Looking for others to join me on this journey.

Riissiie Posts: 7 Member
edited February 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Well, I've been gone for a bit but I am back and going to try my hardest to stick to this. I'm not only doing this for me but for my 6 year old twins. Would love to meet some people to go on this journey with. Help keep each other motivated!


  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Hey there. 31 year old mother of 2. Married for 14 years. Looking to lose Around 100 lbs.

    Always looking for supportive friends to help make this journey awesome.
  • Riissiie
    Riissiie Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there. 31 year old mother of 2. Married for 14 years. Looking to lose Around 100 lbs.

    Always looking for supportive friends to help make this journey awesome.

    I am a 31 year old mother of 2 as well! Only difference is I am just getting out of a 16 year relationship/marriage!
  • 4BabiesStrong
    4BabiesStrong Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello there, I am about to be 45yo (2-21), Married-Army-Deployed-Mom of 4, 10 & 4 yr old sons and 2 1/2 yr old twin girls. I am looking for support on my journey to lose 50 lbs. I am down about 15, started at 200. Nice to meet you.
  • Riissiie
    Riissiie Posts: 7 Member
    Hello there, I am about to be 45yo (2-21), Married-Army-Deployed-Mom of 4, 10 & 4 yr old sons and 2 1/2 yr old twin girls. I am looking for support on my journey to lose 50 lbs. I am down about 15, started at 200. Nice to meet you.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • allhiscreations
    allhiscreations Posts: 5 Member
    Im back too. I have managed to stay close to my goal..but..struggling. im starting back to ww meeting this next monday.
    I have been thinging about the word: CHOOSE!
    we choose so.. many things in life. Usually there is a reason..and usually we need to stop and think...before we choose. So:
    1. UNREALISTICLY we can choose to lose weight so we can" look like"....so and so! OR...please so and so! Or..so we can do more ..or..go more...on it goes!
  • jenniencole
    jenniencole Posts: 4 Member
    Hope I'm doing this in the right spot lol I'm also looking for support people I've been using this app on and off for 6ish months I've been back to it for about 3 or 4 weeks I'm so close to being under 200lbs and this is usually where I get stuck I'm supper excited cause I haven't been able to get under 200lbs in probably 6 yrs I'll b turning 32 in 11 days and the hubby wants us to have a cheat day but I'm worried that, that is a bad idea since I'm so close. Sorry for the rambling lol
  • GeorgeRose0
    GeorgeRose0 Posts: 2 Member
    saw your post figured i'd say hi. 36 year old dad of a 6 and 2 year old also recently out of a 15 year marriage its funny how you want to get into shape when life tosses you a curve ball. personally i'm looking to look better and i figure my health will get dragged along with it lol
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    Always looking for support! I've been tracking for about 5 months but just started getting involved in the community part of MFP.
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi all...I'll join you guys on your journey! Add me as friend on here please. I use a misfit tracker same user name if anybody wants to add me there as well.
  • linda212121
    linda212121 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi everyone I would be glad to have you all add me as I'm 28 days into this app .