It's working! Now I need some more friends!

I have been on MFP since the first week of July, 2011. I've logged my food daily, exercised and have lost 5.8 pounds! I believe in positive encouragement, reality checks and keeping the fatih. My biggest a-ha moment so far has been calorie counting and realizing HOW MUCH I must have been eating before! Scary!
I'm 42, a Single Mom to a great, super active 11 year old boy and work full time. It's way too easy to just eat whatever and not exercise. I had a million excuses. But, I want to be healthy, be a great example, and be able to keep up all the things I want to do in life!
We can do this! Whether you've got 5 or 75 pounds to go, join me on this new healthy lifestyle quest and let us keep the faith together!


  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there and welcome to MFP! :D

    I join you on the million excuses part, I've been using MFP for on and off a few months now, I lost about a stone before starting to use MFP but I find it helps to have some people to spur you on and sometimes, just someone to talk to.

    I'll be your friend! *hug*

    I'm a 26 year old Scottish chick who is living with her partner of 3 years with a cat if that helps any hah!

    Lots of love

    Gemma xx
  • AnuMe901
    AnuMe901 Posts: 44
    Welcome :) This site is full of great people.
  • Hello, my name is Rita. I joined this site a few months ago because of a couple of co-workers who were doing great with their weight loss after joining this site. But I didn't follow thur on recording my food and exercises. Matter of fact I still wasn't eating right or exercising. I had a talk with my doctor yesterday and found out that I need to get serious about eating healthy and exercising. So I decided to start today with recording everything, eating right and exercising. I think this site will be a great asset to all of us. I will be your friend of encouragement if you like.:smile:
  • jaime1422
    jaime1422 Posts: 4
    welcome, I am also fairly new to this site!
  • Fuzzy68
    Fuzzy68 Posts: 9
    Hello..Ive just joined today....Still finding my way around :smile:
  • CarrieAnne22
    CarrieAnne22 Posts: 231 Member
    Welcome! I'm also fairly new. I joined last year and almost immediately after, in mid-October, was involved in a pretty serious car accident. My activity level changed drastically after the accident and not only did i not lose any of the weight I had been wanting to, but an additional 20 or so pounds found their way onto my scale. I had just decided to start P90X this week and out of nowhere an ex-coworker texted me yesterday asking me about 'that site where you log all your activity, diet, etc'. Eureka!!! So i'm back and gonna make another full-force attempt at doing things the right way! My RL friends aren't that much support, since none of them have really faced the same weight difficulties, so i would love the chance to be your friend and be part of a mutually supportive relationship. Sounds like you are on the right track, keep with it! Best of luck to you and I hope to see you around again soon :smile:
  • Hello guys, sorry you haven't heard from me since my first post, just been a little busy. I have been posting daily on my calorie log and exercise log. I had lost 8 lbs in five weeks, then I gained 5 of it back ( I think it was fluid). I weighted myself this morning and found that I have lost a total of 10 lbs since July 19th. My kids are proud of me and I am proud of myself. It's hard trying to count every calorie but it is worth it. I found that writing everything down keeps you accountable. You don't want to go over your alloted calories and carbs.

    So far I've only been walking on my threadmill four to five times a week and it has been helping but, I think its time for me to add some other exercises to it. I have some exercise dvds that I am going to try. I checked out the biggest looser dvd from the library, I think I'm going to see what it's all about this week. Because of severe back issues I will have to be careful of what I do.

    I commend all of you in your progress. As long as we give each other support we can make it. If you relapse just start over, don't give up. My prayers are with you all. Keep up the good work. Have a Blessed day.
  • Just added you as a friend! We have very similar stories my friend!
  • isyslove
    isyslove Posts: 64 Member
    HI!! I just started a couple of days ago with MFP, I'm super excited and hoping to keep motivation with inspiring people like you. Also, great job for keeping track and losing some pounds!!!!!! . Hopefully we'll keep in touch because I might need some motivation :D