could, it wouldn't be an addiction).

    I'm honestly not sure how much I was eating before starting the program, but the un-full feeling was always there, no matter if I was eating everything I wanted verses now only eating 1200 a day.

    I never said it would be easy for people with these addictions to just wake up and quit having an addiction... I was saying that people can't live without food, but they can live without other addictions. If you don't eat for long enough... you will die. The way to overcome those types of addictions is to gradually stop doing them. I was simply stating that it was harder to overcome food addiction because you can't stop eating.... You need food to live.

    Understood... but I think the point people are trying to make is that to the addict - their mind believes that they WILL die without the source of their addiction. Technically, you can go 40+ days without food, so really... you could quit cold turkey if you wanted. (Not advising this! LOL)

    That point aside...

    Do you mind if I ask you your stats? (current weight, height, age, activity levels and goal weight/timeframe?)
    You may never feel full, but if your cals are being dropped too significantly for your current weight (or if your goal is too aggressive, it could totally exacerbate the problem of feeling not full enough.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,607 Member
    Also, how much water (not pop, juice, coffee) do you drink each day? Many times the dehydration cues are mistaken for hunger and we eat, when really our body is screaming for hydration. If you're not getting at least 2L a day - you'll feel hungrier.

    *note: getting enough water is a huge struggle for me, but when I get enough, I often feel so full I couldn't possibly eat
  • Tretop76
    Tretop76 Posts: 256 Member
    You're a rebel. You don't want to be told what to do, when to do it, how to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, and especially what to eat!
    I'm the same way and the only logical thing is when you get ready to take control of your life, you and only you will succeed to have control to say no to yourself. It's very hard to tell ourselves no, but once you start and STAY with it, you will see success! We are our biggest saboteurs. I just am being real with you, not trying to be rude or anything. And if you're not a rebel, then sorry about that. Reading what you wrote, I identified with you.
  • TrishaBrink
    TrishaBrink Posts: 7 Member
    Tretop76 wrote: »
    You're a rebel. You don't want to be told what to do, when to do it, how to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, and especially what to eat!
    I'm the same way and the only logical thing is when you get ready to take control of your life, you and only you will succeed to have control to say no to yourself. It's very hard to tell ourselves no, but once you start and STAY with it, you will see success! We are our biggest saboteurs. I just am being real with you, not trying to be rude or anything. And if you're not a rebel, then sorry about that. Reading what you wrote, I identified with you.

    No offense taken at all! You're actually the only person that took what I said and understood what I meant so thanks for your input!
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    Tretop76 wrote: »
    You're a rebel. You don't want to be told what to do, when to do it, how to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, and especially what to eat!
    I'm the same way and the only logical thing is when you get ready to take control of your life, you and only you will succeed to have control to say no to yourself. It's very hard to tell ourselves no, but once you start and STAY with it, you will see success! We are our biggest saboteurs. I just am being real with you, not trying to be rude or anything. And if you're not a rebel, then sorry about that. Reading what you wrote, I identified with you.

    You've hit the nail on the head there. It is like if someone says "don't eat that you're getting fat" but I then think **** you!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You do not have a "food addiction", stop kidding yourself. You are simply immersed in bad habits. You do not go into withdrawal from eating better, like you would from stopping heroin. Let's dispense with the silly buzzwords and save the term "addiction" for...ya know, ACTUAL chemically-dependent addictions.