I don't understand.



  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    don't think so
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    I see her earlier posts, but just none of her more recent ones that people have quoted as replies
  • lilteddy78
    lilteddy78 Posts: 93 Member
    A few years ago I was at the same place you are. I tried using the bike and it didn't do anything for me. I had to get my cardio up a lot more. I know it's not for everyone but I started running (well jogging) and started from being basically a couch potato to being able to run 3 miles in 45 min.
    I use measuring cups too. A scale is always better. I have not looked at your diary but if you are bringing in a lot of sodium that will hurt your weight loss because you'll retain water that you don't realize you are retaining. Losing 1lb a week doesn't seem like a lot but those start adding up. Losing weight takes time and 1-2lbs a week is what they consider safe.
    I lost 90lbs changing everything I did. Sadly I fell off the train and am coming back to get my *kitten* in gear again. I have to lose at least 60lbs. I know I can do it and you can too!!
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    I see her earlier posts, but just none of her more recent ones that people have quoted as replies

    Weird? You could pm her. I'm not sure if that's a real solution. I noticed this site gets a little wonky sometimes.
  • novasunflower
    novasunflower Posts: 29 Member
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    Everyone on this website has their "bad days" or at least their own definition of it. Maybe you could open it just to get help on this topic and close it back. If you don't want to open it, you are probably eating at maintenance calories, not accurately weighing your food, or lacking a bit of patience. For your height and size, under 1300 calories doesn't seem like enough. Also, remember that it doesn't matter if you go 'balls to the wall' in the gym - you must still eat under maintenance to lose weight. I used to bust my *kitten* in the gym - but I overate all the time. At that time, I saw little to no progress with weight loss. Keep in mind, you don't even have to work out to lose weight. Calories are King. best of luck.

    Thank you. :)

    You are welcome. Track condiments (ketchup, mayo, coffee creamer, salad dressings, etc) It is kind of a pain but it is important. Also, don't rely on the database for measurements. I cant tell by your diary if you are actually using a food SCALE. not measuring cups. That will make a big difference.

    Check out this link and be sure to look under #1 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    You got this! It just takes a little time to find what works for you!

    I do use measuring cups. That's bad? :(

    Measuring cups are wildly inaccurate...a food scale is worth every penny, and once you get used to using it, it's really nice! Everything gets measured in grams. Also, the exercise calories burned on here are not often very accurate, so be sure to not eat back everything you "earn".

    A pound a week is awesome, especially if you're new to the process! You'll fine tune your methods over the next few months, getting more efficient and direct in your approach! Just stick with it and always be honest with yourself!
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    ok - for some reason I'm not seeing Gummy Lion Girl's posts...what gives? did I get blocked or something

    Did you accidentally block her?

    No I didn't block anyone. I don't even know how to do that. :) it might just be messing up? Im here. I just had some dishes to clean.
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    NEOHgirl wrote: »
    NEOHgirl wrote: »
    Make sure you are taking body measurements also - sometimes you will lose inches before you start to see it on the scale. And averaging a 1# loss per week sounds like a consistent and safe rate of loss to me - hang in there, it will happen *_*

    North east Ohio girl? I'm in akron. (lol if it does stand for north east Ohio?)

    I am in Cleveland - it is a combo of northeast OH and New England/Ohio, because I grew up in Massachusetts *_*

    That's pretty awesome!
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    I lost 3, but it just seems so little

    3 lb in 21 days = 1 lb per week. That's usually pretty good. Has it come off little by little, or a bunch at first and nothing since?

    If the former, I'd say keep doing what you're doing, because it's working.

    I've lost about a pound a week. Not all at once. :)
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    Everyone on this website has their "bad days" or at least their own definition of it. Maybe you could open it just to get help on this topic and close it back. If you don't want to open it, you are probably eating at maintenance calories, not accurately weighing your food, or lacking a bit of patience. For your height and size, under 1300 calories doesn't seem like enough. Also, remember that it doesn't matter if you go 'balls to the wall' in the gym - you must still eat under maintenance to lose weight. I used to bust my *kitten* in the gym - but I overate all the time. At that time, I saw little to no progress with weight loss. Keep in mind, you don't even have to work out to lose weight. Calories are King. best of luck.

