35 pounds by July 4, 2017, Join me? Motivate me?



  • andrealashay11
    andrealashay11 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in with you guys I lost about 11 pounds since January 1 and just need to take it up a notch. Will be 25 on July 15 and I gave myself a goal if I weigh under 189 I am going skydiving. So if anyone have any tips please share. I know we can all so it. We got this!!!!!
    Ps I started at 236 pounds and I weigh 224 now.
  • mybigfat
    mybigfat Posts: 162 Member
    I still have about 60 lbs to go would love to join you good luck on your goal!
  • Vicky3725
    Vicky3725 Posts: 16 Member
    I have about 50lbs to lose. I'd like to say it's from my youngest baby who is 3 months but I never lost the weight from my eldest who's 11. I started off really well but the last week has been a disaster. Feel free to add me
  • Hi, I need to loose 30lbs as well. I can always use a push too. Best of luck on your journey... Add me if like.
  • hello8642
    hello8642 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm attempting 84lbs over the next 18 months, so please count me in/add me to the group! Thanks, Katie
  • KatyBell164
    KatyBell164 Posts: 104 Member
    Im in!! Is there a group! Perfect goal!
  • yvonnebowman25
    yvonnebowman25 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I lost my first pound this week, 29lb to go. :) Id love to join all of you for the support.
  • count me in! I only need to lose about 20lbs but learning about everyone else's exercise program will definitely help!
  • andrealashay11
    andrealashay11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone just wanted to check to see how is everybody's weight loss/ Journey going? I hope it's going great. Don't give up we all got this we are all badass and are stronger than our cravings and pain. I also wanted to add you guys as friends but I don't know how to request so if you request me as a friend that will be great. Anyways I hope everybody a great Tuesday!!!!!
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    i'm in, i was aiming for 28 (need to lose total of 56 to be my ideal weight though) but 35 is much better :-) i've given up my regualr white wine fix since jan and i have lost 7lb since then! my tracker says 10lb due to previous ups and downs and me not resetting it. hoping this thread will keep me motivated :-)
  • aimeiliii
    aimeiliii Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! Count me in! I got tired of people asking me whether I was pregnant - which I'm not, I don't even have any children yet ;-) So I decided to loose 40 lbs. Started in the beginning of January, and still have 26 lbs to go. Yay! Though I think the worst is yet to come, because I'm continuously hungry since last week :smiley:
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    itziab wrote: »
    Hey Everyone. I've been motivated to lose the post baby weight. This time it's serious because it's not a goal any longer, it's my new way of life! Would anyone want to join me?

    I'll send you a friend request. I'm starting back as of today. I want to lose 25 lbs by the end of June/early July. Last year I lost 25 in less than 3 months so it's definitely do-able.
  • dorntobewild
    dorntobewild Posts: 1 Member
    I'll take the journey with you!! Put me down for 30.
  • jjeffres1
    jjeffres1 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join. I need to lose about 50 lbs :/
  • dlizeth77
    dlizeth77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all! I joined MyFitnessPal on /129 starting weight was 213Lbs by 2/2 I was 210Lbs! I'm so excited! I want to loose 30 pounds!
  • itziab
    itziab Posts: 23 Member
    Do you all have Facebook??? I started a group called Las Vegas Weight Loss Challenge https://www.facebook.com/groups/1037284093083745/
  • lwbusiness2017
    lwbusiness2017 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all so I'm in desperate need to lose 60 lbs. After my last baby (she will be 2 yrs old in 2 weeks) I have not been able to drop the weight no matter what I try... I hope we all will be able to use this forum to motivate each other and keeps us all on track to meet our goal :smile:
  • lwbusiness2017
    lwbusiness2017 Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in! My son is 9 weeks, I have 35-40 pounds to shed, and it's really dragging me down emotionally! I'm blessed he's healthy and the weight shouldn't matter but I'd love to shed some pounds and have a great summer!

    Babydaisy I feel your pain this weight is literally interfering with everything, I don't want to go out I'm ashamed of how I look and how I let it get this bad.... I think im depressed over it and then I just eat to try and feel better... its a horrible feeling.. I hope this group will help us all get to loving the skin we are in and becoming healthy ...
  • itziab
    itziab Posts: 23 Member
    Ok you guys I've started a routine! I heard that if you create a habit you will see results and I'm creating a healthy habit. I wanna share a video with you all. Join the group on Facebook called 2017 Las Vegas Weight Loss Challenge
  • cupcakes8kr
    cupcakes8kr Posts: 97 Member
    Me too, me too. Id like to join.I'll be happy with 20 right now. My daughter is getting married June 3rd.