A sense of needing to taste something when not hungry

Even though I'm not hungry I'm always having this feeling like I want to taste something, is this cravings?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    yes or appetite which you can say no to or say yes to if you can stay in goal.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Yes, and you can fight it, or use some zero or low calorie options. I like drinking herbal teas during times I feel like having a little something-something and I'm just not hungry. You should see my stash!

    Diet soda and sugar free gum are also good for times like that. I have a nice collection of different flavors of gum too. I also have different flavors of soda and sometimes make cocktails with it, mixing different flavors to have some fun with the whole thing.

    If I want something savory, I have a 5 calorie cup of bouillon.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    That's when I grab the gum. Extra Watermelon is one of my favorites, but Berry Medley is good as are others. That or I just take a drink of my Dt Dr Pepper.
  • rainbowyeager
    rainbowyeager Posts: 22 Member
    I literally feel this way all the time! If I eat fruit, then I crave salty or savory. If I finish a nice salad then I crave sweets. Sometimes I give in and eat a sweet Greek yogurt or a handful of nuts to quiet my tummy. It is strange because I also know I am not hungry but my stomach will feel sour at times until I give in to the craving.