Anyone on here consume all of their calories by a certain ti

I know it's a bit unnecessary to set a time each day to take in all of your daily calories by (assuming that you DO eat all of your necessary calories by that time..) and not after that time, but I found it to work the best for me. I won't eat after 7 (getting my workout in before then, all 3 meals and snacks and eating back workout calories) why? Because I always tend to OVEREAT at night:embarassed: . So, stopping completely helped. Anyone else do this?


  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Not intentionally, but I find myself so full that I rarely eat anything after dinner (which I often can't finish the amount I thought I could).
  • mariaprat18
    I do this too. But I do workout after 7 sometimes when I can't do it during the day.
  • sarahttini
    sarahttini Posts: 186
    My time is always 3 hours before I go to bed. Drinking tea & lemon water in the evening helps me A LOT! :drinker:
  • jdbarraz
    jdbarraz Posts: 3 Member
    In the beginning, i tried to avoid doing that kind of thing, because I figured cals-in/cals-out mattered the most. but these days, yeah, I try to not eat four hours before sleeping.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    i stop eating at bed time :)
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I try to stop eating a couple of hours before bed. Only because I don't like going to bed with a full stomach and tend to get heartburn if I eat right before bed.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    It is unnecessary, but yes, I do have a cutoff time. I try not to eat or drink anything other than water after 9pm. I selected 9, because I frequently don't get off work until 7, but I usually go to bed at 11, and if I have food in my belly, it messes with the medications I take before bed.

    My husband typically won't eat after 5pm. He gets home from work at 4:30, and eats whatever he wants until 5. When he decided that he wasn't going to do the late night snacking, he really dropped weight. It wasn't because he was eating at night though. It was how much he was eating. He is one of those people that can't just have a bite. He's either going to eat a full meal, or nothing at all. Before, he had been eating two hot pockets right before bed. Think about how many calories that is, and how much weight he lost by not eating those calories.

    It's not so much about when you eat, but more about how much you eat. Of course, it's easier to control your eating when you're not tired.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I *try* to keep all consumption before 7pm, but i can only eat a small amount at a time, and tend to exercise later in the day, so i find myself running a calorie deficit more often than i'd like. In that case, my late snack is something protein dense.