I just want to write down my goals

One very interesting thing that I have seen here has been monthly resolutions which I think are fascinating. I only did the new year's resolutions. Here there are:
1. Do excersise the 7 days of the first week of Jan - check
2. Do at least 20 min cardio 5 days in a week- I am doing a lot more. I thougth I was not capable. I am doing 6 days cardio and whole body workouts for 45 mins
3. Make better choices in terms of food - I cant believe that I have been able to stay away from sweets!!
4. Do 100 days of excersise before the end of April - Wow! 28 days this month. My goals was 20 days.
5. Lose 22 pounds. So far I hace lost 5 pounds. Slower than I thought, but it is ok.

My main motivation to start making chabges was that I was always tired. My energy level improves drastically over the first week. The other motivation is that after 30 increase the probability of having any chronic illness and you start loosing muscle tissue. It was impossible to continue living the way I was.

Feb goals
1. Maintain the goals above for feb
2. Lose at least 5 more pounds

What do you think???


  • DarkerIncubi
    DarkerIncubi Posts: 2 Member
    I think your goals are mostly very healthy. You don't mention your current weight and height so it's hard to say if the goal of losing 22# is healthy or not.

    I personally stopped setting time-based weight loss goals. I just got worried when it looked like I wasn't going to make the goal. I took a long term view and as long as the weight trend was down I was happy.
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    i find rest days as important, as exercise
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I like specific, measurable and realistic behavior goals. (A modification of the SMART criteria.)
  • Myki3012
    Myki3012 Posts: 152 Member
    HappyGrape wrote: »
    i find rest days as important, as exercise

    Rest days are like what haloumi is to a good burger.

    Your goals sound good. I'd recommend changing up your cardio by halfing the days and little more multiplying the time you spend on cardio if you find yourself tiring going five days a week.
  • yaiedel
    yaiedel Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. My height is 5'2". I will be fine with 120 pounds.
    In terms of rest days, I have one day a week. Because I am doing different exercises everyday, I am not exercising the same muscles.
    So far I have not felt tired. Totally the oposite! I have now more energy during the day.
    It is true thar about having a deadline to loose weight. I wish to lose 5 pounds in feb, but it can be slower. Lets see. I am definetively measuring progress with other things than my weight. For ex, energy level and inches.

  • FFeric
    FFeric Posts: 100 Member
    Reasonable, achievable goals are the way to go. Breaking them down with specific strategies makes it easier, I think. 5 pound in a month is a really good month...if all you wanted to do is lose 22 then you're well on your way! congrats!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    edited February 2017
    I actually made a thread on this:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • gnheller
    gnheller Posts: 12 Member
    It's the sweets that make you tired and listless. Cut them out and your energy levels soar! Keep up the good work. Make sure you drink a good protein shake within 1 hour of working out and Gold Standard whey protein is a great product that you can trust.
  • yaiedel
    yaiedel Posts: 10 Member
    I feel proud of my accomplishments. Writing goals down with specific strategies has helped a lot.

    Sweets!!!! They are vampires!!! I have not been eating sweets and I can tell the difference in my energy. It is horrible how sweets make you feel!!

    I am occassionally drinking Slim Fast. I do not know if I should be doing anything besides that.

    Thank you all for your answers!!!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    Your goals are great! Only one concern: If you only have around 17 pounds total left to lose (22-5), then losing 5 pounds in a month would be a very fast rate of weight loss. While losing 1% of your body weight per week (max) is a rough rule of thumb, close to goal it may be healthier to target something closer to 0.5 pounds a week.

    Why? The thinner you are, the less fat you have left. For each pound of fat you have, you can metabolize only a small amount daily. Beyond that, you risk losing more lean tissue, which you don't want. So, being more cautious at lower weights can give you a margin of safety.