76lb to loose in 40 weeks

Hi I'm Rob. After a couple of years out of powerlifting due to a shoulder injury (and a few take outs while sitting around feeling sorry for myself) I decided it's time to get myself back into shape again. I'm currently 314lb with approx BF% of 52. By Xmas this year my goal is to be back down to 238lb with a BF% of under 20. Any help, motivation or friends along the way will be appreciated.


  • TheCurseofDolkite
    TheCurseofDolkite Posts: 13 Member
    edited February 2017
    How tall are you? (I wish we could access profiles of people without having to ask obvious questions) I think my goal is similar, at least in pounds lost.

  • blackbearseatbeets
    Hey Rob, Best of luck on your journey. I can always use a push too. Add me if you like.