Breastfeeding and losing weight

Hello I have used this app before and seen great results. This is my first time breastfeeding while trying to lose weight . I am 2 months postpartum, and weight 154 and I'm 5'0.. anyone else breastfeeding and trying to lose weight .. add me


  • Adding you
  • YaAllah1214
    YaAllah1214 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank u
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Adding you. I'm having a h*ll of a time with it - any time I dip too low my pumping out put drops. So far so good at 1/2lb a week.
  • EmmyJane1985
    EmmyJane1985 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know how to add you but Im in the same boat. Almost one month post C-section and Im exclusively breast feeding. Just got cleared for light excercise. I gained 45 during pregnancy and Ive lost 25 of it already but still want to lose another 30 or 40 (i was about 20 pounds heavier then I would have liked before baby). Came here looking for support!
  • honkarocks
    honkarocks Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I have no idea how to diet while breast feeding I don't even know where to start!
  • YaAllah1214
    YaAllah1214 Posts: 4 Member
    @Gimsteinn thank u so much, weight has always been my issue I hate being fat .. I love your tips I will keep them in mind ..
    @honkarocks my issue is every time I breastfeed I get hungry I try not to binge so I grab a fruit or vegetable
  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yes, I am. My little one is 7 months now, so I have my supply well established. I cut my calories back most days and eat at maintenance some days. There has been a slight dip in supply, so I'm just trying to find a happy medium. I've lost weight on MFP before, but now that I'm breastfeeding I know that it will be a slower process.

    ETA: Oh, and drink tons of water to keep hydrated!
  • rlt0006
    rlt0006 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a month in a half pp. I gained 45lbs and lost 21lbs so far, but do not want to decrease my supply.
  • destinedbeat
    destinedbeat Posts: 5 Member
    So when you say 500 above maintenance... like, if 1400 were the recommended calorie count for losing like a lb a week, would i up that to 1900? Sounds like a stupid question lol thank you in advance!
  • YaAllah1214
    YaAllah1214 Posts: 4 Member
    @destinedbeat I have the same question .. I been doing 1500 and today my milk supply dropped like crazy
  • Fit_Mom81
    Fit_Mom81 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm also trying to lose weight while breastfeeding. I have 8 lbs to go til I'm at pre-pregnancy weight. I have a 2.5 month old. I've had three kiddos in for years, and two of those were c-sections exactly 2 years and one week apart. It would just help to have motivation from other moms in the same boat.
  • TimBit0121
    TimBit0121 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat. 7 weeks postpartum. Question for you ladies - when you work out, are you eating those calories? Have you noticed a decrease in supply when you don't?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited February 2017
    So when you say 500 above maintenance... like, if 1400 were the recommended calorie count for losing like a lb a week, would i up that to 1900? Sounds like a stupid question lol thank you in advance!

    since you are set to lose 1lb your maintenance would be 1900 so you eat 500 above that so that gives you 2400 calories. if you eat 1900 you would just be at your need to eat above that.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I added you all! My son is 11 weeks, and I'm feeding like crazy, but the weight is sticking. If it's anything like my last son, I won't lose a pound until I wean, which is unfortunate because I really, really want to fit back into pants! I'm tracking calories and trying to get my workout and walks in but weight seems to be maintaining no matter what.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    My daughter is 11.5 weeks, EBF and the weight poured off for the first 10 weeks but has slowed a ton since. I'm not going crazy with calorie cutting but I only eat until satisfied.

    Pre pregnancy weight: 210lbs
    Weight the day before her birth: 223lbs - gained a pound or so a week from 32w on.
    Current weight: 185lbs
    Goal weight: 140-150ish (I have NEVER been petite other than my height)
  • tham125
    tham125 Posts: 3 Member
    My daughter is currently 4.5 weeks, and I have been exclusively pumping to feed her. Since I'm pumping, I know exactly how much milk I'm producing, and on average it's between 65-70 ounces (~14 oz per pump session, pumping 5x a day). Babies usually only eat about 30 oz a day, so I'm definitely producing more milk than the average ebf mom.

    Each ounce of milk is 20 calories, so if I produce 70 oz of milk that's 1400 calories. And that doesn't include the calories burned to make breast milk that doesn't actually make it into the milk.

    I haven't lost any weight the past 2.5 weeks eating around 2500 calories (suggested maintenance weight from MFP) a day, and sometimes I eat more. Because of the amount of milk I'm producing, I don't know if I'm eating too little or too much. I do try and walk at least 3x a week, but that's about it since I split open my c section incision after trying some basic exercises (squats, lunges, donkey kicks).

    Here are my stats
    Height: 5.5
    Pre pregnancy weight: 220 lbs
    Weight right before birth: 252lbs
    Current weight: 231 lbs
    Goal weight: 185 for now, but eventually 165

    The weight I lost so far was only water weight or weight from the baby/placenta, as a few days postpartum I was down 10 lbs but still had massive swelling and a week later most of the swelling was gone and I was down another 10.

    I am going to talk to my doctor, but want more opinions since shes an OBGYN and not a dietitian. Should I try eating more or less? Or just give it time? I was at my heaviest when I got pregnant, and would love to be at least under 200 lbs by the summer...
  • MamaPipes79
    MamaPipes79 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here. I'm also looking to lose some weight while breastfeeding and of course maintaining my supply!
    My little one is 4 weeks old and I have only lost 10-15lbs from my prebirth weight. I'm thinking my goal is to lose 45lbs more by mid summer
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited February 2017
    tham125 wrote: »
    My daughter is currently 4.5 weeks, and I have been exclusively pumping to feed her. Since I'm pumping, I know exactly how much milk I'm producing, and on average it's between 65-70 ounces (~14 oz per pump session, pumping 5x a day). Babies usually only eat about 30 oz a day, so I'm definitely producing more milk than the average ebf mom.

    Each ounce of milk is 20 calories, so if I produce 70 oz of milk that's 1400 calories. And that doesn't include the calories burned to make breast milk that doesn't actually make it into the milk.

    I haven't lost any weight the past 2.5 weeks eating around 2500 calories (suggested maintenance weight from MFP) a day, and sometimes I eat more. Because of the amount of milk I'm producing, I don't know if I'm eating too little or too much. I do try and walk at least 3x a week, but that's about it since I split open my c section incision after trying some basic exercises (squats, lunges, donkey kicks).

    Here are my stats
    Height: 5.5
    Pre pregnancy weight: 220 lbs
    Weight right before birth: 252lbs
    Current weight: 231 lbs
    Goal weight: 185 for now, but eventually 165

    The weight I lost so far was only water weight or weight from the baby/placenta, as a few days postpartum I was down 10 lbs but still had massive swelling and a week later most of the swelling was gone and I was down another 10.

    I am going to talk to my doctor, but want more opinions since shes an OBGYN and not a dietitian. Should I try eating more or less? Or just give it time? I was at my heaviest when I got pregnant, and would love to be at least under 200 lbs by the summer...

    I would say if you are producing enough then you are eating enough. I wouldnt mess with that.Be thankful you can make so much. I was eating a lot of calories and still was not producing enough. I couldnt breastfeed any longer than 3-4 months with both of my children and I wasnt trying to lose weight or anything. It sucked for me(no pun intended)
  • ProfDawnLee
    ProfDawnLee Posts: 127 Member
    Add me. I'm ebf and could use Support from other bf moms.