Chiquitos tomorrow calorie help!

Ive been doing so well and lost 16lb in 35 days just eating better and walking a few times a week but im going to Chiquitos with my husbands family tomorrow and am worried about the menu- there are no calories anywhere so im planning my meal before we go and also watching my morning and lunch meals so ill have a few more calories to play with. I was thinking a rib eye steak with salad and roasted vegetables and ill see if anyone will split a cheesecake with me


  • aprilderulo
    aprilderulo Posts: 15 Member
    But that comes to 1100ish cals just on its own so looking for any alternatives people can recommend! Xxx
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I used to panic about things like this too. Your plan sounds good, but enjoy the meal and eat what you want, then get back to your normal eating the next day.
  • aprilderulo
    aprilderulo Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah i was thinking maybe just eat what i fancy but dont go ott
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    Yeah i was thinking maybe just eat what i fancy but dont go ott

    as long as you try to log it and your overall week is still at a deficit it's not going to be the end of the world. I managed to fit Dominos and 2 nights eating out into my weekly plan last week. Can't just put life on hold while you're trying to change your lifestyle you've just got to learn to factor it in and try and balance it out. Even if you eat at maintenance a day, here and there through the month it shouldn't affect you adversely in the long run.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Yep, Chiquitos stressed me out too!
    log as best you can (my meal of southern fried chicken, cheese and pulled pork with half a garlic bread starter and the trimmings came to 1600ish), but balanced it out by not eating exercise calories back that week and it worked grand.
    I wasn't going to have the chips and onion rings and slaw, but when I was there I kinda had a 'sod it I want a nice meal out without worrying' feeling.
    Felt a bit over full but not guilty!

    Enjoy your meal out primarily :smiley:
  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    This is what I would do...substitute a sirloin or filet for the ribeye - that alone will save a boat load of cals and you still get your steak. Ribeyes are great, of course, but very caloric, so you don't get as much bang for your buck; therefore, I generally go with the sirloin or filet. I like doing my leftover-sirloin-meal-plan as described below, so I go with that quite often.

    Get your salad dressing on the side and dip your forkfuls. Same for any other sauces you may use. Skip the cheesecake and get a small cup of soft serve ice cream on the way home.

    Eat only until you feel comfortably full - not stuffed. Plan to bring home a good portion of your steak so you can have a steak sandwich or burrito the next day. Go ahead get the onions, cheese, bread or tortilla, etc. so you have what you need to make it and are looking forward to it so you won't be tempted to eat the whole steak that night at the restaurant.

    Boom! We just cut our cals back by a metric ton and still had a yummy dinner, a fun evening out, and a delicious meal planned for later. :-)