Darn sweet tooth!

I just cannot seem to shake this sugar addiction! It's like once I start...I can't stop! One little ice cream serving turns into 2 or 3 more! So frustrated!

Just had to vent...thanks for listening:)


  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I am exactly the same way....if I can just stay away from it altogether I'm much better off. One thing I have found that I don't have such a hard time stopping on but it gives me that little bit of "sweet" is dark chocolate. I usually buy the Dove Promises and just have maybe 2 or 3 when I'm really needing something.
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    same here!! I know there's just certain goodies I can't be trusted with!! I got with mini servings of chocolate (with the good stuff you don't need much), and with Whole Foods sugar free pies (120 calories a slice).. but OMG, ice cream -- oh!! I miss ice cream THE most!!! Back in the day, me and the hubby would share a pint of Häagen-Dazs for dessert -- and man that stuff was golden!! Oh well, at least I have the memories, right?!
  • rat70
    rat70 Posts: 129 Member
    I would consider myself to have a sweet tooth too but I seem to be able to manage it by really, I mean really, savouring my sweet treats. Dark chocolate is a weakness but so is ice-cream. I take a small piece or serving and eat it really slowly. When I say eat it slowly I mean smell it, feel it with your mouth, really concentrate on the taste of it and how it feels to eat it. I find if I really focus on my small portion, I don't need anymore to be satisfied. Make eating it a whole experience! Sounds a bit out there but it might help...
  • KimS1971
    KimS1971 Posts: 1
    I understand completely! I used to eat less food to save room for dessert. If I just have to have something sweet, I workout longer to burn it off. I even eat the Jello temptations and those really help to remove the guilt.
  • shonniegrl
    shonniegrl Posts: 22 Member
    I am right there with you right now!! It's is almost "that" time and I can't stop thinking about (and eating) chocolate!!! I have been doing so good with my food too!!!!!! It is good to know I am not alone!
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    im in the same boat. i had a little piece of hazelnut chocolate (MY FAVE) and it soon turned into almost half a bar of it. ****! I took it out of my room put it in the kitchen out of my sight lol I'm done with chocolate, i can't behave and have one piece.. so i wont have any of it . lol and ill feel much better too
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I understand! I've had to ban ice cream from my house during the summer. I just never behave with it (even though I'm lactose intolerant-you'd think I'd learn, lol).

    I do keep some Dove Promises Dark Chocolate around. I love chocolate and I can usually have a piece or two a day. Keeps me enjoying my sweet tooth in a controlled way.
  • bogle34
    bogle34 Posts: 107 Member
    me to....you are not alone...I wonder if it mainly females that have this craving..... I am also frustrated....
  • erzsebet_1560
    Hahaha! Thanks for all the responses..it's nice to know you're not alone:) I can't wait for the kids to go back to school. It seems harder to keep treats out of the house when they're home bored all day and it's too d*@n hot to go outside! The thing is, I restrict their consumtion of it...and then find myself eating it instead!! Grrrr...

    Had to add...I LOVE those dove dark chocolate things...I can't even control myself having those around! LMAO!!!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I have a huge sweet tooth but I find when I eat a lot of fruit, I no longer want ice cream and candy and stuff. I usually allow myself 1 treat a day anyway.. I don't believe in completely throwing something out of your life.. If I restrict something I tend to just eat it anyway (and a lot more than I should) and when I don't restrict, I find I rarely eat it anyway bc it's not the "forbidden food" or whatever.