Calorie HELP!

Hey all,

So I am just curious about calorie intake.

How many calories do you try to consume or not consume for:

I am trying to do some meal planning and am curious how you break it down? Have you done it a certain way and noticed a good weight loss?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    You can break it up however you want and lose weight as long as you're at a deficit.

    Some people like big breakfasts and smaller dinners, some people like an even split, some people need snacks, some people skip breakfast. It's all about what works for your schedule and helps control your hunger.

    Personally, when I was losing weight I ate about 1,300 calories a day plus my activity calories. I tried to have about 300-400 for breakfast and 300-400 for lunch because I love to have a big dinner. I hardly ever snacked because it didn't help me feel fuller -- I just preferred to eat more less frequently.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Whatever works for you so that you aren't starving all the time.

    I average:

    Breakfast 275
    Snack 325
    Lunch 500
    Snack 200
    Dinner 300
    Snack 175

    If I eat more earlier in the day, I'm not so ravenous at night (when I have less control).
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I consume however many calories I want for whatever meal that fits into my day? I generally preplan my lunches to around 250, and my breakfast can be 250-375, and then I use the rest for whatever (no lies, I use a lot of creamer in my coffee - worth it to me). Some days I eat my lunch later because I'm not hungry, so I may have a smaller dinner and a snack.
    It's whatever works best for you, are you hungrier in the morning (some people aren't at all) or the evening, do you feel better if you have a good calorie spread throughout the day? It's a bit of trial and error to figure out, but we're all a little different. :smiley:
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,131 Member
    It will depend on what your total daily calorie goal is. I usually have about half of my calories for breakfast and lunch and the other half plus any exercise calories for dinner and a snack after dinner. The actual number of calories at each meal will depend on what my goal is. When I was at 1300 per day I had about 325 for breakfast and 325 for lunch and that left me with 650 for dinner. I usually had 200-300 exercise calories and I would have that as an after dinner snack. But what works for me may not be what works for you. Just split your calories however you feel best.
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I average 1500 cal a day currently, plus I add back about half of exercise calories. I like to eat more later in the day, so I tend to save up. I eat about 100 cal for breakfast (coffee and a square of dark chocolate), about 450 for lunch, with plenty of protein to fill me up for a while, and then about 500 for dinner. That leaves me with about 450 calories for snacks and my after-dinner beer or glass of wine. Or a bigger snack if I don't have a drink. Any exercise calories either go to a bigger dinner or whatever I need it for.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Breakfast: 350
    Dinner: 700
    Supper: 500
    General Grazing: 1450
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I average 1500 cal a day currently, plus I add back about half of exercise calories. I like to eat more later in the day, so I tend to save up. I eat about 100 cal for breakfast (coffee and a square of dark chocolate), about 450 for lunch, with plenty of protein to fill me up for a while, and then about 500 for dinner. That leaves me with about 450 calories for snacks and my after-dinner beer or glass of wine. Or a bigger snack if I don't have a drink. Any exercise calories either go to a bigger dinner or whatever I need it for.

    That sounds close to my daily eating. I intentionally eat less during the day because I do like to eat more at night.
  • caitlynforkzz
    caitlynforkzz Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    It looks like it will be a fun little game to try and figure out what works best for me, I had a low cal lunch and I am still starving! I will try for a bigger breakfast and go from there!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    It looks like it will be a fun little game to try and figure out what works best for me, I had a low cal lunch and I am still starving! I will try for a bigger breakfast and go from there!

    Me too. I try and drink a bunch of water to avoid temptation, and generally find something to distract myself.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Breakfast 0
    Lunch @400
    Dinner @400-800
    Snacks, etc. the balance
  • cchhiipp22
    cchhiipp22 Posts: 37 Member
    edited February 2017
    These are ballpark estimates for how I do it:

    Breakfast: 0
    Lunch: 600 (35%)
    Snack: 200 (12%)
    Dinner: 700 (41%)
    Snack: 200 (12%)

    Total: 1700 (100%)

    If I am going to the gym, I give myself a larger portion for lunch, then depending how much I worked out, I'll also increase my dinner portion.

    That's what works for me to minimize hunger throughout the day.

    "Have you done it a certain way and noticed a good weight loss?"

    Any way you do it that keeps you at your net calorie daily goal will work. It's up to your preference. The time of day for your calorie intake won't affect the rate of your weight loss. So it's entirely about figuring out how you prefer to eat your meals/snacks.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Pre-Workout ~5
    Breakfast ~500
    Mid-Morning Snack ~350-400
    Lunch ~400
    Dinner ~700
    Late Snack ~350

    Daily avg 2300-2600 Workout 5 days a week 90 min per day. TDEE is around 2500-2600.
  • caitlynforkzz
    caitlynforkzz Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you!!
    Finding a balance that works for me will be tough, since I'm a student (again...yay) my schedule is so mixed up, I guess finding a good balance for eating (time-wise) and a good intake that won't have me being tired mid-day and not starving before bed is what I will have to figure out.