Who wants to be a hot mom Group 10

Alright ladies! So here's our group! We need to work together to come up with an awesome name! I'm so excited to have ya'll (yes I'm from the south) to lean on for the next 5+ months! Let's get ready to work our way towards being the HOT MAMAS that we know we are!




  • MerA822
    MerA822 Posts: 43
    i found more than group with same name , i 'd love to join if still possible .
    my goal is to lose 33 lbs ( my final goal ) , my goal is 166 lbs & i want to be 133lbs , wish to be with you :smile:
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hey Skinny Moms :)
    You guys are so close to your goals DJIEZ.gif Good job already!
    Captain, awesome job!

    Just in case you didn't get the Captain's Kit:

    Captain Kit
    Yes if your name is highlighted you are a captain. Please recruit your Moms and start your thread I will send you the Template Files so it can be easier for you to put it together and add new numbers like IG and FG. If there is more than one name highlighted, great! you got more help ;) one can do the tables and the other can upload motivational pictures for the group. Emoticons are nice too ;)

    I will give you the Word documents and links so you can do it ok? I hope is fine.

    Sample of one group List : You can make your own list based on this template

    The Whole Team, arranged by similar weight per group.

    Both word document

    And the images, site to store your images and get the codes:
    1st, make your account at
    and start uploading your favorites and most motivational images to paste in your posts.

    Upload motivational pictures so you can support your team and please teach them all how to do it.
    Just copy the IMG code for forums and replace the IMG capitals by img lower case , and paste it in your posts.

    For the personalized Tables of the group I just use Paint (basic program in windows) just copy from word
    with CTRL + Print and paste it to Paint
    Then crop it and make it so it can fit in your thread.
    Last, upload it to imgur website and get your code. it's easy. don't forget to change the IMG for img.

    I also use Photoshop for personalized figures like the Logo of Hot Moms with the 2 kids.
    In the next 9 weeks I will be very busy studying for an important exam, so I wont have time to spare. Now I am in group 7 and plan to stick to my group. Please Captains, help your Moms with any guidance they might need.

    Thank you!

  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yay!!! Group 10!!! Very excited to be here. Hopefully everyone will get on this thread soon.

    Let's get to know each other.

    I am 31. My daughter will be 3 at the end of the month, and my son is 18 months. I lost weight after my pregnancies fairly quickly, but I am flabby. I have a belly pooch/muffin top, my arms and legs are fairly weak with no muscle tones. So about a month ago, I decided it was time to get in shape. I started the 30DS, and my ankles swelled up toward the middle of level 1. I kept going, despite the swollen ankles, and I was having a hard time walking because of soreness and pain. I took a couple days break after 10 days of level 1, and then started level 2. The swelling went away in a few days, and I haven't had any problems since. My DH reminded me that I haven't exercised since my college years. The whole swollen ankles thing just reinforces how important it is to stay in shape.

    My goal is to be strong and healthy. I am not focusing on the scale so much because I know that I can be "skinny" on the scale and still be out of shape.

    Currently I am trying to eat 1480 calories. Last week, I went over quite a bit when we were on vacation. I try to eat all the calories, and I prefer to be a little bit over than under because I feel more achy when I am under. I am on Day 7 Level 3 of 30DS today. 3 more days, then onto Brazil Butt Lift.
  • Grimesbaby
    Okay, so how do i become a part of a group? I'm a new mommy and my daughter is turning 6 months in a couple weeks. I've already lost 50lbs but i have another 40 to go. i'm new to fitness pal and finding i really like it thus far. please any support or suggestions would be welcome. thank you ~Heidi
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone! I like that we have a group and can help motivate each other. Here is a little about me so we can get to know each other....

    I'll be 42 next month and mom to twin 2 1/2 year old boys. I've never really had to watch my weight. Even after having them I lost all the weight pretty fast nursing and sleepless nights :) But I do want to be in shape and healthy long-term for them, and to try and tone up my stomach, though I worry that might not happen completely -- they were both good sized babies! I'm off all summer (I teach full-time at a local college) and so I know I need to put the hard work in now before life gets busy again, balancing home and work.

    I started eating better and joined a gym and a bootcamp style class with a trainer about a month ago.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone else!

  • AimieStar
    AimieStar Posts: 21

    I'm Aimie, mum to five-year-old Freya.

    I have 23 lbs left to lose before I reach my Ultimate goal weight but haven't lost anything in over a week.
  • kripley1229
    MerA822 and railebaby: The "Who wants to be a hot mom" groups are categorized by individual weight.

    Quote from the original thread:
    "I was also thinking, well at least I like the idea, to assign the moms by the amount of pounds we need to lose. I think we will feel more supported and can share our daily struggle without feeling the heavy of the group, does it make sense? I see some moms just need to lose 5 Lbs :? and I need to lose 40, so, I want to be with some Moms that are struggling like me to lose lots of weight."

