Strong lift 5x5 help

PaigeMed Posts: 27 Member
edited February 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
I'd really like to start the 5x5 program. I love weights but usually just do stuff from home.. I would like to step it up. I've been reading a little about the 5x5 and wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to go about it. I'm 5'5 125 pounds. I'm a cardio lover but Like I said I've been trying to add in more weight training. Are you still able to do much cardio once you begin this program?


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
  • PaigeMed
    PaigeMed Posts: 27 Member

    That is the exact site I was reading..
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    The program is really straight forward. Follow it exactly as written. Note, there is also an app that can log your progress.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    So you read it, then watch the videos, then ask specific questions or just start it. Then watch even MORE videos, follow the app, and film yourself for form checks.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    What specific questions do you have?
  • PaigeMed
    PaigeMed Posts: 27 Member
    What specific questions do you have?
    How bad is it to keep cardio in my mix 3-4 times a week on off days at least?
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I alternate running days with Stronglifts. Works fine for me.
  • PaigeMed
    PaigeMed Posts: 27 Member
    Has anyone done it and loved their results?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    There is a whole strong lifts group. Then you have where many of the women used Stronglifts.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    Has anyone done it and loved their results?
    I can pick up heavy things, get the lids off jars, and walk up any hill in my neighborhood without breaking a sweat. I also get to eat lots of food now. I'm happy with those results.
  • Bradywho1
    Bradywho1 Posts: 22 Member
    I tried a 5x5, my conclusion.. gained some size in a few weeks but I cut it short because I found the heavy weights low reps more taxing on my joints especially with trying to progressively overload
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    What specific questions do you have?
    How bad is it to keep cardio in my mix 3-4 times a week on off days at least?

    If your cardio is moderate to low intensity, I don't see it being a problem. I would cut back the number cardio sessions to 2 or 3 so that you have one or two full rest days.
  • michaelroberts90475
    Just go for it. At the beginning, you won't notice much and legs will hardly be sore. You can always do your cardio after your round with the 5x5 since you can easily be done in a half an hour. Once the weights get heavy, either cardio or lifting is going to have to become main priority. Not saying you'll have to stop one or the other, just might have to choose which one you want to push harder at. Good luck
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    there's a women's group here, with lots of sl lifters. probably more than one of them, actually. it's nice to have company.

    to your specific questions, i cycle a lot and lifting has sort of blunted that a little. but it's a matter of choice. turned out i like lifting even more than the biking, so that's how it happened.
  • PaigeMed
    PaigeMed Posts: 27 Member
    there's a women's group here, with lots of sl lifters. probably more than one of them, actually. it's nice to have company.

    to your specific questions, i cycle a lot and lifting has sort of blunted that a little. but it's a matter of choice. turned out i like lifting even more than the biking, so that's how it happened.

    I cycle too. That's my thing, I don't want to give that up I just want something more, thank you. Definitely going to try it.
  • PaigeMed
    PaigeMed Posts: 27 Member
    Just go for it. At the beginning, you won't notice much and legs will hardly be sore. You can always do your cardio after your round with the 5x5 since you can easily be done in a half an hour. Once the weights get heavy, either cardio or lifting is going to have to become main priority. Not saying you'll have to stop one or the other, just might have to choose which one you want to push harder at. Good luck

    Thank you. Going to try it and see how I like it.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    edited February 2017
    Tagging @crazyravr into this thread because he is a cyclist who lifts.

    Edit - spelling
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    also @sijomial and @NorthCascades may have useful info?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I cycle and weight train and yes, it does cause a conflict.

    My normal routine normally is alternate days 3 or 4 days cardio (mostly cycling or cycle related) and 3 days weight training.
    In winter my focus is mainly weights and legs get worked in the gym - I have to accept that will impact my cardio/bike training.
    In spring to autumn my priority is cycling and I do very little leg strength work in the gym. My legs get worked more than enough from my riding and other cardio training.

    I balance out the recovery / training performance conflicts as best I can. If I can fit in leg strength work in the cycling season it's nearly always at the beginning of the week. Often that means training when legs already fatigued from the previous weekend's ride(s). Obviously if I'm recovering from a really long ride then I simply need to give legs recovery time.

    You pick your priority and accept the compromise really. My routine is flexible (weather, recovery, event prep, everyday life...) and I do have to listen to my body and adjust based on fatigue levels.

    Yes you can do a lot of cardio while doing weights (I did 4000+ miles last year) but have reservations if you could do a rigid 5x5 program 12 months a year if your priority is cycling above a more leisure riding level.

    Caveat - bear in mind I'm a lot older than you, got an extensive collection of old injuries and I've been strength training longer than you have been alive!
    There is always a place for suck it and see then adjust accordingly.

  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited February 2017
    Are you still able to do much cardio once you begin this program?

    It's subject to the individual and their goals.

    If the cardio is intense or very taxing, it will take a hit on your lifting progress more th Gan you weren't doing both . Basically choose which is your primary goal and work behind that one with the other.

    That being said, you can. I was running every day from 5-13 miles while also SL 5x5 to regain strength after cancer treatments and the program did very well for me, but I also had many years of lifting experience and am a athlete so my lifts had alot of wiggle room from starting with only a Oly bar. I exceeded my goals of running by far so it's possible. A good rule with lifting or running is to make sure you get lots of sleep.

    Btw cardio has its good points for lifting, especially when you get heavy but that's something to think more about later.