New Challenge - Sensational in Six weeks!!

tdotali Posts: 181 Member
edited 12:27AM in Motivation and Support
Hi All!

I’m brand new to this site. I’m currently highly motivated to get back into shape and I would like to remain this way. I tend to lose motivation after a couple of weeks. I would like to start a small group to help maintain motivation and to not accept any excuses.
I was trying to find such a group when I came across the thread: “LEAN BY LABOR DAY - NEW CHALLENGE”. I wanted to join but I was two days late and it was already full.
So, since there was so much interest, I thought that I’d set up my own group using the same format/rules as set by AmyByExample.:

So, are you up for a 6 week challenge?

I 'd like to keep the group really small because personally I feel overhelmed when there's so many people posting on a thread. Ideally I'd love to start a group of 10 so we can get to know each other a bit, and support one another.

The challenge starts next week - so post or message me your starting weight. Please make sure you can commit to 6 weeks of posting ideally at least once/day (if not more)

From here forward we will weigh in on Monday to help us stay on our toes over those dangerous weekends.

July 25th - Initial Weigh In Week (Starting weight for challenge)
August 1 - "Week 1" weigh in
Remaining weigh ins"8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5 (final challenge weigh in!!)

We will keep a weekly log tracking:

Sleep (7-9 hours) (1 point for each day during the week you hit this range)
Scheduling exercise – we should schedule in when we’re going to exercise. 1 point everyday you stick to your plan.
Exercise - 1 point per 15 minutes
Food - 1 point for each day you log or diary your food intake and 1 point for eating clean the entire day (that’s a tough point for me to get lol)

Example: On Monday you slept 7 hours (1 point) stuck to your schedule(1 point) Exercised for 45 minutes (3 points) and logged your food (1 point) = 6 points for that day (set up a little chart for yourself with 5 rows (sleep, schedule, exercise, food log, clean eating) and 7 columns (Monday - Sunday our "challenge week)

All of the above are linked to successful weight loss, so our attention should be focused there. Please PM me any suggestions you have 

Let's start with introductions.....looking forward to it!


  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Ooooh ooooh im in im in. Im always too late for challenges :)

    Im beccy, I have two children (millie 5 & josh 4) im 30 next year and desperate to hit my goal weight by then

    Im currently 145.8 (was 143 last weeks weigh in but no longer thanks to tom)
  • I'm in!! I keep flopping up and down from there and I'd really like it to keep heading down not back up again! Hopefully this will be the push I need.

    SW: 187.5
  • Oooh forgot info...I'm Laura...I turn 30 in September and I want to be the in the best shape of my life when that day comes!
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    I totally want to do it!!! Okay so where do we post our start weights at??? I was on vacation last week so I have been scared to weigh in :) but I love challenges and accountability to keep me motivated. how do we start??
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    What's eating clean mean?
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Count me in, too!

    My name is Mandy. My husband and I have been married for 3 years On August kids yet, but I want to get in shape so that when I do have kids, I can do my best to have a healthy pregnancy and an easier time losing the baby weight! I have about 35 lbs to lose and could use the support!
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Wow, I'm so impressed with all the of the views already!

    Eating clean basically means eating the way nature intends us to eat...basically lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean proteins. No over processed, chemical ladden foods. It tough to eat clean cause of the planning that needs to go into it.

    So far we have 3 people! :) If we make it to ten I'll set up some charts that we can put our stats into.

    We can do this!!!!! YAY!!!!!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    I want to join! My name is Alison and I just joined a couple weeks ago. I am excited to part of a group to stay motivated to lose some of this weight. I am 36 years old. I am 9 years married. I have 13 year old twin girls and a 7 year old girl. They keep me going and I want to be able to keep up...I am excited for this challenge! I am 5'7" and my Current Weight is 221.
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Cool!! So far we have 6 lovely ladies :)

    1) Beccy
    2) Laura
    3) SG Tayor
    4) Mandy
    5) Alison
    6) Me

    I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Ali and I'm a 31 year old single mom to a wonderful 3 year old boy :)
    I'm currently off for the summer (i'm a teacher) so I have no excuses!! I want to tone up and lose 10lbs. I completed p90x last year and I know how good I felt at the end of that.
    I'm currently starting a p90x/turbo fire hybrid....made up by me! My goal is to workout 5x a week and to have a net calories of 1200.
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm in!! :) My name is Lauren. I'm 26 and a teacher in Ohio. I'm like Ali, just ten or so pounds that I keep losing and putting back on. I currently have them back on and am feeling blah about myself, so I joined this site last week! I just got married this past October, and when my husband ran a marathon in May, it motivated me to start running! I'm only up to 2.5 miles, but that's more than I ever thought I'd do. :)
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Ok now we have 7:)

    1) Beccy
    2) Laura
    3) SG Tayor
    4) Mandy
    5) Alison
    6) Me
    7) Lauren

    I was just thinking...why wait a whole week to start??? Why does it have to start on Mon? Let's start it on Thurs! If there's any objections to that let me know otherwise let's start this week! Here's the new schdule:

    July 21th - Initial Weigh In Week (Starting weight for challenge)
    July 28 - "Week 1" weigh in
    Remaining weigh ins"8/4, 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/1 (final challenge weigh in!!)
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    I will be out of town Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so that will be pretty hard for me! No exercise, hard time tracking calories with whatever I have to eat on the road and at the wedding we're going to. But I'll try my best if everyone would like to start Thursday! :)
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    I think if you could repost it we would get a couple more people!!
  • Beks816
    Beks816 Posts: 9 Member
    im in too! im becky, 20 years old, SW 198 (good riddance!)
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Im looking forward to starting. Anyone in the challenge wants to add me as a friend feel free :smile:
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    I'm new in the message board! I wanna join! But I think im gonna have a problem w/ the sleeping hours though
  • Can I join?? Or am I too late?

    My name is Brooke, and I'm 34 with 2 girls (Grace is 5 and Leah is 17 months) and a wonderful hubby. I work full time, too, so life is hectic! I've lost 52 pounds as of this morning, but still have a long way to go. This challenge will really help me!!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Can I join?? Or am I too late?

    My name is Brooke, and I'm 34 with 2 girls (Grace is 5 and Leah is 17 months) and a wonderful hubby. I work full time, too, so life is hectic! I've lost 52 pounds as of this morning, but still have a long way to go. This challenge will really help me!!

    52lbs thats amazing :) well done xx
  • bbahmer377
    bbahmer377 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in! If I'm not too late that is! I have tried to do challenges with larger group of people before and felt like since I didn't feel any real connection to the group I didn't feel any acountability towards them. This will be perfect! Thanks for starting it up! :)
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Alright Ladies...the group is now closed!!! I'm feeling excited. I have never done this before, so please bear with me. Here is our little group not including me.

    1) Beccy
    2) Laura
    3) SG Tayor
    4) Mandy
    5) Alison
    6) Lauren
    7) Becky
    8) psychofied
    9) Brooke
    10) bbahmer377

    Since there was an objection to starting on Thurs and nobody else mentioned anything.we will start on Mon as planned. Which for will be a challenge for me becasue I'm going to my parents house for a week with my son. My parents are both food addicts and they are obese. I call their house the "vortex of eating and doing nothing" But I think being accountable to this group will keep me on track.

    So please take your measurements and send them to me by Mon so I can post them all up. They will be up by Mon evening!
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