3 Day Super Diet - Thoughts?



  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    One more thing before I leave you:

    -Save your money and spend it on something that will help you lose real weight.
    Ex: hand-weights, healthy food, workout video.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I am interested and knowing what the diet is. I do the master cleanse and usually in three days I will drop about ten lbs... of course it could be water weight but I do that cleanse every six months.... so far I have lost 145lbs... I was very obese but sometimes people need the quick fix to motivate them to start excersizing and eating more healthy.... looking forward to knowing how it goes. Good luck :)

    It's basically a 1000 cal. /day diet ~ you can find it online.
    I thought about doing the Master Cleanse but I was afraid of the ... well "method" lol :blushing:
    Master Cleanse? Havet heard of that either
  • bicey305
    bicey305 Posts: 5
    like everyone has told you, its just water weight u will lose. also, you might lose the 10 lbs but according to my doctors you will gain back double the weight once you go back to your regular eating habits. if you are doing it to kick start the new you then its ok i guess, but dont starve yourself.
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    One more thing before I leave you:

    -Save your money and spend it on something that will help you lose real weight.
    Ex: hand-weights, healthy food, workout video.

    It doesn't cost anything so ...
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    I decided to try this 3-Day fad diet to drop a few pounds really fast. It says you can lose 10lbs in 3 days doing this ... I know it sounds horrible and all that - but trying it just once can't hurt right?
    so - weigh-in on Day 1: 142.4

    Tuesday July 19, 2011 ~ Day 1 done and I wasn't hungry at all
    Wednesday July 20, 2011 ~ Day 2
    Thursday July 21, 2011 ~ Day 3

    Friday July 22, 2011 ~ Final Weigh-in: 138

    Not quit as much as I was hoping for - but it's still 4 lbs down! That's 3 weeks of dieting in 3 days :)
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    Good for you! Does this 3-day plan have a specific name?