People that say rude comments that don't even notice it...

Sorry I have to rant here because twice today people have said things that really erk me. I know they don't mean to be rude, it was more of a lack of compassion. We all do it, but it's super hard when you are fighting the fat battle...

1. Two friends, very thin, we're discussing pregnancy weight with me. One says "omg guys, I was so fat, I actually reached 200 pounds before I had her." Other friend replies, " WHAT? 200 pounds????? That's insane". Right next to the girl who weighed 227 just months ago and still weighs over 200 pounds...not pregnant
2. I ate a very healthy lunch. Salad, vinaigrette, grapes, tomato, and carrots. I finish it off with a dark chocolate covered rice cake. A guy walks in my office (door was closed) and says "oh I see you are hiding because you are stuffing your face with cookies!" All I could think to say is "actually this is a rice cake, they are fairly healthy". He retorts "some healthy rice cake covered in chocolate"

WHY?!?!?! And literally no one notices that I've lost almost 20 pounds. Not a single word about that...

I'm sorry, I'm just really frustrated. I'm not doing this for anyone but me, but it sure would be nice to receive some positive motivation from those around me.


  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I hear you. :/ In case 1, they probably weren't really thinking about anything more than their pregnancy weight. But, someone accidentally ramming their shopping cart into you hurts as much as someone deliberately doing it.

    Case 2, though? Out of line, over the top, uncalled for, and dare I say, one more reason to take up strength training? (j/k!)

    People will start noticing soon, if they haven't already. Usually, once you take off about 10% of your starting weight (from what you've posted, it looks like you're almost at that point), it becomes noticeable. I know that was when I got some positive feedback from someone I hadn't actually TOLD I was losing weight.

    And you don't need me, or anyone else to say this, but I'll say it anyway: A treat is not a cheat. And you can eat what you want and, so long as it fits your daily calories, you will lose weight. I'm sorry that some people can be so hurtful.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks for your replies, I can't even tell you how much they helped (and made me giggle)!
  • Laurie6578
    Laurie6578 Posts: 154 Member
    I've ran into situations where people make derogatory comments about someone weighing over 200 pounds, which I still is hurtful. It's beyond me how people can be so callus sometimes. Says a lot about character, I think. The guy at work making comments about what you were eating was way over the line. Who is he anyway the food police??
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Subcounter that's great perspective on number one. Thanks! I hadn't thought of it that way and like these two girls enough to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I would have went to HR for that guy in scenario 2. I am at work I don't need your unwanted commentary especially if my office door is closed.
  • AnAutumnViolet
    AnAutumnViolet Posts: 1 Member
    The guy in the second story sounds so over the line!!! Crazy that someone would think that was an appropriate thing to say to a co-worker! The best revenge is keep improving your own life though, and it sounds like you're on your way to doing that. Keep it up!
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    In the first scenario, they weren't talking about you. You shouldn't take what someone says about themselves personally when it has nothing to do with you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Sorry I have to rant here because twice today people have said things that really erk me. I know they don't mean to be rude, it was more of a lack of compassion. We all do it, but it's super hard when you are fighting the fat battle...

    1. Two friends, very thin, we're discussing pregnancy weight with me. One says "omg guys, I was so fat, I actually reached 200 pounds before I had her." Other friend replies, " WHAT? 200 pounds????? That's insane". Right next to the girl who weighed 227 just months ago and still weighs over 200 pounds...not pregnant.
    It may be discouraging, but rude? Did they intentionally go over to you to say it? Or were you within earshot? Is it embarrassing? Sure, but unfortunately in the real world, you can't filter out everything you hear.
    2. I ate a very healthy lunch. Salad, vinaigrette, grapes, tomato, and carrots. I finish it off with a dark chocolate covered rice cake. A guy walks in my office (door was closed) and says "oh I see you are hiding because you are stuffing your face with cookies!" All I could think to say is "actually this is a rice cake, they are fairly healthy". He retorts "some healthy rice cake covered in chocolate"

    WHY?!?!?! And literally no one notices that I've lost almost 20 pounds. Not a single word about that...

