HELP! Please Add Me... 100+ pounds to lose



  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    I am in the same deep waters as you!

    Friend me, my diary is open, and I am dedicated to success.
  • momoeight
    momoeight Posts: 1 Member
    In 2011 I joined WW weighing 366lbs. I lost 104 lbs in a little over a year. After that I stalled big time! Spent another year going back and forth with the same few pounds. I couldn't afford WW so I dropped out and the next three years I gained 60 lbs back. I rejoined WW in April of last year and I am now down about 50 of those pounds...almost back to where I was but I am stuck again and once again I have to drop out of WW. I am determined not to gain any weight back. There is no reason I can't do this myself!! I have always felt I needed the accountability but I really have to learn to be accountable to myself!!!! I know what to do. It has gotten harder as I have gotten older but I have to do it!!
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Add me if you like! I've lost 30 of 114 lbs since Oct 30th.
  • KristenCS9
    KristenCS9 Posts: 7 Member
    I started needing to lose 200 pounds. I've currently lost 68 of those. Feel free to add me also.
  • omnipotentmiku
    omnipotentmiku Posts: 107 Member
    You got this!
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me if you need a supportive friend.
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,671 Member
    Feel free to add me, I need a good support group too. I've got to loose over 100 lbs.
  • Curvycurly223
    Curvycurly223 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm 48 pounds down and 52 to go. Feel free to add me! I follow LCHF and keep my diary open. I'm a daily weigher so if those notifications might annoy you consider this your warning :smile:
  • PeaceHealthLife
    PeaceHealthLife Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone! I also had a lot of success with MFP in the past, but gained it back and now have around 130 to lose! I'm in my 30s and want to try to have another child. I do have one who is almost 6 years old. I was around the same size (maybe a little bit lighter) than I am now and no one could even tell I was pregnant. Plus, I didn't lead a healthy lifestyle which is never good when pregnant. Please add me.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Hi everyone. It's my first day back in too many months. I need to focus on this and make a good lifestyle change. It's intimidating...but I know I won't get anywhere without taking the first step - even if we fall, we figure it out and learn to walk the walk like a baby, right?
  • Sexton1409
    Sexton1409 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all just under 100 lbs to loose am currently 16st 4 lbs aiming for 11st but taking baby steps and setting small goals to keep me motivated feel free to add as a friend a great support network is the key to success x
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi! I am also in the 100lbs adventure... started with MFP about a month ago and trying to log as much possible to keep me accountable! Feel free to add me as well ... it's great to have people cheering you along the way and that understands the journey we are going through. Good luck everyone! :)
  • snowprincess502
    snowprincess502 Posts: 103 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Anyone can.
  • aquapoet
    aquapoet Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me! Looking for buddies on here. Looking to lose 80+ pounds the right way! Maximum effort!