What's your diet like? What's working for you?

I know all our bodies are different. Just seeing what diet or lifestyle change you have made and how's it working so far


  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Eating 1,800 and burning 500 every day works for me. Always hit protein goal. Loss of +/- 1# per week. I'm 5/7"F, 150#.
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    Eating 1,800 and burning 500 every day works for me. Always hit protein goal. Loss of +/- 1# per week. I'm 5/7"F, 150#.

    You work out 7 days a week?
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I'm a few years into maintenance now and I continue to focus #1 on my calorie intake. I still eat all the foods I like and nothings off limits (only exception is I've switched from regular coke to diet now). I also do 16:8IF as part of my maintenance plan and my eating window is from 11am-7pm. Nothing magical about IF, but not eating in the morning helps control my hunger and gives me more calories to have a bigger lunch, which works well with my schedule/preferences.
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    I am a keto'er...I have lost 91 lbs. in a lil over 2 years with 30 to go ....I workout 6 to 7 days ....I lift weights and do zumba during the week and run during the weekends
    That's my regimen too!!!! But I'm not doing keto how's that going for you?

  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Its working out great....I am also a monthly weigher so I will let you know on the 20th of this month :p
  • katiehepp1
    katiehepp1 Posts: 138 Member
    Nothing off limits, lost 2 1/2 stone since October goal 1lb a week 1790 cals a day. Excersize daily between 30-60+ minutes but 30 mins minimum (I know I probably shouldn't excersize so much but I love it and I'm starting swimming tomorrow :))
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    Its working out great....I am also a monthly weigher so I will let you know on the 20th of this month :p
    What's the difference between keto and low carb?
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    katiehepp1 wrote: »
    Nothing off limits, lost 2 1/2 stone since October goal 1lb a week 1790 cals a day. Excersize daily between 30-60+ minutes but 30 mins minimum (I know I probably shouldn't excersize so much but I love it and I'm starting swimming tomorrow :))

    lol I'm noticing a lot of people working out every day I guess once u get hooked
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Keto and I weren't a match but eating 1800 calories daily, getting good sleep, and exercising at a minimum 5 days a week are a great match.

    My success is it depriving myself of anything. If I eat something not so fab, the rest of the day or next few are clean :)
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    Its working out great....I am also a monthly weigher so I will let you know on the 20th of this month :p
    What's the difference between keto and low carb?

    low carb can be 150g or less ....Keto is very low carb I am set at 5%...moderate protein I am set at 20% and high fat I am set at 75%
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    Its working out great....I am also a monthly weigher so I will let you know on the 20th of this month :p
    What's the difference between keto and low carb?

    low carb can be 150g or less ....Keto is very low carb I am set at 5%...moderate protein I am set at 20% and high fat I am set at 75%
    I'm pickin ur brain smarty pants lol... what do you usually eat in a day?
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    Maintaining a 178 lb loss for 4 years here.

    I guess if I had to name my WOE it would be moderation/IIFYM. I basically eat the same foods as I did when I was obese, just less. I have learned to embrace and enjoy new ways with veggies and fruits and I would say that 'dieting' actually helped me to expand my variety of foods.

    I use logging now to make sure I hit my protein and fat macro's as I often struggle to reach my calorie goals when I am in a flare.

    Exercise has been a big area of change for me. At 278 lbs I was not active at all and due to my size all I was only able to manage was walking. I ended up getting into LONG and hard bushwalking here in Tassie and was even climbing the odd Mountain or 2.

    It only took me till my late 40's early 50's to be stronger, fitter and more agile than I had ever been. I had to let that go when I got sick, so now I am focusing on weights and Yoga mainly.
    That's amazing!!! Are you doing yoga classes or videos?
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Volumetrics. High protein, moderate fat, lowish carbs. I eat a crap ton of veggies. People are usually shocked. I have to order two salads at many restaurants. :)
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    delisha527 wrote: »
    Its working out great....I am also a monthly weigher so I will let you know on the 20th of this month :p
    What's the difference between keto and low carb?

    low carb can be 150g or less ....Keto is very low carb I am set at 5%...moderate protein I am set at 20% and high fat I am set at 75%
    I'm pickin ur brain smarty pants lol... what do you usually eat in a day?

    today was bulletproof coffee ( 16 oz. coffee....1 Tbsp. unsalted butter, 1 Tbsp of coconut oil, 4 Tbsp. heavy whipping cream and 1 Tbsp. of sugarfree vanilla syrup (it keeps me full until lunch time which is around 1 or 2 )
    Lunch was bacon with 2 eggs ....dinner will be steak and salad ...dessert is 4 pieces of sugarfree chocolate vanilla candy
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    nowine4me wrote: »
    Eating 1,800 and burning 500 every day works for me. Always hit protein goal. Loss of +/- 1# per week. I'm 5/7"F, 150#.

    You work out 7 days a week?

    Yup. I run MWF, lift T/T/S and walk/yoga/Pilates on Sundays. ALWAYS get a minimum of 10k steps.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    Maintaining a 178 lb loss for 4 years here.

    I guess if I had to name my WOE it would be moderation/IIFYM. I basically eat the same foods as I did when I was obese, just less. I have learned to embrace and enjoy new ways with veggies and fruits and I would say that 'dieting' actually helped me to expand my variety of foods.

    I use logging now to make sure I hit my protein and fat macro's as I often struggle to reach my calorie goals when I am in a flare.

    Exercise has been a big area of change for me. At 278 lbs I was not active at all and due to my size all I was only able to manage was walking. I ended up getting into LONG and hard bushwalking here in Tassie and was even climbing the odd Mountain or 2.

    It only took me till my late 40's early 50's to be stronger, fitter and more agile than I had ever been. I had to let that go when I got sick, so now I am focusing on weights and Yoga mainly.
    That's amazing!!! Are you doing yoga classes or videos?

    Thank you <3

    I use downloaded Yoga classes. My daughter is quite the Yoga guru and when she visits often take me through new moves and helps guide me.