Big Moves To Make Your Muscles Show



  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    12 reps = more hypertrophy, some power
    4-6 reps = more power, some hypertrophy

    If you're just starting out and are overweight, it hardly matters which you do...just do both. The important thing is to make sure your sessions are intense.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Always remember the higher the reps the more u tone, the heavier the weight u put size on.

    total bro-science
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    Always remember the higher the reps the more u tone, the heavier the weight u put size on. Try not to count if possible pick a weight and go to failure. A lot of us cut ourselves short by picking a number and stopping,when u really could have done more. So if u curl 20lbs to failure and it equals more then 12 then up the weight

    There is no such thing as toning, you are either building, maintaining or losing muscle mass. To build it requires adequate protein and pushing the muscles until failure. Higher reps do have different advantages though as it increases vascularity and increased glycogen storage for longer energy output requirements.

    I reccomend aiming for the heaviest weight you can safely lift WITH good form for sets of under 10 reps. For a beginner 3 sets is going to be plenty if your form is good. Remember that it isnt about how many times you lift but about using the muscle to failure so slower reps can give that "burn" at lower weights. This requires time and practice. Start lighter, practice form. I try to always do either more reps or more weight each week. For a starting routine try to use each muscle once per week. Find a weight you can lift say 6 times and work until you can do it 10 times then increase weights.

    There is too much info to convey in this post hah.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Always remember the higher the reps the more u tone, the heavier the weight u put size on. Try not to count if possible pick a weight and go to failure. A lot of us cut ourselves short by picking a number and stopping,when u really could have done more. So if u curl 20lbs to failure and it equals more then 12 then up the weight

    There is no such thing as toning, you are either building, maintaining or losing muscle mass. To build it requires adequate protein and pushing the muscles until failure. Higher reps do have different advantages though as it increases vascularity and increased glycogen storage for longer energy output requirements.

    I reccomend aiming for the heaviest weight you can safely lift WITH good form for sets of under 10 reps. For a beginner 3 sets is going to be plenty if your form is good. Remember that it isnt about how many times you lift but about using the muscle to failure so slower reps can give that "burn" at lower weights. This requires time and practice. Start lighter, practice form. I try to always do either more reps or more weight each week. For a starting routine try to use each muscle once per week. Find a weight you can lift say 6 times and work until you can do it 10 times then increase weights.

    There is too much info to convey in this post hah.

    hijacking the thread for a moment
    140lbs??? that's crazy man. awesome job!!!
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    hijacking the thread for a moment
    140lbs??? that's crazy man. awesome job!!!

    Thanks :)

    And to contribute a little more...

    I agree with OP though about compound exercises. Beginning lifters should aim for the key compound lifts, or variations of them to fit their fitness and experience level.

    Bench Press
    Military Press
    Pull Ups
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I need info...Hoping to read later Just getting started and I need some guidance
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Thanks guys for all the good advice, you have been most helpful!
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    Yes thts 100% me in the avi. Point taken but think about this bodybuilders lift for reps and so there muscles show. Powerlifters lift for power thts why most of the men on the strongest man contest look outta shape. Power lifters go to the gym and do nomore than 6-8 reps, meanwhile the bodybuilder lifts 12-15 reps per set. No u tell me who u wanna look like.
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    There is a such thing as toning and thts determined by how much rest between sets as well. When u turn weight lifting into cardio by shortening ur breaks, u will burn fat which can convey as toning.
  • cjstrong
    cjstrong Posts: 54
    There is a such thing as toning and thts determined by how much rest between sets as well. When u turn weight lifting into cardio by shortening ur breaks, u will burn fat which can convey as toning.

    I swear you're trolling

    Power lifters are aiming for the one rep max. Hence lower reps with the highest weight possible.
    Body builders are exactly what it sounds like. They are in it to sculpt their bodies.

    These are two extremes and its hard to try to compare them.

    This whole high reps low weight preaching is what causes women in at the 24hour fitness I go to, to exercise for 2-3 hours doing continuous reps with low weight and barely sweating. Get in there for one hour, up the weight, lower the reps. Toning doesnt exist its just a marketing ploy for people who are afraid to work out with intensity. Look at the damn shake weight lol