CICO vs. "clean eating"

Hi all,

Quick question which I know has been debated before -
Is it more important to focus on CICO or "clean eating" such as cutting out all processed food, grains, sugar etc.

I want something sustainable which is why I see CICO as a long term solution, but it seems a lot of the advice I read states the multiple health benefits, including weight loss, from a clean eating, paleo, sugar free diet....

If you could share your thoughts and experiences that would be great :)

I am looking to loss around 10 pounds.


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Even eating "clean" whatever that means since different people define it differently, often in radical ways, a person can eat more calories than their body burns and put on weight. I have a friend here who was Vegan and put on her weight as a Vegan. That is about as "clean" whatever that means, as it can get, yet eat too many calories and your body will store them as fat.

    With only 10 pounds to go, a goal of more than half a pound a week is likely too aggressive, that also means you need to be spot on with your logging of calories since it is only a 250 calorie a day deficit with could be eaten into and surpassed simply with inaccurate logging. That would mean 1) Weighing all solid items you eat with a digital kitchen scale including those that are grated and ground. 2) Measuring all liquids with measuring cups and spoons. 3) Making sure the database entries you are using here are accurate. 4) Being consistent. Log every day and don't have so called "cheat" days.

    In terms of what makes up what you eat, choose mainly nutritionally rich foods, but don't avoid the less nutritious stuff, just eat less of it and make it a treat.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Really, it's both. If you eat more calories of "clean" food, you will gain weight. (Though, it is harder to overeat on low calorie density foods, like fruit and veg). However, when it comes to overall health, energy levels, ease of digestion, recovery time, etc. i have found there is benefit to including as many fruits and veggies in your diet as possible, while limiting processed food.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    CI is Calories In
    CO is Calories Out

    If you want to gain weight, it's CI>CO.
    If you want to lose weight, it's CI<CO.
    If you want to maintain weight, it's CI=CO.

    That's how it works.

    But how you want to accomplish that is up to you.

    Personally, I decided to eat only the foods I like. :) As it happens, I probably lean a bit toward a Mediterranean diet, a vegetarian diet, and probably a bit clean, whatever that is ... and only because I like that kind of food. :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Weight management is about calories. CICO
    You lose weight with a calorie deficit created through eating fewer calories or burning more calories or both.
    If you want to eat less processed foods it will do nothing for weight loss if you don't get the calories right. Same as if you eat fast food every day.
    A healthy diet is not a specific list of food but everything you consume working together to meet your body's needs. You need to look at nutrients of foods you eat and how they fit your whole day. There are a lot of ways to "eat healthy".
    You should start with just logging what you normally eat and sticking to your calorie goal. You want to eat in a way you can sustain. You can alter your diet in small steps like getting more protein or having more vegetables on your plate.
    If you decide you personally prefer a lower carb diet, or vegetarian or whole foods that is all fine but weight loss will always be about having a calorie deficit.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    They aren't comparable.

    Two different things.

    One is a written simplification of how human beings lose and gain weight, the other is an arbitrary way of eating.

    CICO is at play 24 hours a day 365 days a year now matter how what where and when you eat.

    Was going to post something very similar but @cityruss nailed it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    And CICO always matters. It's energy balance it always needs to be addressed.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited February 2017
    For weight loss you need to be at the correct calorie deficit for your weight goals. Doesn't matter what types of foods you're eating though, to make up your calories.

    I lost around 50lbs while eating fast food several times a week, all sorts of processed 'diet' foods, diet soda several times a day etc. Not only did I lose the weight, but I also improved all my health markers and blood work numbers -including normalizing a prediabetic glucose number. The only thing I focused on was hitting my calorie target.

    Now I'm several years into maintenance and I continue to eat all the foods I like, with a continued focus on my calorie intake. My bmi is around 21, total cholesterol 143, glucose number in the 80s and 90s, waist circumference 25 etc etc. I still eat fast food every week and drink diet soda every day :) I also eat several servings of veggies every day, whole grains etc. I enjoy what I eat and focus on variety and balance and #1-calorie intake.
  • BigReg
    BigReg Posts: 1 Member
    Everyone has to do what works for them. I personally don't adhere much to CICO. I think the body is more complicated than given credit in some aspects, and therefore it's almost impossible to accurately calculate CICO. In other ways, the body is very simple. I eat clean and I eat when I'm hungry. It works out well for me. For others, maybe not so much.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    BigReg wrote: »
    Everyone has to do what works for them. I personally don't adhere much to CICO. I think the body is more complicated than given credit in some aspects, and therefore it's almost impossible to accurately calculate CICO. In other ways, the body is very simple. I eat clean and I eat when I'm hungry. It works out well for me. For others, maybe not so much.

    I've had no problem calculating my needed calorie intake, both in the weight loss phase and now in maintenance. And I'm not even that good at math :p And for many people who've struggled with being overweight it's very difficult to know what true hunger is vs wanting to eat for all sorts of different reasons, (boredom, stress, EDs like binge eating etc).

    But I agree that we all need to figure out what works for us individually and then go with that :)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    They aren't mutually exclusive. CICO is the fundamental energy balance that describes weight management. To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit, i.e. CI<CO. You can achieve that calorie deficit eating any way you like. Further, clean eating is an arbitrary term that means something different to pretty much everyone you ask.

    Many of the most successful people here eat a balanced, nutrient dense diet; leaving room for treats as they can fit them in. You can eat this way without calling it "clean" and without cutting out foods that you enjoy, whether that be pizza or fast food, donuts or Doritos.
  • FitBody3
    FitBody3 Posts: 36 Member
    It all comes down to personal preference.
    For me , I can't last 5 days eating clean , let alone living my whole life eating clean.
    But I find CICO pretty easy and sustainable. I have been doing CICO for the last 3 years with no problem. However , i understand why some people choose clean eating , and I wish I had the will to do so as well because there are so many benefits to eating clean and I am quite sure that it is much healthier physically to eat clean within your calories than to eat whatever you feel like just as long as you stay under your calories ( Like I do.) Mentally , I believe its much different. I get really moody after a while of clean eating and feel much happier when I eat whatever I feel like.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I was a very, very clean eating whole foods vegetarian at my highest weight wondering what the problem was.

    The problem was too much clean food.

    Following the principles of CICO was the answer.

    CICO isn't calorie counting itself or any way of eating, it's just a statement of energy balance. It's not meant to be exact, but getting close enough is good enough for most of us. I've lost close to 95 pounds eating sometimes clean, sometimes not so clean following the principle of eating less than I burn.

    I maximize my intake of foods that make me feel full and minimize my intake of foods that don't, while emphasizing my intake of muscle sparing protein. It's worked wonderfully. Oh, and I haven't felt deprived because I haven't deprived myself. I have celiac disease. There's already too much stuff I can't have. I feel no need to push things off the table on purpose when there's already so many foods eliminated from my diet by necessity.