Call me crazy...

Hello all,

I'm Kevin. I guess I will share my goal/plan with everyone.

Needless to say, I've set the bar high. My goal is to lose 20lbs a month (50lbs total--estimate). It's hard to gauge my ideal weight as I've been athletic all my life and have done weight training for nearly a decade. I don't think my weight could/should fall below 200lbs. That will be something to realize when I'm closer to that number.

Now, I'm not going to starve myself. I have 4 snacks a day: variety of clif bars, special k meal bars, single serving bag of sun chips, pop chips, or pretzels.

I always have one solid meal a day. My favorite meal is 1/2lb of skinless chicken breast, 1 yellow potato, 5oz of portabella mushrooms, all diced, sauteed with black and red pepper (no oil or butter) and then simmered in 6oz of Seeds of Change Certified Organic Indian Madras Simmer Sauce. I could eat that meal everyday. I usually prepare twice the portion listed and save half to heat up the next day.

I have a Vibrant Health-Green Vibrance shake everyday. 3 Optimum Nutrition multivitamins, I have supplements for potassium and omega-3,-6,-9 fatty acids. And fiber husk if deficient from the days snacks and meal. I'm meeting and occasionally exceeding all my daily nutritional requirements.

I jog 6 days a week, do weight training with kettle bells 2-3 times a week--all outside in the Texas heat. (I won't spend more than an hour exercising in one given day).

I feel great. Usually, I will treat myself once a week to a meal of indulgence. That way I can stir up my metabolism and also better keep myself interested and motivated.

I have 2-3 cups of coffee a day with about 4 servings of non-dairy creamer total. And about 4-8 glasses of red wine a week (no more than 2 glasses a day). I have a minimum of 6 glasses of water a day. I usually buy the flavored sparkling water from Kroger, which has 0 calories, sodium, sugar, etc.

Thanks to my many years of exercise and dieting, I've got a solid comprehension of health and fitness requirements. I've worked up this diet making sure I don't leave myself deficient in nutrients. I appreciate MFP for helping me easily keep track of my caloric intake and I also use the CardioTrainer app for Android to help track my workouts.

I hope this post was beneficial to anyone. I will let everyone who's interest know how my diet and exercise plan go.


  • MrKevboto
    MrKevboto Posts: 12
    I forgot to provide a little history about myself. When I was 19 I had a peak weight of over 400lbs. I had a scale that maxed out at 400lbs and when I stepped on it it gave an over limit error. So, I don't know exactly how much I weighed.

    At 19, I realized I needed to change. So, I bought a weight bench and a treadmill and started working out. I did a diet that was 80% liquid nutrition. I didn't consult anyone. I shut everyone and everything out for 2 years. That was a mistake. I had serious nutritional deficiencies and I suffered them for 2 years. It wasn't until I went for a check up that I realized I was malnourished. Fortunately, I didn't suffer any negative effects.

    I managed to get my weight down to 205lbs in 2 years (loss of 200lbs+).

    That was 6 years ago. I got a night job and went to school and the balance encouraged me to eat unhealthy. I gained an average of 10lbs a year until I graduated (work prolonged graduation--don't judge). So, now I'm at it again.

    However, this time I am educated.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member

    Sorry you posted call me crazy so I did LOL!! Although it sound like you have everything accounted for 20lbs a month is fast pace I would say talk to your doctor about your plan and getting his/her idea on it. Otherwise good luck and keep us posted!