    I'm sorry, I'm just really frustrated. I'm not doing this for anyone but me, but it sure would be nice to receive some positive motivation from those around me.
    Healthy is subjective depending on whom you talk to. Many "clean" eaters (what ever that means) would deem it as processed crap.
    Here's the deal: Hardly anyone cares about your journey and hardly anyone wants you to succeed. How do I know this? Being in the business for over 30 years, I don't think I've have had a client yet not complain about family, friends, relatives, co workers, acquaintances, etc. who are trying to upsurp their attempt at weight loss. So realize, you aren't alone and this isn't a unique situation.
    So how do you deal with it? Don't take it personally. Have thick skin and be strong enough to not remark about it. Yes sometimes they are trying to get a retaliation from you, but if you let them, then they got what they intended. Don't afford them the luxury.
    It's about you. Don't let them jinx it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • catluvgal
    catluvgal Posts: 41 Member
    Oh also... those girls are totally passive aggressive meanies. They knew exactly what they were saying. You seem like a super gal. Find better friends!
  • Lukdbestucan16
    Lukdbestucan16 Posts: 168 Member
    Soo sorry never mind them.I have 2 close ftiends who still say they think obese people are lazy people eho can't stop eating..well am overweigth but it hurts to know even close friends don't understand that some people really do struggle with their weigth,
    Honestly don't be bothered and keep doing what you have to do.goodluck
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited February 2017
    Situation #1 is so common and is not meant to be hurtful at all. We need to have a bit of a thicker skin sometimes. See, a thin person feeling bad for reaching 200 pounds is normal, because that's a huge change for them. If you were 227 and reached 300 you would feel bad too, but by no means is that a jab at someone who weighs 400. We often dissociate ourselves from others and look at ourselves as the center of the issue with such comments, and any people around us are pretty cool just the way they are. It's the self-judgement magnifying glass in its full glory.

    Situation #2 either mean spirited or foot-in-mouth syndrome. I've seen many people trying to mindlessly joke around with subjects that may be sensitive to someone, either because they don't understand it can be a hurtful issue, or as a way to cope with that issue themselves.

    Personally, I always assume good intentions. Both because I believe most people are too self-centered to be intentionally rude and because assuming the worst doesn't feel good and is very often just catastrophizing a simple situation.
  • lnd0718
    lnd0718 Posts: 22 Member
    ummm tell that guy that next time he comments on you stuffing your face you'll stuff that rice cake in his *kitten*. what a jerk!
  • laceyslabaugh
    laceyslabaugh Posts: 113 Member
    I wouldn't take to much offense to the 1st conversation either - I'm sure there was no harm meant by it.

    However, #2 - that guy ... I would have said "Unless you want me to throat punch you, I suggest you close my door and go about your business". Smiled and waved bye. What a d-bag.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Haha well I don't think I've ever seen a forum post where everyone is in total agreeance on something. Unfortunately I can't punch the building property manager although I may want to...but I can get better at snide remarks!
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    Wow. People really suck sometimes, don't they? I have a really thin friend who--perhaps, subconsciously--jumps at every opportunity to emphasize the difference in our sizes. Here's an example. Me:"'s cold in here!" Her: "Do you want to borrow a sweater? Oh, wait. I don't know if I have anything that would fit you." She knew darn well that her sweater would be too small! Lol. One of my things on my list of reasons to lose weight is to avoid being an ego boost for insecure skinny girls. It's sometimes what I think about when I'm really needing a little extra motivation to get on the treadmill. ;)
  • butcher206
    butcher206 Posts: 61 Member
    People are probably envious of you or jealous. Keep going. It's only going to get worse and the people will probably even be toxic and vicious about it too so you have to really learn to recognize it and stand up for yourself and shut it down, make them take a look in the mirror. Do you use reddit? Try following /r/fatlogic for awhile