Why is my daily calorie intake goal so high?



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    LMC8164 wrote: »
    Several of you were very rude and what you were saying I understand it but it was still rude. I too am overweight, technically speaking obese. I suffer from several conditions that she has as well and then autonomic nervous system dysfunction. I'm on high doses of steroids and several other medications that cause weight gain. I have actually shut down my metabolism due to the fact I am never hungry because I'm in constant pain I joined this to try and end of that. I have also hired a personal trainer. But since September when I started two new drugs and we did start monitoring my food intake of consume less than 1200 calories a day consistently average only 800 and yet I gained 38 pounds. So it is possible to gain weight on a less than required calorie count because when you are obese it just eats up your muscle mass and you can private message me for pictures of the scarring that my body has from consuming muscle mass instead of fat. You don't need to reply to this comment just always remember you're not walking in someone else's shoes peace and love and weight loss

    if your metabolism shuts down you are dead. it may have slowed considerably but it didnt shut down,if it did so would your organs. being obese does not eat your muscle mass.if you dont get enough calories your body will use body fat,muscle and so on for energy. so you cant just lose muscle mass and not fat. unless you have a muscle wasting disease or a disease that causes your body to consume muscle. but if you are in a caloric deficit you will lose fat and muscle,which is why you need to consume enough protein. steroids dont cause weight gain in of themselves,they increase appetite,although they can cause you to retain crazy amounts of water weight. now your BMR most likely has slowed way down(adaptive thermogenesis)to help your body save energy due to eating so little.but you would still not gain weight unless you are eating more than your TDEE.

    If you are indeed eating 800 calories then your TDEE would have to be very very low and I dont think you would be able to function at all to be honest. Im not being rude here either. obese people usually have a higher TDEE.If your body consumes muscle mass there should be no scarring on the outside either,because most people dont know they are losing muscle mass unless they get testing done(dexascan,bod pod,etc).
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    I think sometimes people mistake direct, honest answers as being rude. It isn't. It's being honest and just not sugar coating it.

    I often wonder what typical daily interactions are like for those folks. I think having a logical conversation with people about different opinions or different ways of doing things is a normal every day occurrence. I'm challenged (and I challenge others) every day in my work environment and can't imagine being a productive employee if every time someone told me I was mistaken I felt like they were being mean or unsupportive.

    I think some people want sympathy, someone to hold their hand or commiseration, not have it pointed out to them that maybe the way they are doing things isn't entirely accurate and the correct way to do it.
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    LMC8164 wrote: »
    Several of you were very rude and what you were saying I understand it but it was still rude. I too am overweight, technically speaking obese. I suffer from several conditions that she has as well and then autonomic nervous system dysfunction. I'm on high doses of steroids and several other medications that cause weight gain. I have actually shut down my metabolism due to the fact I am never hungry because I'm in constant pain I joined this to try and end of that. I have also hired a personal trainer. But since September when I started two new drugs and we did start monitoring my food intake of consume less than 1200 calories a day consistently average only 800 and yet I gained 38 pounds. So it is possible to gain weight on a less than required calorie count because when you are obese it just eats up your muscle mass and you can private message me for pictures of the scarring that my body has from consuming muscle mass instead of fat. You don't need to reply to this comment just always remember you're not walking in someone else's shoes peace and love and weight loss

    800 calories a day and you have gained 38 pounds? That is impossible. There are individuals with hormone problems, etc and thats their daily goal to eat to lose weight, not gain tens of pounds.
    I understand your condition, hormone levels etc but unless you are missing all your liver, kidneys, heart, some type of skeletal muscle, other organs, (brain accounts for 20% of your BMR), its simply not plausible.

    Also if your BMR is so low and you're over weight, you wouldn't burn through your muscle mass either. You simply store more fat in your body.

    On the other hand, I assume they are giving you corticosteroids which cortisone is involved in the body's balance of water, which can cause water retention. You may be experiencing that but thats not really a fat gain. You should talk to your doctor about these.

    I think you should have a proper BMR test done at a medical facility, and start weighing your meals properly. So you don't eat unnecessarily low, or eat more than you think you do.

    Good luck!
  • coachsaralee
    coachsaralee Posts: 29 Member
    If you don't eat enough calories, you'll lose lots of muscle mass and trash your metabolism.


    One of my fellow weight loss coaches ate one meal a day and ended up over 400 lbs. So those of you berating someone who says they aren't eating but are over weight are out of line. It happens. This same coach has lost over 200 lbs by eating 5-6 times a day and eating lots but the right stuff. That's what boosts your metabolism. So it wouldn't surprise me if someone at 300 lbs should eat close to 2000 calories.

    I lost over 80lbs... started at 48.9% body fat and have coached many to success. I more often tell people to eat more than to eat less.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    If you don't eat enough calories, you'll lose lots of muscle mass and trash your metabolism.


    One of my fellow weight loss coaches ate one meal a day and ended up over 400 lbs. So those of you berating someone who says they aren't eating but are over weight are out of line. It happens. This same coach has lost over 200 lbs by eating 5-6 times a day and eating lots but the right stuff. That's what boosts your metabolism. So it wouldn't surprise me if someone at 300 lbs should eat close to 2000 calories.

    I lost over 80lbs... started at 48.9% body fat and have coached many to success. I more often tell people to eat more than to eat less.

    muscle and exercise among other things is what boosts metabolism. food or eating every so often does not. I have a metabolic disorder and other health issues that make it hard to lose weight,but I still lose weight. I became obese due to moving less and eating more. oh and my hubby eats sometimes once a day and he is NOT obese either. some days he eats all day every day. but he burns more than he eats because he is always on the go.its a scientific fat that its all about calories in vs calories out,for people who take meds or slowed down their metabolism due to always dieting,crash dieting,eating disorders etc have to find what their TDEE,BMR and so on is a recalculate from there.

    It may be lower than what a calculator gives you, but its still going to be CICO. you become overweight or obese due from eating more than you burn. meds can increase appetite making you eat more, meds cant create mass out of thin air. if not eating enough made you overweight then anorexics,people in third world countries and so on would not be sickly underweight and dying of malnutrition,they would be overweight and thats not happening. I have been and I am still on steroid meds for my asthma.I am also on other meds that a side effect is "weight gain". I have a health issue where if I eat too much fat/cholesterol from foods my body will produce more cholesterol and store extra fat,I still lost weight eating less than I burned(CICO).I also lost a lot of fat.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm just under 300lbs looking to get to 160. Why on earth is it telling me I need to eat 2400 calories a day? That's way more food than I usually eat. I'm trying to lose, not gain!

    Because based on your stats, that's what the math says...these calculators use population averages...on average, someone of your stats should easily be able to lose weight on 2400 calories per day...that said, if I were in your shoes I'd likely take a more aggressive approach.

    Also, there are numerous observation studies out there that indicate that overweight individuals vastly underestimate how much they're eating...and conversely, people of a healthy weight tend to vastly underestimate how much they're eating.
  • mindblaster92000
    mindblaster92000 Posts: 3 Member
    I know this is years later....but I cannot believe this woman got so mad by the responses.. Seriously in her initial post she said nothing of a medical condition and a medical need to alter information. That was absolutely misleading on her part, she had no place to get that upset. Good greif!
  • azuki84
    azuki84 Posts: 212 Member
    Gotta stick with something that works
  • mybentley7
    mybentley7 Posts: 32 Member
    I can't help it, but I find threads like these entertaining. Like people that get mad because their claims that they gain weight on 1200 calories are challenged.