calisthenic training buddies

Hi guys. Looking for buddies that do carlisthenics to help me out or see what you eat.
I've started from the basics again due to back surgery L5/s1 with sciatica for 3 years. Op was 2 months ago so still on the mend. Started body weights and staying away from free weights due to this problem. I started about month ago and I feel so much better for it more flexable. I feel a lot stronger from doing it I can do pull ups and chin ups from hanging deadweight now ( in sure I used to half a rep to cheat) push ups feel more control, dips bla bla bla
So just looking for people that do this type of stuff


  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi Gary, i do all body weight training myself, mainly supersets and sprints in the gym. Yes im that annoying guy who jumps on and off a treadmill every 2 minutes.

    But basically ive found it to be the best way to get fitter. ive no interest in being stronger. agility and muscular endurance matter to me. no aesthetics.

  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 387 Member
    tbrain1989 wrote: »
    Hi Gary, i do all body weight training myself, mainly supersets and sprints in the gym. Yes im that annoying guy who jumps on and off a treadmill every 2 minutes.

    But basically ive found it to be the best way to get fitter. ive no interest in being stronger. agility and muscular endurance matter to me. no aesthetics.

    Ooooooo one of them guys haha.
    As Long your doing what you want, sod over people.
    The people I hate is the ones that know your using a area and decide to use the area to stretch grrrrrrrrrr

    I'm quite lucky in my gym. They have a climbing frame sort of thing that no one uses and all I use is a bar. Everything else is floor work squats, push ups etc etc.
    I do my stuff like in a full body circuit so don't need to wait 1 min after every bloody excerises. Just rest 4mins after one circuit is done then crack on again.

    But overall I'm getting there so early days yet. Leg raises are still a problem so might knock them on the head.
    Another Problem I have is my wrists are skinny and so my lower legs quite annoying haha