Starting insanity today.

Who else? I really need an accountability buddy!!


  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Not me, but I did Insanity before, and I just wanted to advise that you take as many rest days as needed rather than going exactly by what the calendar suggests. Insanity is a challenge, and those new to exercise will especially need to be careful.
  • spiveaa
    spiveaa Posts: 1,387 Member
    Good luck, I did it and it was a *kitten*! I enjoyed P90X, but you can do it, but be prepared, let me know how your progress goes
  • sbcmuse
    sbcmuse Posts: 38 Member
    I have an insanity max 30 post going now. Feel free to join us. We are only one week in.
  • sfit85
    sfit85 Posts: 4 Member
    I´m also starting Insanity today! I did the Fit test this morning!
  • kplowman2011
    kplowman2011 Posts: 16 Member
    I did 2 weeks of Insanity and found my knees to really bother me. I did P90x 6 years ago and loved it. Just started it again 3 weeks ago and am going strong. Good Luck, listen to your body and take rest days.
  • carissaym2016
    carissaym2016 Posts: 13 Member
    sfit85 wrote: »
    I´m also starting Insanity today! I did the Fit test this morning!

    Awesome! Can I add you?