Keto Dieters Lets Burn This Fat

marcee574 Posts: 2 Member
this is a group where we share not only recipes but support and motivation especially to our new people all are welcome thanks for joining new friends are a discussion away!!


  • nomorepuke
    nomorepuke Posts: 320 Member
    edited February 2017
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    I need to burn some fat, but not sure what keto is though. I keep hearing about it, going to Google it.:)
  • robinsmith1
    robinsmith1 Posts: 3 Member
    After having the gastric bypass surgery, I lost 100 with in 1 year, I still had more to loose but I was well on my way. I'm very much a bored and an emotional eater. At the start of my second year, my grandmother died. I had lived with her and my grandfather since I was 12. I'm now 33, but I was 31 when she passed. We knew it was coming, she was very sick. Still when it happened, I gained some weight back, only about 25lbs, but that's a lot to gain back when you worked so hard to loose it in the first place. The next year wasn't very good, I got cancer, my Pap got cancer, my sister thought she had cancer and had her thyroid removed. Everything went to *kitten*. Then out of the blue my grandfather goes in for a lung biopsy and comes out dead. The last year we had become very close, he trusted me with doctors appointments, taking notes, helping him make educated decisions on surgeries and tests that needed to be done, etc. So when I lost him, I kinda l lost part of myself. And I know he would be so upset with me for gaining more weight back. So now I've gained about 50lbs back, and this diet looks l like the option that best fits with the outlines I have to follow with the Bariatric menu. The only thing is the fat intake is way higher that what I'm *supposed* to have. But I also don't have the issues (vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, gas, etc) when I eat fat. But I have been getting some of the side effects when I eat to much sugar. So I think I may be okay with this diet, I guess I just have to see, but I really need some support to help me get through this hard time until I can work out all the issues in my head that's making want to eat all these bad things. Please no criticism, just helpful opinions, thoughts, or ideas.