

  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Not eating enough, way too much sodium, not enough water. You are retaining water like crazy. Simple fixes and you will be on your way. Good luck to you. Remember, the sodium max is 2000mg not the 2500 we are all used to. Try to drop it down below 2000 and see what happens.
  • elmobabie84
    elmobabie84 Posts: 112
    first and foremost thank you all for your advice. i read all your comments and from what i have gathered i need to eat more and i need to drink water so i adjusted by weight loss goal from 2lbs down to 1lb and it increased my calorie intake so now maybe and hopefully that will help me better.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good job on reaching out. Losing weight can be very frustrating indeed. Our bodies rebel against us. After a month or so it adjusts to your new plan and you may have to do something different.

    I just reviewed your food diary a week back and nothing stands out that would be causing you to gain weight at your size. I do have some suggestions on the exercise component.

    I recommend you increase your pace on walking. Swing arms and walk fast. If you can't do that for long, do it in spurts. I think I remember you stating you could not do a gym membership at this time. Check out some exercise dvd's from the library to do at least 3 times a week to mix up your activity. Your body is used to walking if you are walking the same pace as when you started. With out all the details I am not sure. I think if you increase the intensity of your exercise and eat cleanly you should see the scale going in the right direction.

    Success is never giving up!! Your body is rebelling now. You can do it. Try to be patient and keep switching up your exercise routine.:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I do not agree on the comments to increase your calorie intake but you can try it. I would get in more fruits, veggies and less processed foods but I do not feel you need to increase your calorie intake at your size. If you were close to your goal maybe but at you weight you are not starving your body. Your body has plenty of excess fat to feed on. The starvation mode is over rated on here for sure especially for those of us morbibly obese. It does not apply unless your net calories is under 800 calories for a long time and even then the body has to let go of the pounds sooner or later if you are starving you body.

    You just have to patient with your body. Think about it. If you eat 1200 to 1500 calories a day for 2 weeks and make sure not to go over it your body has not choice but to let some of that fat go.

    I am no expert for sure, but IMO from the knowledge I do have I just don't think it is your calories. But I could be wrong....:) If you decide to add calories, make sure it is quality calories, meaning fruits, veggies, and less processed foods.

    I only saw a few days you were under your water but water is important too. I shoot for 12 glasses a day on exercise days. I also don't buy the drink half of your weight theory either. I believe in everything in moderation and you get water from fruits and veggies. To drink 20 and 30 glasses of water is not healthy for your kidneys. Again I am not an expert, just what I have been told by doctors and other professionals in this field.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I do think that a gain of that weight within a few days is particularly suspect. Like most people have suggested it could just be a difference in hydration (water weight) or your body adjusting to your workouts. Most of the suggestions such as adding resistance training, higher intensity cardio or even another form such as cycling or swimming may help speed some change.

    However, coming from a psychology background I encourage aiming for a specific fitness or strength goal instead of weight loss. The reason for this is that weight can fluctuate especially as you end up losing fat but replace it with muscle and this can discourage people from continuing. However, setting up small fitness or strength goals (e.g., be able to run a 5km run in 30min within 3 months, perform 30 pushups within 16 weeks etc) keeps you motivated and as a by product you lose fat and gain muscle mass instead. You end up being both healthy in terms of fitness and in terms of appearance.

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    I wrote this, and it might help. Good luck! You've done great so far!

    wow i loved this post:

    You may need to consume more calories if:
    · You exercise regularly (4+ times per week), strength train 2-3 times per week, and are on a calorie-restricted diet, but you do not consume the minimum calories plus most or all of the calories you burn through exercise
    · You consume less than 1200 at least once a week
    · You consume less than 1500 calories most days of the week
    · You regularly consume fewer calories than your BMR (basal metabolic rate)
    · You have headaches, lethargy, aches, and/or lack of concentration

    You may need to change cardiovascular work if:
    · You are mostly sedentary
    · You engage in cardiovascular work fewer than 4 times per week
    · Your cardiovascular workouts last shorter than 20 minutes
    · Your heart rate does not remain in the 55-70% max. range at least two times per week
    · Your heart rate does not remain in the 70-85% max. range at least three times per week

    You may need to modify strength training if:
    · You do not currently engage in strength training
    · Your weights seem very light, thereby not stressing your muscles
    · You have reached your goal weight, but still feel “flabby”
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    first and foremost thank you all for your advice. i read all your comments and from what i have gathered i need to eat more and i need to drink water so i adjusted by weight loss goal from 2lbs down to 1lb and it increased my calorie intake so now maybe and hopefully that will help me better.

    I would also recommend watching sodium. Often it is high. Try to stay 1900 or less. If you are going over one day drink A LOT of water. Sodium is easy to reduce if you're eating a lot of produce. Produce is filling but low sodium.

    For exercise - keep it up but try to build the intensity. You might try jogging 1 or 2 blocks every 10 blocks and build from there. Otherwise every other block stop and do high knees or jumping jacks. You may also add arm movements. These will build muscle and muscle helps burn fat.

    Good luck on your journey! :)
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Just looked quickly at your diary and I think sodium could be the problem. Try to cut out all processed foods for a few days and see what happens.
  • petchonka82
    petchonka82 Posts: 156
    That amount sounds very suspect to have truly gained in three days.

    Did you weigh at the same time of day as usual? Move your scale? Anything else different about the weigh in? Clothes/boots/totebag?

    What has your hydration been like? Sodium? Is it a time of the month for you? (You don't have to answer, these are all just things to think about.)

    I would be highly skeptical that 7lbs in 3 days is a real gain, myself.

    Agreed. Make sure you are consuming enough fluids. The more sodium you intake the more you need to drink. You should actually be consuming about half your body weight in water. Also, are you eating back your exercise calories? Your body may not be getting enough caloric intake and thus storing fat/water.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Tons of advice already on here. All I can really add is to remind you that your have a ticker that says "Weight loss is a journey, not a destination." Try to keep that in mind. Every journey has bumps...sometimes they can last a while, but as long as you keep going, you can get past them. Keep learning, and making better choices for yourself, and take comfort in that very thing. If you make good choices, it is paying off for you...period. Visible progression may take a little longer, but health and a healthier lifestyle is it's own reward! Keep swingin and go the distance!