Morbidly Obese looking for supportive MFP friends



  • chaosd24
    chaosd24 Posts: 4 Member
    I so need a support group! Please add me.
  • noregretexperiment
    noregretexperiment Posts: 11 Member
    Me too me too!!
  • fluffycandyfloss
    fluffycandyfloss Posts: 21 Member
    I'll add you too huni xx
  • lindamcintosh370
    lindamcintosh370 Posts: 7 Member
    add me I am 5'2 have lost 40 on here and still have 100 to go I am 65 and feel like this is my last chance so want to do it this time I am also an emotional eater
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I'm adding you, and welcome. By the time I reach my (hopeful) goal, I'll have lost close to 80 lbs. 20ish to go.
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I am sending you a friend request now. I started with about 170 pounds to lose and am only down 23 so far. I did lose about 100 pounds a few years ago on mfp, but unfortunately I turned to old habits of letting food be my comfort and gained it back.
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    I started at 244lbs 5''3, morbidly obese, I'm down 45lbs now =) I'm happy to have a new fitness pal so please feel free to add me.
  • mis1022
    mis1022 Posts: 109 Member
    Adding. Its great to have a good support group on mfp.
  • anastasias30
    anastasias30 Posts: 122 Member
  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    Add me any of u im looking for great friends also !
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You can totally do this!
  • marinadenman
    marinadenman Posts: 15 Member
    My situation is the same. I'll add you.

    I'm 33, SAHM to my 2 year old daughter. I don't know is how much I currently weigh. Any recommendations on a scale?
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    We all have a story of how we got to where we are. Don't let your story weigh you down, let it be what gives you drive! You. Can. Do. This. Fight! Fight when you don't want to anymore. You will succeed but the person who has to want it the most is YOU...every single minute. I was your starting weight and one day I just decided the dishes and laundry can wait, I don't have to say yes to anything but my goal....everything else will fall into place. You have way more power than you think. It's a mental game more than anything!!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Hang tough. You can do it. Sometimes it's one meal or one snack at at time.
  • Zollsica
    Zollsica Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely need some friends for support as well! I need to lose about 110 lbs. Just starting on my journey...
  • llonka
    llonka Posts: 76 Member
    I have a hundred pounds to lose. You all are welcome to add me as well.
    I'm 5'3, 240 pounds and want to get to 140. Also I'm 29 years old and have two kids.
  • evangelistjcmayo
    evangelistjcmayo Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, I certainly am right there with and I too am looking for someone that understands the highs and lows of weight loss. Yes the joint pain is real. I have decided to keep pushing and yes I get off track as it has taken me 2 years to get back. I need someone just like you who where we can be accountable to each other. We going to win this time. Hang in there!
  • snowprincess502
    snowprincess502 Posts: 103 Member
    Friend's request sent.