    Thank you. :)

    You are welcome. Track condiments (ketchup, mayo, coffee creamer, salad dressings, etc) It is kind of a pain but it is important. Also, don't rely on the database for measurements. I cant tell by your diary if you are actually using a food SCALE. not measuring cups. That will make a big difference.

    Check out this link and be sure to look under #1 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    You got this! It just takes a little time to find what works for you!

    I do use measuring cups. That's bad? :(

    Not bad, but not accurate either. I would recommend getting a digital food scale. It will make things easier and you will know you are being as accurate as possible.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I lost 3, but it just seems so little

    That equates to about 1 Lb per week...that's pretty much par for the course...I think your expectations are the issue. Weight loss is a pretty slow process.
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    edited February 2017
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I lost 3, but it just seems so little

    That equates to about 1 Lb per week...that's pretty much par for the course...I think your expectations are the issue. Weight loss is a pretty slow process.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    ahhh that explains it...yeah - the trick is finding what works for you (which what you are doing is) - do you want long-term sustainable results or quick results
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I lost 3, but it just seems so little

    That equates to about 1 Lb per week...that's pretty much par for the course...I think your expectations are the issue. Weight loss is a pretty slow process.

    My sister (who is also over weight) is the reason I was doubting myself. She told me last night that I need to 'listen to her' if I want to succeed in this. But honestly, she isn't eating ENOUGH. She's losing faster than me, but I also know that she will probably gain it back faster too because she's depriving herself of enough to keep going at her pace.

    People who aggressively cut weight have a tendency to burn out...even if you're aggressive, it's a long process and many people just don't hold out. I lost at a rate of about 1 Lb per week and dropped 40 Lbs in about 9 months...going on four years maintenance this spring. A buddy of mine started at the same time and went very aggressive with about the same amount of weight to lose...by the time I had lost my 40, he was down a net 15 because he kept falling off the wagon for weeks at a time, often regaining some weight...it took him about 1.5 years to drop the same amount of weight that took me 9 months just going slow and steady and not torturing myself.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    I lost 3, but it just seems so little

    You are losing. It is working. You just have to adjust your expectations. This isn't The Biggest Loser... you aren't going to see big losses in a matter of weeks. Just a pound here and there and it will add up over time. The more you stick to your calorie limit and don't go over (even a little bit) the faster this will go.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    Everyone on this website has their "bad days" or at least their own definition of it. Maybe you could open it just to get help on this topic and close it back. If you don't want to open it, you are probably eating at maintenance calories, not accurately weighing your food, or lacking a bit of patience. For your height and size, under 1300 calories doesn't seem like enough. Also, remember that it doesn't matter if you go 'balls to the wall' in the gym - you must still eat under maintenance to lose weight. I used to bust my *kitten* in the gym - but I overate all the time. At that time, I saw little to no progress with weight loss. Keep in mind, you don't even have to work out to lose weight. Calories are King. best of luck.

    Thank you. :)

    You are welcome. Track condiments (ketchup, mayo, coffee creamer, salad dressings, etc) It is kind of a pain but it is important. Also, don't rely on the database for measurements. I cant tell by your diary if you are actually using a food SCALE. not measuring cups. That will make a big difference.

    Check out this link and be sure to look under #1 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    You got this! It just takes a little time to find what works for you!

    I do use measuring cups. That's bad? :(

    Measuring cups for anything but liquids is not accurate enough. Get a digital food scale. They are cheap and easy to use, pretty much a necessity.
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    ahhh that explains it...yeah - the trick is finding what works for you (which what you are doing is) - do you want long-term sustainable results or quick results

    Oh of course sustainable :)
  • timma300
    timma300 Posts: 25 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    I lost 3, but it just seems so little

    3 lb in 21 days = 1 lb per week. That's usually pretty good. Has it come off little by little, or a bunch at first and nothing since?

    If the former, I'd say keep doing what you're doing, because it's working.

