Full Time students, need some tips!

Hey y'all! I'm a full time student, and I work part time! I decided to take the first 6 weeks of the year to focus on my food intake, and get a hang of meal prepping and all that stuff! Can't out train a bad diet! I've planned to start working out next week, any tips from fellow students have for time management and making everything work together??


  • CassondraKennedy
    CassondraKennedy Posts: 229 Member
    Full time student here! I also work part time and have had to figure out time-management skills in order to lose during the semester. So far, I've found it really helpful to make a big pot of soup or something over the weekend and then have a serving for lunch each day of the week. It also helps to eat leftovers on nights when there is just no energy left to make dinner. When I can, I like to plan out each dinner for the week as well and then shop over the weekend so that there is no excuse to get fast food or take out during the week! Feel free to add me if you'd like! I'm not perfect, but I have had great success so far :)
  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    Another full time student with part time job. I found what I needed to do was take it slow, so I started off with something I could change that wouldn't effect my day, I.e. Eating habits. Started logging everything I ate for a few weeks and dropped a good amount of weight! Now that I've got that down pat I'm starting to being exercise in, nothing crazy, just one thing at a time, mainly quick 20-30 minute workouts I can do at home. I also go to group fitness classes at the fm for my uni once a week, no extra cost!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Not a full time student, but I used to be...and when I was, I also worked anywhere between 30-40 hours per week depending.

    - I did most of my "commuting" by either foot or bike...there were periods of time when I had no car and other times when I did...but even when I did, I typically opted to walk and ride my bike everywhere as I lived in the University area and anything and everything I needed was for the most part within walking/riding distance.

    - Outside of school, my roommates and I were pretty active...we played a lot of Ultimate Frisbee, Frisbee Golf, did quite a bit of hiking, etc.

    I never did much in the way of going to the gym and doing deliberate exercise outside of a run here and there...I was just pretty active. My job also was pretty active in that I worked at a package liquor store so I was on my feet most of the time...stocking coolers...putting inventory away, etc. In the summers I did landscape construction.

    My diet was always pretty decent as I was petty broke so I ate home cooked meals most of the time...it wasn't all that exciting though...I practically lived off of beans and rice and chicken and cabbage and eggs.
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    FOOOD PREEEPPPPP!!! This makes a world of a difference! Plan all your meals. Don't think you have time to come up with meals? Think about meals during transit time. While on a bus or driving, think of tasty things that you want to make that would not take that long to make. One that I did last week was this onion soup and it lasted me all week long. It was nice and simple while being filling at the same time. It probably only took about 30 minutes to make and I had that as my lunches all week.

    Good luck! I know it's hard being a full time student and working. I did around 16 credits a quarter while working a 40+ hour a week job. It was stressful but I managed it.
  • yumesoraki
    yumesoraki Posts: 4,859 Member
    Was full time undergrad student with 2 part time jobs-currently grad student which is it's own entity. I walked everywhere which helped with the activity level, and for food-meal prepping lunches I liked making rice/burrito bowls on Sundays and freezing them.
  • Anonymous_fiend
    Anonymous_fiend Posts: 196 Member
    Prelogging food and scheduling exercise. Although its not the best a lot of my food is those healthy premade meals. If not for those of end up eating junk food.
  • user0819
    user0819 Posts: 13 Member
    - Pre-logging food
    - Pre-making food.
    - Use protein bars/meal replacements *only* when you're in a real time crunch.
    - I work out at home because going to the gym for me is both expensive and takes too much time. I use workouts from fitnessblender.com and they are amazing!
    - Look at your weekly schedule and fit in when you plan to cook, exercise, sleep, study, work, see friends/significant others/family.

    Full-time nursing student with 2 part time jobs LMAO
    Feel free to message me if you want an accountability buddy!

  • user0819
    user0819 Posts: 13 Member
    It's great that you're working on prioritizing your health! It's difficult and you may face resistance but it's a great journey to be on. :)
  • chelseasavage55
    chelseasavage55 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh gosh, thank you so much everyone! I've mostly got my meal prep down! I do think time mangament and scheduling will be my best friend! I think your health is just so important, it's not something you should just over look. Only one body!