Just needing suggestions.

TCB40Life Posts: 15 Member
edited February 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Frustrated...yes I know the scale is going down (I am 300.2 as of today) however when I was on MFP four years ago it seemed to come off faster. I log everything that goes in my mouth and diary is open. I work out 5-6 times a week sometimes twice a day. I just am eager to be under 300 and very critical as well. Any tips welcome this pictures were take January 9th and measurements...will do more this evening.


  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    I have lost weight 2x before. One after my first 2 children and once after my last child. I am currently losing 35lbs I gained back (I never gained back the whole 70lbs I lost). I find mine is coming off much slower. And that is comparing to the second half of my weight loss last time.

    The biggest challenge that so many people find in this journey is patience. Its not a linear experience, and it is not a race to the finish line.

    I think the fact that the scale is going down for you is amazing and a showing you are doing exactly what you SHOULD be doing. You may want it off sooner, but you want to also do this in a healthy and sustainable way.

    Keep going strong!
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    edited February 2017
    It doesn't look like you've added a food scale to your toolbox, yet. I'd start there! :smile:

    Here's why:


    ETA: Just looked back a little further and noticed you even logged your Extra gum. WAY TO GO!! You are awesome. :smiley:
  • TCB40Life
    TCB40Life Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I use a food scale! I love mine...excuse my 6xgmwvf5z6el.jpg
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited February 2017
    TCB40Life wrote: »
    Yes I use a food scale! I love mine...excuse my 6xgmwvf5z6el.jpg

    Man, that scale is so cool! After seeing this picture I may upgrade. I really think that having the nutrition info on there is neat. Can you input your own data/set your own codes for frequent items?
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I felt this way yesterday. I have been at a plateau for 3 weeks! I am changing up a few things and allowing time for the adjustment. However, this process is frustrating! At least your scale is moving down. I only have about 10 or 15 lbs to lose and have my weight loss goal set to losing under half a pound a week. I would rather go slow than be too aggressive and not be able to sustain what I'm doing for the long term. Keep killing it and know that you will get there! *Have faith :wink:
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    It is possible that you had more muscle mass four years ago, or that you were more active than you are now. It is also possible to that the food you are eating now has more calories than are listed on the label while what you were eating then had fewer calories than on the label. And it could just be that you are impatient, as someone else suggested.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    That is a great scale! Since you are using that, you'll want to watch your entries. When you enter a banana, do a search for "banana grams" so you can enter the actual weight. Same with your avocado, cheese, meats (weigh those raw when possible).

    When using things like "turkey meatloaf muffins", are you entering the recipe based on your weighed ingredients or choosing from the data base? Whenever possible, it's best to enter your own.

    Once you have your logging tightened up a bit, then you'll know for sure you're doing everything just right, even if the weight does come off slowly. You are on the path to health!! It isn't a race, much less a sprint. There will be times your weight doesn't drop for a week or even two, then you lose three or four pounds overnight. Keep at this and it WILL work!

    I'd wish you luck, but you don't need that. :smiley:
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    Good job on your hard work and progress so far! I think you should just keep on with what you're doing since you are seeing results. My only "suggestion" (though not really) is that you may be experiencing bloating/water retention from hormone fluctuations caused by the time of the month or pms that could hide any weight-loss progress temporarily. I can gain on the scale by as much as 8lbs during pms bloat and I won't see a loss until a few days into my period. And I get pms 14 days or so before the actual period. It's very frustrating but part of being a woman I suppose.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    My advice?

    Take a breath and accept it just isn't going to happen overnight.

    It's a long term journey and weight loss isn't linear.
  • TCB40Life
    TCB40Life Posts: 15 Member
    Good job on your hard work and progress so far! I think you should just keep on with what you're doing since you are seeing results. My only "suggestion" (though not really) is that you may be experiencing bloating/water retention from hormone fluctuations caused by the time of the month or pms that could hide any weight-loss progress temporarily. I can gain on the scale by as much as 8lbs during pms bloat and I won't see a loss until a few days into my period. And I get pms 14 days or so before the actual period. It's very frustrating but part of being a woman I suppose.

    That's what may be happening I have not had my cycles for 2 years and they all of a sudden started this week!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    TCB40Life wrote: »
    Good job on your hard work and progress so far! I think you should just keep on with what you're doing since you are seeing results. My only "suggestion" (though not really) is that you may be experiencing bloating/water retention from hormone fluctuations caused by the time of the month or pms that could hide any weight-loss progress temporarily. I can gain on the scale by as much as 8lbs during pms bloat and I won't see a loss until a few days into my period. And I get pms 14 days or so before the actual period. It's very frustrating but part of being a woman I suppose.

    That's what may be happening I have not had my cycles for 2 years and they all of a sudden started this week!

    I think this is the bingo! And also amazing that your body is getting back to how it should biologically so quickly. So just stick it out making sure your logging is good and the results will come.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    What scale is that!?
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Hormones, age, sleep, stress all play factors along with diet and nutrition. You're kicking butt, congrats! Maybe change up your workout routine?
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    What type of exercise do you do? Do you do weights? Do you get enough protein? One thing that can happen when people lose weight is they lose muscle mass if they don't do resistance training and/or don't eat enough protein. Then when they regain weight they mostly gain fat back (not muscle). Lower muscle mass means slower metabolism. Other than being older and maybe hormones I think this is why a lot of people have trouble losing weight a second or 3rd time- their muscle mass is lower and so their metabolism is slower, so they need a larger deficit than before.
  • msvmjsv2004
    msvmjsv2004 Posts: 9 Member
    Please add me your story inspired me