Slow Fat Triathlete- in training.

Hello brave warriors.
I am Athene' and qualify as an Athena in the triathlon category by plenty. Lets say 70 lbs. I have resurrected my dream of doing a triathlon (sprint) and have started training. Though I promised myself that I would try and stay off the scale I have been unsuccessful. Not sure why it isn't moving. But I won't let this deter me.

I am looking for other slow fat triathletes. If this term offends you I apologize it's the title of the book I'm reading by Jayne Williams.

I would like to find support and advice from those who have gone before me. And for the times when my head starts to doubt my body. I am excited and determined.
I live in AZ. Looking forward to making new friends with similair goals.


  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Good for you! I admire your determination and you can do it. I did a tri-it triathlon last year, it was great. Except for the swimming I am not a swimmer so that is where I lost my time. Just practice, don't worry about time now just being able to do the distances. Then your time will start improving as your conditioning improves. And remember you are winner as soon as you cross the finish line no matter the time.
  • stephanielueras
    stephanielueras Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi there! I live in AZ as well! ( Lake Havasu City)--I'm 140lbs down, 145 to go on my journey and I run. A couple half marathons down, training now for the Toughman AZ Triathlon here in March (relay team, I'm just taking the running leg). Slow and fat here--and still conquering my goals! Happy to be a support and encouragement when needed. I don't interact much on MFP, but this post caught my eye--I'm more active on Facebook or email, drop me a message for details.
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    Hello Athene! I may not be 100% in the fat category but I'm for sure in the slow category. I've done a few sprints, and olys and can't get fast to save my soul. But I keep trying and I'm stepping up to a half distance this season.....wetsuit legal :) Good luck to you!
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Hello! I'm not (and never will be) a triathlete, but I'm a formerly fat cyclist and bike racer who's trying to get the last few pounds off to get down to "true" race weight. 5'9", I started riding bikes at about 235 lbs. Did my first race, a 3 hour mountain bike race, at probably 215 lbs. That was back in 2012. These days I'm racing time trials, road races, criteriums, cyclocross, and mountain bikes at around 180 lbs why trying to get down to 165.

    You can do it! Get a good plan, stick to it, progress will come. Don't be too aggressive on the goals. It takes time.

    Good luck!
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    Hello Athene! I did a tri-a-tri when I turned 40 (almost 8 years ago) and would like to get on track to do a triathlon the year I turn 50. I am also slow .... and not fat but not as fit as I could be :-)
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Did this a couple of years ago, and as long as you look at yourself as the goal, rather than aim to finish first, you can do this. There are a lot of training programs available, which are from "couch to tri" (12 week programs and up), and help you to get to the distances and the transitions. It has been my finest experience when I finished, and walked on cloud 9 for a couple of days. You can do it, but focus on your own achievement
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    Athenas are awesome! I did a sprint last year when I was 220 lbs. I'd started training at 248. I looked at the data afterwards and was pleased to find that while I finished in the bottom third, my run time was actually in the top third! Gotta find my wins where I can! It was great fun and everyone was super supportive! Good luck, and enjoy it!