    I've lost about a pound a week. Not all at once. :)

    One pound per week is great! It means that what you are doing is working. I put your stats into a TDEE calculator and I'm guessing based on your calorie goal of 1300 kcal/day that you have set the app to lose 2 lb/week. So while you are losing at a good pace, I can see where you might expect to be losing faster. I believe the discrepancy is here:
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    Everyone on this website has their "bad days" or at least their own definition of it. Maybe you could open it just to get help on this topic and close it back. If you don't want to open it, you are probably eating at maintenance calories, not accurately weighing your food, or lacking a bit of patience. For your height and size, under 1300 calories doesn't seem like enough. Also, remember that it doesn't matter if you go 'balls to the wall' in the gym - you must still eat under maintenance to lose weight. I used to bust my *kitten* in the gym - but I overate all the time. At that time, I saw little to no progress with weight loss. Keep in mind, you don't even have to work out to lose weight. Calories are King. best of luck.

    Thank you. :)

    You are welcome. Track condiments (ketchup, mayo, coffee creamer, salad dressings, etc) It is kind of a pain but it is important. Also, don't rely on the database for measurements. I cant tell by your diary if you are actually using a food SCALE. not measuring cups. That will make a big difference.

    Check out this link and be sure to look under #1 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    You got this! It just takes a little time to find what works for you!

    I do use measuring cups. That's bad? :(

    And here:
    faramelee wrote: »
    You're taking in a lot of sodium - for some people this can lead to bloating and water retention.
    How are you measuring your workout calories?

    Best of luck to you!

    I just measure calories by whatever pops up on the exercise from this app

    Measuring with cups is fine if that works for you, but (as others have stated) it is not as accurate as using a kitchen scale to weigh your food. If you get a kitchen scale, I suspect you'll start noticing some serving sizes are off in terms of their weight. Plus, many people find it much easier to use a kitchen scale rather than a bunch of measuring cups.

    As far as logging your workouts, it is pretty well known that MFP overestimates calories burned by quite a bit. A safer bet is to log half of the amount you actually did in the app. For example, if you rode a stationary bike at the gym for an hour and logged that into MFP it would say you burned about 600 kcal. But instead of logging that, most people use 50% of their estimated MFP calorie burns, so you could change the calorie burn to 300 kcal.

    That being said, if you get a kitchen scale and switch to logging 50% of your calories burned you may find that, while you are losing at the expected 2 lb/week, it is much more difficult since you are eating less food and/or working out more (have to work out twice as long to achieve the same burn). If you are ok with the difficulty, keep it up! But keep in mind that you can always adjust your calorie goal to something not as aggressive, like the 1 lb/week you've been achieving so far. Either way it adds up over time. :)
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    for scale users, how do you deal with eating out?
    I have a scale I use at home, but I often eat in my work cafeteria (which, awesomely, has MFP barcodes for a lot of what they serve!) But when I go to the salad bar, I eyeball it by cup/tablespoon. And I'm getting stuff I don't normally eat at home to weigh.
  • timma300
    timma300 Posts: 25 Member
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    for scale users, how do you deal with eating out?
    I have a scale I use at home, but I often eat in my work cafeteria (which, awesomely, has MFP barcodes for a lot of what they serve!) But when I go to the salad bar, I eyeball it by cup/tablespoon. And I'm getting stuff I don't normally eat at home to weigh.

    Generally I guess based off of what I eat at home, and then add 25-50%. If it looks like I just put 2 tbls of dressing on my salad (based off of what I think 2 tbls of dressing looks like at home with my scale), I log 3 tbls. Restaraunt says this is a 6oz steak? Better log 8-9oz to be safe. If I'm at a restaraunt that doesn't provide nutritional info for their food, I just go with a restaraunt with a similar item, guess the amount based on the serving size at the other restaraunt, and then add 50%. If you really want to get technical, they make these: https://www.amazon.com/Weigh-MS-600-BLK-Digital-Pocket-Scale/dp/B000P1NYE8
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    @JennyRATL , I eyeball it the best I can on portion sizes if the nutritional info isn't posted on their website. And if you are estimating, estimate a slightly larger portion. @GummyLionGirl , please do NOT listen to your sister. I'm guessing she isn't a dietitian, nutritionist, or physician. Your journey to better health is yours and yours alone; you need to figure out what will work best for you. And because it's your journey, you shouldn't compare your results to hers either, only compare where YOU are to where YOU'VE been. As long as you keep making progress, you are winning your own personal race. If she keeps pressuring you, just stop talking about it with her, and let the results speak for themselves. Good luck!