Holiday 3 weeks on Fri!!!

Hi All

I started back on my diet and fitness regime on Monday as I fly to Tenerife on 12th Aug and really dont feel confident to put a bikini on yet!! I am a size 16 and carry most of the weight on my stomach, hips and thighs. I always seem to find though that the harder I work out and stricter I am with my food, I never lose any weight. Then when I go back to my old habits of eating junk and drinking alcohol and no exercise, I lose weight??!!! I dont get it!!

Im trying so hard this time, I have been doing a 20 min workout in the mornings before work and then again when I get home, although I am so stiff and sore today that I didnt work out this morning oops!

Do you have any tips to keep me motivated and any suggestions to get the weight off my belly, thighs and hips in 4 weeks??




  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    With 4 weeks to go, perhaps 30 day shred? It combines cardio, strength training and ab work.

    You aren't going to (healthily) loose a lot of weight in 4 weeks but you can certainly drop a few pounds safely, lose some inches and tone the supporting muscles. Get that bikini out & put it where you will see it every day - mine is in my bathroom - and remember why you are doing this!!

    Have a great holiday :) I fly to Cuba on Monday!!! I'm as bikini ready as I'm going to be but still trying to ramp the exercise back up this week lol.
  • clare85
    clare85 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the tips!! I do have the 30 day shred DVD by Jillian Michaels...its a killer but will do my best!!

    Watch this space!!
