Do you eat out more, less, or the same as when you were in weight loss?



  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    More. I frequently pick a restaurant as a destination for a bicycle ride. More often than not, I burn off at least as many calories as I ate at the restaurant while on my bicycle ride.
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    Same. I walk little less but the way I eat is pretty much the same most of the time. I eat out a lot and it was important for me to learn not to view eating out as opportunity to eat badly. I work only with males and in have two males home. I crave female company! I meet friends in work for lunch few times a week. We go out for a meal at least once weekly as family. Also I work full time and have son that have a lot of activities and busy husband so I felt learning to eat out around my work and still remain on track. If I don't prep food for work, there is no panic. I researched options around work. Few salad places, subway, freshii, burrito place where you can get a bowl, even pizza place with lighter options. I even know what the lowest calorie burger in 5 guys is and skip the fries, drink water and still make it work in my calories. I don't go there often, but if I do I know how to make it work for me and enjoy my burger. I read the menus on all sit down restaurants around and made few picks that I feel would suit my calorie budget

    There are few good restaurants around me where they have their calorie count published, and the food is good and I often suggest them for a meal. Sometimes I meet people and if I feel no reasonable option is available I stick to coffee and enjoy the company.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Essentially the "same" which isn't that often.

    Only change is that I never eat "fast" food anymore. No KFC, McD etc. Only occasional restaurant meals.

    Prefer to eat at home anyway because I like to cook, it's cheaper and it's often better that what I can get at a restaurant.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    I lost weight very slowly by using various calculators to figure what the average TDEE would be more me at my goal weight. The idea was that I wouldn't have to change anything. And that worked pretty well, I lost down to a healthy BMI and maintained the loss for about year this way. But I never reached my goal weight, which was okay because it was just some random weight I grabbed from the middle of the BMI charts anyway.

    But I found that maintaining felt like dieting. I could do it but it wasn't comfortable like I'd prefer eating to be. I had to think about it all the time. So I made another change with the intention of making maintenance easier. I started fasting one day a week. I toyed with this idea several times when reading posts on here asking about fasting but never did it. I wish I had. Not only does this allow me to eat quite a bit more on the weekends, which I love, but I've starting slowly losing weight again. About 1 lb every 2-3 weeks, which is a really great rate since I am already at a healthy weight. If I get to a point where I'm happy with my weight I will continue the fasting and simply eat more on non-fasting days. This feel so comfortable to me. This feels like something I can do forever.
  • clags301
    clags301 Posts: 69 Member
    I lost weight very slowly by using various calculators to figure what the average TDEE would be more me at my goal weight. The idea was that I wouldn't have to change anything. And that worked pretty well, I lost down to a healthy BMI and maintained the loss for about year this way. But I never reached my goal weight, which was okay because it was just some random weight I grabbed from the middle of the BMI charts anyway.

    But I found that maintaining felt like dieting. I could do it but it wasn't comfortable like I'd prefer eating to be. I had to think about it all the time. So I made another change with the intention of making maintenance easier. I started fasting one day a week. I toyed with this idea several times when reading posts on here asking about fasting but never did it. I wish I had. Not only does this allow me to eat quite a bit more on the weekends, which I love, but I've starting slowly losing weight again. About 1 lb every 2-3 weeks, which is a really great rate since I am already at a healthy weight. If I get to a point where I'm happy with my weight I will continue the fasting and simply eat more on non-fasting days. This feel so comfortable to me. This feels like something I can do forever.

    Can I ask what a fast day looks like good/drink/calorie-wise for you? I save calories, but am thinking It should be a little more drastic so I can enjoy more on the weekend.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I ate out several times a week during my weight loss phase and continue to eat out several times a week now in maintenance :)
  • Kimblesnbits13
    Kimblesnbits13 Posts: 369 Member
    I ate out several times a week during my weight loss phase and continue to eat out several times a week now in maintenance :)

    Where do you eat and what do you get?!