Ladies Over 40 Holla at me PLEASE



  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I'm so glad it's not just me!! I remember at 38 and 39 I was still thinking "This getting older thing isn't so bad." Then I turned 40 and I swear my warranty expired. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that the progress that I do make doesn't last as long. I used to be able to do light weight training a couple of times a week and stay toned looking, but now if I don't exercise for a few days I begin to *SEE* everything getting flabby within a day or two. Arrgg!! So frustrating!
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    Hey Shawn, check the sodium in that Rice A Roni, may be the reason for your "bloating". High sodium gives you water retention.
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
    Seriously, you are not lying! I am determined to figure out what my body wants, make the adjustments and remain in control of it. I don't like feeling as though I (my mind) has no say! It's #@*& up right?
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I am so glad to hear the success stories on this 40+ thread. I am in the yo young back and forth by 2 pounds stage attempting to figure out what I need to do to get past this. So far nothing has worked, but I recently added more strength training last week so we shall see. Thank you for the hope and motivation!
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Uh Hum, Trac, please don't refer to over 40 as 3rd "quarter" lol. I josh. Some of us who have not started a family, just now settling down with a second "life" or dating ahem, younger men, whatever. There are all "types" of life models out there. I think with the right tools "40 is the new 30",,, anyone???

    Not giving up here either. I started to gain weight above the waist too after 40... My pants still fit and so all of a sudden I discovered I had gained 8-10 pounds over this past year. YIKES! Quizzical.

    So I have been on MFP for about a week or so, and determined to figure this thing out! I can tell a HUGE difference with the calorie counting + weight training, and now I have discovered this high intensity interval training (HIIT) which I LOVE! It is suppose to burn 9x as much fat as low cardio in a fraction of the time.

    Hoping for the best!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hi, I just turned 42, and weight lose has become a pain in the *kitten*! The only thing that I found to work for me was a low carb diet. Now this is a hot topic on here, but this is what I did and it has worked for me. As an example last night I had a small portion of my hubby's rice a roni, this morning I'm bloated. I'm currently at 40% cards, wich isn't low, but lower than most, no white carbs at all. No white bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, it's hard at first but after the first week , it's very do-able. You can add me if you'd like.

    Going to be 47 in October.. This is been the hardest struggle.. I am cutting back on carbs as well. I lost a lot of weight about 12 yrs ago cutting back the carbs but gained it back after 5 yrs (that's another story).. I am going to take this differently than I did before. I know its going to be a hard road but I don't want to be fat at 50.. I think I said that when I was 39 but didn't want to be fat in my 40's.. Well guess what "here I am"..... I've had a lot of changes in my life. Some good and some bad, but I can control losing weight and that will be a good change...

    Good luck to you all...
  • koahope
    koahope Posts: 15
    47 here! In menopause and feeling the heat in more ways than one :blushing: (only thing resembling a hot flash). Loosing weight seems to be harder these last few yrs, 1 little slip and poof...up goes the scale! Not as easy to get if off either. Would LOVE some 40+ friends...just started in July
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    Hey, yes, me too! I'm 42 and my metabolism is S L O W. Everything tenth of a pound lost feels like extreme effort! It sucks but we can do it!
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
    Kids or no kids, our bodies seem to stay in sync with being "wacky" after 40 but I strongly believe as long as we take care of it we can be new parents or grandparents and feel great while we take care of our little ones! Keep pushing and we will emerge in victory!
  • cindykern
    cindykern Posts: 5
    It is possible by tracking your food and excercise you will lose if you stay within your calorie range. Yes i agree it seems to be more difficult to get the weight off as we get older but it will happen. I have been on mfp since April and have lost 23 pounds. So slow but sure but it is coming off and it will for you to.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    OMG! I hear you on this one sister. When I turned 40 it was like nothing I did before worked. I had to find a whole new strategy on life and its lessons. I am afraid much of the 40's was under high stress for me. Work, marriage and family all converged in a not so nice lesson on relationships and human nature. It left me feeling alone. But at 47, I started to get back on track and knew what I wanted for me. I still can't believe I gained so much weight during this time but food was my comfort.

    The best advise: 1) calorie works like nothing else; 2) exercise...find what you like and switch around the routine as not to get bored; 3) have goals...stay focused and on track no matter if its personal, financial, or health related.

    These sound like simple strategies but its funny we tend to ignore them in favor of a quick fix. Good Luck:smile:
    SHERRYnGA Posts: 38 Member
    HOLLA!!! I'm in for Ladies over 40! <3

    Turning 44 in August & IT'S GONNA BE A GREAT YEAR!!! <3 "I DESERVE NO LESS!!!!!!!!!!! WE DESERVE NO LESS!!!!!!!! <3
  • carid2
    carid2 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love for you to share what your personal trainer teaches you! I am brand new here. 41 and agree......loosing weight and getting fit and STAYING fit, soooo much harder now. BOO!! But I am determined!
  • sooman10
    sooman10 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey this post is great. Yes I am in my 40ish. I will 45 in 4 month time. I am aiming to lose 10lbs before then. I agree with all the comments losing wieght at this age is so much harder. I plan to up my game workout harder and use MFP to keep me motivated.

    Sign me up for the over 40ish club .:smile:
  • Ahhhh Tracie! Been there. It is crazy how your body changes on you without any prior notification. Although I was still in the service when I turned 41, I can tell you that it was the same...although I didn't look at the scale much, I did FEEL the difference in how my close fit, how my boobs hung and this crazy back fat that materialized out of nowhere! Diet is a big factor...not that you have to, but what you eat or drink and what time of day you do and what type of exercise you engage in. Had to go to a doctor to get evaluated on that other "topic" you mentioned because even that was out of control. The good news is YOU ARE NOT ALONE...the bad news is EVERYONE is different. So hopefully this will reduce some anxiety and feel free to hit me up if you think you are going through something weird...because I know I did. :ohwell: The grace and love of aging...:flowerforyou:
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Hi Ladies,

    I am 44 years old (how did that happen!), have a son about to enter college (OMG--will he be able to do this--he barely did the HS thing!), and have never worked SO HARD in all my life to loose weight.

    Just finished 90 days of ChaLEAN Extreme and lost 19 pounds but it wasn't easy...BUT IT CAN BE DONE!!!


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