    It looks like our group (group 10) is made up of moms weighing under 125. I don't mind you wanting to join our group, but you might feel more comfortable in another group. We all signed up with a deadline of July 18th, although the creator of the whole thing said that it is up to the group captains whether or not they allow more members to join their group. :smile:
  • kripley1229
    Well, it looks like everyone from our group has checked in. We are losing mjboswell since she was placed in groups 9 and 10, so that leaves us with only 4 members. What hot mama name would we like to use?
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Can't think of something I love, but here are some to throw away.

    Mommies In Control
    Motivated Mamas
    Bootiful Mamas
    Mommy Warriors
    Fearless Mommies
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Just did day 7 of 30DS level 3. Calorie-wise, I am doing ok, but food choice wasn't great as I had cheeseburger w/o buns, some fries and some coke. My protein is a bit low today. Off to join the kids and hubby in the backyard to play. That's added calories burned, right? Hope you ladies are doing well.
  • kripley1229
    Just did day 7 of 30DS level 3. Calorie-wise, I am doing ok, but food choice wasn't great as I had cheeseburger w/o buns, some fries and some coke. My protein is a bit low today. Off to join the kids and hubby in the backyard to play. That's added calories burned, right? Hope you ladies are doing well.

    I'm doing P90X, day 38. My food choices weren't the best either! I had pizza for dinner, but only 1 piece. In the past I probably would've had 3! All that matters in the long run is that we do our best! Don't get down on yourself for an off day!

    Isn't it nice to be able to find those calories burned by doing something that we would do anyway!
  • kripley1229
    Can't think of something I love, but here are some to throw away.

    Mommies In Control
    Motivated Mamas
    Bootiful Mamas
    Mommy Warriors
    Fearless Mommies

    I didn't get much chance to think about this today. (I have church on Wed nights) I like the 1st 3 that you gave the best, but I would change it to bootyful :tongue:
  • kripley1229

    I'm Aimie, mum to five-year-old Freya.

    I have 23 lbs left to lose before I reach my Ultimate goal weight but haven't lost anything in over a week.

    Stick with it! Sometimes I have off weeks too. I was upset last week when I gained a pound instead of losing!
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    I like the first name, but that just might be because yesterday I did not feel in control of anything with two boys who drove me bonkers in the heat! I'm from Buffalo, NY and we are just not used to near 90 degree weather (no A/C). I like the second name, too.

    I have bootcamp this morning. Have a great day everyone!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Quote of the Day:

    "Don't exchange what you want the most for what you want right now!"

  • Mom2MandN
    Mom2MandN Posts: 46 Member
    Is it to late to join. Please PM me and let me know. Thank you and good luck ladies!
  • AimieStar
    AimieStar Posts: 21
    I've had an awful day today! Can I use being stressed out as an excuse?!
  • kripley1229
    Here's a quote from Chandra from the original thread, just in case you didn't see it!

    Ok Future Hot Moms,

    We got all our groups started, every group has a thread so please if you haven't yet, check your team's thread, start posting and supporting each other in your Team.

    Now, let's really commit to reach our goals. This is not a comfortable zone, some sacrifices will be done, like:

    Working out every day even if you don't feel like it

    Meals: You have to control yourself, enjoy your meals but try to keep it under your daily calories. No daily binges please

    Water: this the tough one for me Oh boy! but I will try hard every single day. For the sake of my kidneys and for weight loss purposes too

    Keep a Journal: Keeping in touch with your weight loss buddies from your Hot Moms Group will sure be a great Support System and all the tools in this site, this is just great! I just discovered that the Food and Exercise section in here rocks! Oh how I love this site!!!!

    Well, it's all set, from now on, every group is in charge of making the best of your team, I never expected to have 10 teams, this was just overwhelming and I am not counting with the Moms that still want to join new groups But maybe after I have some more time available I can make new teams. For now It's up to them. I have posted the captain's kit just in case anyone wants to make another time. I will be very busy until Sept 23. That's why I think is better to have 2 or 3 captains per group so we can have a break too.

    Ok Girls, Let's pray to God for a great journey , hopefully we can be rocking already by Christmas

    I just love this Quote...

    "The only one that can stop me is Me"... and I could say ... I can take her!"
    Let's do this Moms, for our families, for our kids, for ourselves. We want to look pretty, we want to be healthy and live a good life while we enjoy our bodies too. We can do this!!!!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Sorry, you had an awful day, Aimie. Stay positive.
  • kripley1229
    Aimie- Do you eat back your exercise calories? I didn't in the beginning, and stopped losing weight. I started eating back most of my exercise calories this week and have lost 1 1/2 lbs. Something to try...Stick with it! While you may not be losing weight, your body is changing from the exercise! (gaining muscle etc.)