weight watchers

I am thinking about joining weight watchers!! I know counting calories works I have lost 10 pounds using this sight but for the last couple of months I have fallen off the wagon hard core!! So I am thinking if I am payong money for something maybe I would stick with it more! I have done weight watchers before I got married 3 yrs ago and lost weight with it I just done know what to do anymore!?!? I have lost all motivation and have gained 7 pounds back I just think I need something new!!

Is anybody doing WW right now...thoughts/concerns???


  • Tereztaylor07
    I don't know about WW, but I joined a Curves gym with the same mentality. If I pay for it, I will be more motivated. I paid for six months and went about 4 times. It didn't help me at all to spend the money.
  • xLaurenex
    xLaurenex Posts: 27 Member
    I have never done WW but I have heard really good things about it, i did Slimming World a few years ago and it really does work, the more you eat the more you lose. If you lost before and you know you can do it, go for it! x
  • angelstar2424
    I've done WW online and it worked for me at first, but then I hit a wall. I switched to this site and lost a few more lbs(then fell off the wagon but am back on now) WW is good if you already have the motivation or if you go tot he meetings to get motivation. I didn't go to the meetings and I think that's why I didn't do well. Good luck to you either way!
  • TylersFitMom523
    I just rejoined WW, and HATE the new points system...there are a lot of unhappy people on the boards at WW also, who talk about how much they love MFP (which is how I came about using it). But, I have a free 14 week online membership, so I am going to give it a shot but so far I am liking MFP. Hope you find something that works for you. Weight loss is hard. Whether you pay for it or not, you have to WANT to do it
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I am also a member of Curves and love it. You can go there to exercise but also doing their weight loss management program.
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Weight watchers is now doing points plus, which is different from the old points. Almost all fruit, including bananas, is zero points which turned out to be a big downfall for me. I like MFP better because it's so much more accurate. WW works great for some people. I found our leader annoying and found I did better on my own tracking on MFP... Good luck!
  • Shaylala
    Shaylala Posts: 13 Member
    I have had some amazing luck with WW- I have lost 48 lbs altogether and hope to keep moving. The new points plus works for some and although it was hard for me at first- now I LOVE it! Most fruits and veggies are zero which if you are a snacker like me, can make you very happy! Good luck!
  • xoticlady
    xoticlady Posts: 6 Member
    I have done weight watchers before - both in-person meetings the first time and then online. In fact I was doing the online version when I joined this site and compared the two side-by-side for a week before moving here. I found that this site has a LOT more food entries than WW does, mostly because they elicit member input more here (it's up to us to confirm accuracy). With WW you relied pretty heavily on different websites for points calcs. I had much better success with the in-person meetings which I had done first and several years ago - lost 17 lbs. I have considered switching back but their new points program counts 5 things instead of 4 and I thought the old 4 was a tad much. Plus I like the FREE price tag here much better. ;-) I also spoke recently with a friend who's a nutritionist who told me to make some adustments in here to the recommended minimums and I've found it's working better for me. Something to consider.

    What I can say is that you need to find motivation within yourself to stick to a program no matter which one you go with. If counting calories here isn't woking for you then switch and try counting other things. It's the "stick-to-it-ness" that will get you there in the long run no matter how long it takes you. You're making life altering changes in your habits which WW says too.

    Hope this helps and GOOD LUCK with whatever you decide!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Well, what I've learned is that just about any program will work if you stick with it.

    So you'd be joining weight watchers because paying for something makes you more likely to log, make good choices, etc? It sounds like you may be suffering from some discouragement and lack of motivation maybe?
    (Hey - we all get there time and time again)

    Maybe you could save some money if you looked at it this way:
    MyFitnessPal does pay you for what you do here. It doesn't encourage you to buy certain products because they are already marked w/ "point Values". It gives you the freedom to eat anything you can find a nutritional information on.

    In so many ways, it pays MFPers:
    First off, it's free. Every once you lose is a reflection of your good decisions. (WW also requires good decision making skills in order to work.) These are skills you'll have to learn in order to maintain weight loss.

    IMHO, the world doesn't work in "points". It works in Calories. I'm not big on math. I don't want to sit down to a meal and figure out how many points it's worth. I'd rather sit down with the calorie info laid out before me. It seems simpler.

    Part of me wants to encourage you and say, "Whatever works for you!" but the other part of me wonders, "if these programs are working, why did you transition out of them? Did you reach your goal and put it all back on over time? If so, why were you unable to carry the lessons learned there into your daily life?" Old habits are hard to break. I'm just wondering if there is some deeper reason to your success and then, perhaps, boredum (?) with the programs?

    I'm just shootin' the breeze here, but maybe there is something else you need to mix up (work out locations, routines, new different foods, etc) to help keep you excited about your health? It might save you a lot of money in the long run! I know the goal here is to lose the weight, but what if we changed up the goal? What if the goal became to learn 1 new strategy each week/month that you can truly carry into your everyday lifestyle? I'm sure some have stuck (I'm the queen of yo-yoing, so when I found this program I decided to stick with it! and I continue to learn every day), but maybe joining some sort of rec sport or setting another goal would help keep you motivated?

    Just calorie and point free "food" for thought!
  • lucian25
    lucian25 Posts: 12 Member
    I've done weight watchers before and enjoyed it. Recently, I felt the same way you and thought about joining again. Instead I've decided to switch things up again. I joined my local gym again and I plan to go no more than 3 times a week and I've enlisted my co-workers into developing a workout club for motivation. I think as long as you switch things up and keep having fun with it you're on the right track. It just has to work for you and your schedule. Don't be afraid to take a couple of weeks to think about what you need and what would work with your circumstances. That's what I did and I feel like it's coming together.
  • AmandaCG
    AmandaCG Posts: 46 Member
    I lost 50 lbs doing the old WW plan and when I switched I stopped losing and in fact gained weight. It upset me that I didn't have the option of staying on the old plan. I think its a great program in general but they REALLY need to do something about the free fruit thing. I am sure I was eating 200-300 extra calories a day just with fruit. Calories are calories it doesn't matter where they come from in my experience. If you do decide to join use caution with the fruit. Even though they say you can have all the fruit you want, I don't think that is a very good I idea. I would limit it to no more than 5 servings a day. And by servings I mean real FDA serving sizes! MFP is so awesome, I canceled my WW on-line because it just wasn't working for me anymore and I needed a change. Good luck!!!
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    First, I have found that even though I am paying for something, doesn't mean I will stick to it. I did WW three times before it stuck.

    Second, the Points Plus is so different than the old points system. Folks that have a lot to lose seem to do okay, but those with less to lose, don't lose much. The free fruits, etc. is not a good idea. I understand the concept to get folks to eat cleaner foods but the cals in fruits can add up fast!

    There are a group of about 30 of us that were doing WW having more success on MFP.

    I found it was a pain the a** to grocery shop and have my calculator out all the time with PP. Before, you could guess the points in foods but no longer.

    With calorie counting, you know what the cals off right away.

    I think you need to be ready or in the mind set to lose the weight to be successful. Like I said, it took me three times to get there.