Motivation and support

Hi friends- have been on and off here for awhile and back on to help get myself back on track! Any support and motivation that can be sent my way I would greatly appreciate and of course more than happy to give it right back :-) thanks!


  • lucyluvhandles
    lucyluvhandles Posts: 138 Member
    Hi. Motivation really does help. Feel free to add me :)
  • rustychord
    rustychord Posts: 166 Member
    Motivation is probably 95% of the journey. Some days I wake up looking forward to the challenge...others I wake up wondering if I really feel like accepting the challenge. Two days like that in a row can kill a long commitment so whatever motivates you, you need access to it quickly!

    Good luck with your goals, and feel free to add me as well.
  • lgibbons92
    lgibbons92 Posts: 14 Member
    Right there with you. Feel free to add/ message me