That moment when...

You know for a fact you're losing weight because clothes fit better, you feel better and are more energetic, but your scale doesn't budge at all and you question if it's broken? So you then step on a different scale and it says the same thing.

That's my most frustrating moment of weight loss.

I counteract it by telling myself that I'm eating healthy and I try to notice the other benefits of weight loss that I am experiencing and just figure that someday my scale will catch up to the truth, lol.

What is your most frustrating moment of weight loss? What do you do to overcome it and keep going on your journey?


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    Problem is most of us only measure success by the scales, when in fact there are so many other indicators of success. We can use as well measurements, clothing size, reduced blood pressure levels, improved cholesterol levels, increased fluid intake, improved walking or jogging times or distances, etc etc etc.

    Don't let the scale be the sole indicator of success.
  • aki619
    aki619 Posts: 15 Member
    I agree that stepping on the scale week after week and not seeing it budge is the most frustrating feeling out there. But like poster above me said, the scale is certainly not the sole indicator of success. I have a pair of pants that I call my "goal pants". They hang in my closet so I can see them every day when I get dressed. On Sundays, when I weight myself, I put the pants on. If they go on a little smoother than the week before, or they can go a bit higher, I call that a win for the week. Also keep in mind that your body could be redistributing your weight. It is possible that you've gotten rid of some fat, but maintained that weight with muscle mass.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    edited February 2017
    Problem is most of us only measure success by the scales, when in fact there are so many other indicators of success. We can use as well measurements, clothing size, reduced blood pressure levels, improved cholesterol levels, increased fluid intake, improved walking or jogging times or distances, etc etc etc.

    Don't let the scale be the sole indicator of success.

    This! The scale is simply a tool to help you track your progress. Ditto BF% measurements and everything else mentioned above. Losing weight isn't always easy, but it doesn't have to be maddening experience. One way to ensure it'll be maddening is by continuing to have an emotional attachment to the numbers on the scale. ;)
  • CoastalKatnip
    CoastalKatnip Posts: 28 Member
    Frustrating moment eh? Similar to you I tried watching what I was eating. Making it better for me and going to the gym multiple times a week. Went down a notch in my belt which made me excited. One of my rings got a little more wiggle room and the scale even went down a little. All good things right? Got on the "professional" scale today. The one that says the BMI, lean muscle vs fat etc. Difference of 6 and not the good kind. Made me think if it is like this now how much worse was it a month ago? All the acheivments I thought I landed instantly went down the drain and the self loathing started again. I know the whole don't focus on the numbers focus on the feel but when the profession gives you that "look" it is really hard to.
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    You know for a fact you're losing weight because clothes fit better, you feel better and are more energetic, but your scale doesn't budge at all and you question if it's broken? So you then step on a different scale and it says the same thing.

    That's my most frustrating moment of weight loss.

    I counteract it by telling myself that I'm eating healthy and I try to notice the other benefits of weight loss that I am experiencing and just figure that someday my scale will catch up to the truth, lol.

    What is your most frustrating moment of weight loss? What do you do to overcome it and keep going on your journey?

    You will have days where you retain a lot of water. Especially if you are going a little carb heavy. And honestly don't ever let scale get you down. Count your calories, eat healthy, and smile back at the energetic, healthy person in front of you in the mirror :smile: