Not losing body fat? Advice?

So Its been three weeks since I've started eating healthy (no junk food, sugary drinks, AND I'm way under my total calories for the day) and I'm also working out 6 days a week with Insanity. So my problem is, last week I stepped on the scale and I lost 5 lbs. For this week, I only lost 1 pound. I'm completely unmotivated. My face looks a little skinnier but it's VERY VERY MINOR. But my body is the same.
My starting weight was 215. Currently I'm 210 and my goal is 175 by May. Does anyone have any advice?


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Follow your plan and keep it going, Adjust your expectations, you're not going you see dramatic changes overnight..
  • Canehdn
    Canehdn Posts: 122 Member
    At first this stuff fluctuates a tone. You're also building muscle and gaining bones density. Don't fret. Keep working on your goals of eating healthy and exercising and the fat will come off.
  • nicole20092002
    nicole20092002 Posts: 5 Member
    I just recently started dieting and losing weight myself beginning Jan7th. Personally for me I had to stop weighing myself every week and limit it to every two weeks as a better motivator. Be sure that you measure as well but give it a longer length of time and continue doing the great job you are doing. I used to worry about this same problem but I see change in my body almost every few days.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    You lost 6 pounds in two weeks. That's fast. Great job.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Yeah I almost get mad when people have great results and then complain that it's not working!! It IS working, you just need to have the tiniest bit of patience!!

    I don't know, maybe there's too many shows like The Biggest Loser where the contestants get huge double digit losses each week and people come to think that's normal and expect that will happen for them? You're not working out 12 hours a day and eating nothing... and you shouldn't eaither! The faster you lose weight the faster your metabolism slows down. You also need to do this in a sustainable manner so that the weight doesn't come back- and slower is the way to go for that.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    Yeah I almost get mad when people have great results and then complain that it's not working!! It IS working, you just need to have the tiniest bit of patience!!

    I don't know, maybe there's too many shows like The Biggest Loser where the contestants get huge double digit losses each week and people come to think that's normal and expect that will happen for them? You're not working out 12 hours a day and eating nothing... and you shouldn't eaither! The faster you lose weight the faster your metabolism slows down. You also need to do this in a sustainable manner so that the weight doesn't come back- and slower is the way to go for that.

    Thanks for the support and advice everyone! I'm just disappointed because the difference between me today and what I was like a month ago is night and day. I used to eat like a pig! I'm talking about 4-5 HUGE meals and lots of sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks. My calories, if I had to roughly estimate for the day, would be in the 3000-4000 range. And this is obviously without any exercise, unless you count the steps it took to go to a fast food restaurant and order food. I seriously did that Atleast 5 times a week. So skip forward to today and I'm eating super clean and healthy and working out 6 times a week. There's days where I eat under 2000 calories and feel super stuffed. I even feel guilty for having some "unhealthy healthy snacks" like pitted dates with unsweetened shredded coconut around it, and I would eat like 3 of those (and it was only once, I like it but It was expensive lol.) And I know, I know, weight fluctuates and I build muscle and it weighs more than fat. But jeez I just wish the weight scale could represent the hard work I've put in. I know it takes time and I have to be patient and there's no magic pill. But God I wish there was lol. I guess I just need a place to vent so if you've read my post this far, thanks for listening. I'm not going to lie, I am unmotivated but I'm still continuing. I've failed so many times in the past that I can't even count, if I even tried. I've made it this far, which is surprising because I never could stick to a plan but somehow I've made it this far. (sigh) I wish I could fast forward a couple weeks. I really want to achieve a beachbody. Soon. I hope. If I don't quit lol.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Maybe try to think of some other goals or indicators of progress, like simply feeling better! Also, when you feel like you can handle it, I think it would be a really good idea to start to try to incorporate the foods you're calling unhealthy and figure out how to get rid of the guilt. If you go all gung-ho and lose the weight but then go back to how you were eating before, you won't be able to maintain the loss. It's smart to figure out a way to eat that you can sustain forever, so the more restrictive it is, the less likely you're going to be able to keep it up.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    edited February 2017
    Maybe try to think of some other goals or indicators of progress, like simply feeling better! Also, when you feel like you can handle it, I think it would be a really good idea to start to try to incorporate the foods you're calling unhealthy and figure out how to get rid of the guilt. If you go all gung-ho and lose the weight but then go back to how you were eating before, you won't be able to maintain the loss. It's smart to figure out a way to eat that you can sustain forever, so the more restrictive it is, the less likely you're going to be able to keep it up.

    Well I've noticed that I can do more pushups in the three weeks. This is embarrassing but I can do 8 push up's without taking a break. Three weeks ago, I could only do 2. Ive also noticed very minor dimples on the sides of my face that I haven't had in YEARS and when I look in a mirror it always make me smile, pretty embarrassing but true, even though I haven't lost any major weight. So I do see little improvements here and there. My diet is actually much better, Imo. I wouldn't call it restrictive. If I go out, I will have sushi and water. And trust me sushi does not make me full but it's healthier than a burger and fries with coke from McDonald's and times that by 2. I would refill probably twice and have 2 large fries or 2 burgers. Sometimes both, I was a hippo. Still am lol. I've also noticed my appetite and cravings are severely smaller, which I love but hate. Obviously If I have a smaller apatetite I will eat less but I hate the feeling of feeling full and not finishing my plate lol. Also, I do not take any supplements whatsoever. I do however want to buy protein powder, do you recommend it? I've never bought it before.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    If you don't get enough protein from your regular diet then protein powder can be helpful to help you meet your macronutrients goals. I like whey protein- it's the best tasting and best digesting form of protein powder. I know the big health fad right now is plant based protein but those are the least well absorbed by your body and taste just horrid. I like Tera's Whey because it's pretty clean with very few ingredients and is grass fed and organic. It's also stevia sweetened so no added calories from sweetener but no artificial sweetener either. I like the dark chocolate flavor and use coconut water as my mixer liquid since the natural sweetness goes well with the flavor and coconut water has natural electrolytes. It's great for after a workout.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    As far as the pace of this you do just have to be patient. Focus on the satisfying feeling of completing a workout or coming in at or under your calorie goal. Focus on those fitness goals. To be honest I used to not be able to do even 1 push up so doing any at all felt like an accomplishment!! Now I can do like 15 if I really try! Next goal for me is to be able to do a wall handstand, then a full unassisted pull up!!

    Remember even when you were eating double meals from McDonald's and not exercising you weren't gaining like 5 pounds a day right? You probably gained slowly over time. And now that you're eating healthy and working out it's not going to go fast either, it will go at that same slow pace or even slower- since weight is easier to put on than take off it might take 3 times as long to take it off. It's annoying but that's just the way it is.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    As far as the pace of this you do just have to be patient. Focus on the satisfying feeling of completing a workout or coming in at or under your calorie goal. Focus on those fitness goals. To be honest I used to not be able to do even 1 push up so doing any at all felt like an accomplishment!! Now I can do like 15 if I really try! Next goal for me is to be able to do a wall handstand, then a full unassisted pull up!!

    Remember even when you were eating double meals from McDonald's and not exercising you weren't gaining like 5 pounds a day right? You probably gained slowly over time. And now that you're eating healthy and working out it's not going to go fast either, it will go at that same slow pace or even slower- since weight is easier to put on than take off it might take 3 times as long to take it off. It's annoying but that's just the way it is.

    I hate patience lol but unfortunately that's what I have to practice. Thanks for the advice. I just can't wait till I can buy clothes in smaller sizes, that's when I know I actually made real progress. One day, hopefully.
  • cupcakes8kr
    cupcakes8kr Posts: 97 Member
    Mahdi22, you and I could be twins. I also started 3 weeks ago.. Really have not been a fan of soda's and not so much for junk food. But i also work out 6 days a week. 4 strength training days plus elliptical AND walking 20 minutes on my lunch hour, 2 days is a brisk walk around the neighborhood 45 minutes. Starting weight 220.5 and three weeks later I am still 220.5 my face also looks thinner and I feel great as far as energy ( strength training does that) BUT COME ON NO WEIGHT LOSS??? Pinerest has some awesome motivational sayings that I printed out and hung in our exercise room. 1) In three months you will thank yourself. 2) 4 weeks you will notice a difference 8 weeks your friends will notice, in 12 weeks the world. Oh and my TEE is 2015, I've been eating 1200. So please be thankful you've lost 6 lbs. My daughter is getting married June 3, this year and I would so love to be 20 lbs thinner. Lets try to motivate each other. We will NOT give up - that is not an option.


  • dlinace
    dlinace Posts: 27 Member
    I say work on building some muscle and getting tone.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    dlinace wrote: »
    I say work on building some muscle and getting tone.

    I can't exactly get toned without losing the weight/fat lol. I'll definitely do that by summer.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    Mahdi22, you and I could be twins. I also started 3 weeks ago.. Really have not been a fan of soda's and not so much for junk food. But i also work out 6 days a week. 4 strength training days plus elliptical AND walking 20 minutes on my lunch hour, 2 days is a brisk walk around the neighborhood 45 minutes. Starting weight 220.5 and three weeks later I am still 220.5 my face also looks thinner and I feel great as far as energy ( strength training does that) BUT COME ON NO WEIGHT LOSS??? Pinerest has some awesome motivational sayings that I printed out and hung in our exercise room. 1) In three months you will thank yourself. 2) 4 weeks you will notice a difference 8 weeks your friends will notice, in 12 weeks the world. Oh and my TEE is 2015, I've been eating 1200. So please be thankful you've lost 6 lbs. My daughter is getting married June 3, this year and I would so love to be 20 lbs thinner. Lets try to motivate each other. We will NOT give up - that is not an option.


    Hey, those are great quotes. I know it takes time but I guess if I just continue one day at a time it will slowly add up and make a difference. Compared to your story, I guess I should be thankful I lost 6 pounds. Hopefully we can both achieve what we are after BEFORE summer.

    One of my favourite activities is swimming but I hate it because I'm embarrassed of taking off my shirt in public, especially if I see someone that I know. My mind is set on achieving my summer body this year. Ideally, I don't really care what my weight is as long as I feel comfortable taking off my shirt. I really hope I can achieve this by May. I don't know if it's realistic or not but that's my goal. Cheers to both of us and everyone else trying to reach their goals. ☺️
  • locoloon
    locoloon Posts: 29 Member
    make sure your drinking enough water. I was stuck at a plateau for a while, but added a gal of water a day for 10 days and broke through it.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    locoloon wrote: »
    make sure your drinking enough water. I was stuck at a plateau for a while, but added a gal of water a day for 10 days and broke through it.

    Depending on the day and my exercise for that day, I drink up to 12 cups of water. I drink most of it during my exercise, followed by meals. I haven't had a sugary drink in almost a month so it's water water water, and I don't mind it actually lol.
  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    You are doing well. Keep going. I've been working on losing the last 5lbs for over 6 months. I know the last is tough so I remind myself to keep @ it. You too.