Venting on not giving up

Just want to get this off my chest. These past few weeks have been really hard for me. Seems like I have over ate every day, obsessed over my calories but STILL messed up eating an entire box of girl scout cookies and then some more. Resisting the thoughts in my mind telling me to give up, that I will always look this way and that I can't do it. I've been researching weight loss late at night instead of doing homework. Not getting sleep, body aches and just mentally drained! But a realization has just hit me that I KNOW i can do this and that I will not give up on my goal of being fit again. With working full time, school, and fighting off an infection, I am just tired. I need to give my self a break and realize I am not going to be perfect every day, every week, and that as long as I don't give up, I'm closer to my goal no matter how long it takes. I got so excited about the first 15 pounds lost that i started to think that it would always be that quick and easy but I am learning the hard way that's far from the truth. I need to to stop being irrational, telling my self I won't eat for 2 days to make up for the overeating because I just end up over eating more out of stress. I need to treat my body and mind better!


  • lisamscib
    lisamscib Posts: 1 Member
    you CAN do it... stop researching and start doing... start by maintaining an accurate food diary... even when you "mess up"... and maybe start planning your meals by looking at a healthy diet (on the web) and creating your own eating plan based on that...

    the key here is you CAN do it... YOU CAN!!! it's NOT quick, and it's NOT easy, but if you treat your body and mind better, you will achieve your goal!!!
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    Sounds like you have binge eating disorder dear.. i had all these thoughts and symptoms and behaviors as i did before i was finally medicated.

    I don't binge that often but when I do its triggered from stress. I also quit smoking about 6 months ago so instead of a cigarette I turn to food. I don't know about a disorder.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Congratulations on 15 lbs lost! It sounds like you have a lot going on right now, not just with life in general but with that infection you are fighting off. Have you thought about taking a diet break? Just giving yourself a week or two, eating at maintenance, and focusing on getting some rest? If you are fighting an illness, your body needs that food and rest to heal.
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    You over eat.. and obsess over calories.. you also said that you tell yourself not to eat for 2 days to make up for the eating.. that is disordered thinking coupled with binge eating..

    I understand the concern but this is a learning process for me. Counting calories makes me think of food more often than if I wasn't counting calories because I have to think of every single thing I put in my mouth. I'm still getting used to the process and learning what my body needs.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    At times I get a little over zealous, and I find that I'm thinking about food all the time, and I'm either worried about calories, or hungry because I'm thinking about food, then I have to zap myself out of it, go read a book (in your case study :wink: ), drive, do chores etc..
    As for the over eating, learn from it. Remind yourself what happened last time. Remind yourself you regretted eating that much. And put the package away after you take a serving, don't let it sit there and stare at you.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Is your calorie deficit too extreme? Are you worrying about eating "clean" or following a diet?

    Just set your weekly weight loss goal to half a pound a week, and eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.

    Be kind to yourself, and make time for yourself, or you'll waste time worrying about yourself. Best wishes.
  • joaniebalonie088
    joaniebalonie088 Posts: 93 Member
    I think a lot of us who may not have an eating disorder will still struggle a bit with trying to "make up for" bad food choices by over-restricting in the following days. Of course, it never works!

    While it is definitely a disordered way to think about food, I can't imagine that makes all of us binge eaters. It just takes some time to get the hang of having a better relationship with food and the CICO mindset!

    It sounds like the OP is being pretty hard on themselves. Maybe just try to stay at maintenance while you figure out how to figure weight loss into your crazy schedule! Trying to change 10 habits (not packing lunch, going to the gym, trying to cook at home, etc) is almost impossible to do at once! One thing at a time :smile:
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Okay well i guess i am the only person who finds the 2 days of wanting to starve a bit concerning.. lol
    Pardon me i guess.

    Carry on OP, do you.

    I was letting it fly because she said she needs to tell herself it wouldn't work, which is true. Admittedly, I've thought like that a time or two (years ago), because 'you gotta make up for it' or some garbage my head spouted at me. Fortunately I'm not good at fasting most times. :grin:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Okay well i guess i am the only person who finds the 2 days of wanting to starve a bit concerning.. lol
    Pardon me i guess.

    Carry on OP, do you.

    @Look_Its_Kriss It's worthy of note, and well said. Reading back, I think it's a bit ambiguous, but I took it to mean the OP was worried about it too, and posted it as an example of her stress and disordered thinking. I could be mistaken.
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Is your calorie deficit too extreme? Are you worrying about eating "clean" or following a diet?

    Just set your weekly weight loss goal to half a pound a week, and eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.

    Be kind to yourself, and make time for yourself, or you'll waste time worrying about yourself. Best wishes.

    Yes I've been eating very "clean" but I enjoy nutritious foods. But I go through phases of craving sweets ALL day long and that's what throws me off. Ill have a little fruit at each meal and If I want a sweet such as chocolate or ice cream I'll have one serving. But this past week I have been going over board. I do really well in the morning and once the evening hits it's like a switch goes off in my brain and I eat whatever I want because I feel so hungry. I practiced 16:8 and it really helped me in the beginning of my weight loss but for some reason the past couple weeks I've been really hungry in the morning and need to have something in my stomach.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    edited February 2017
    I think a lot of us who may not have an eating disorder will still struggle a bit with trying to "make up for" bad food choices by over-restricting in the following days. Of course, it never works!

    While it is definitely a disordered way to think about food, I can't imagine that makes all of us binge eaters. It just takes some time to get the hang of having a better relationship with food and the CICO mindset!

    It sounds like the OP is being pretty hard on themselves. Maybe just try to stay at maintenance while you figure out how to figure weight loss into your crazy schedule! Trying to change 10 habits (not packing lunch, going to the gym, trying to cook at home, etc) is almost impossible to do at once! One thing at a time :smile:

    That's kind of the point, though. It is a disordered way of thinking about food, and having disordered thoughts about food is a very slippery slope which could very easily lead to binge eating disorder. Best to nip those thoughts in the bud before they develop into a more serious issue, IMO. And if one can't do that on their own, it'd probably be a good idea to speak to a qualified health care provider, just to be safe.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Is your calorie deficit too extreme? Are you worrying about eating "clean" or following a diet?

    Just set your weekly weight loss goal to half a pound a week, and eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.

    Be kind to yourself, and make time for yourself, or you'll waste time worrying about yourself. Best wishes.

    Yes I've been eating very "clean" but I enjoy nutritious foods. But I go through phases of craving sweets ALL day long and that's what throws me off. Ill have a little fruit at each meal and If I want a sweet such as chocolate or ice cream I'll have one serving. But this past week I have been going over board. I do really well in the morning and once the evening hits it's like a switch goes off in my brain and I eat whatever I want because I feel so hungry. I practiced 16:8 and it really helped me in the beginning of my weight loss but for some reason the past couple weeks I've been really hungry in the morning and need to have something in my stomach.

    Nothing wrong with having a little something sweet during the day if it fits your calorie limit.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    Sounds like you have binge eating disorder dear.. i had all these thoughts and symptoms and behaviors as i did before i was finally medicated.

    I don't binge that often but when I do its triggered from stress. I also quit smoking about 6 months ago so instead of a cigarette I turn to food. I don't know about a disorder.

    Don't accept someone's diagnosis of you on the internet. If this becomes something that continues to impact your life maybe you should consider speaking with a professional. Good luck!

    I kind of take offense to this comment.
    I am in no way diagnosing her with anything however i think its important to point out that the girl clearly displays disordered thinking, it is not normal to think about starving yourself for 2 days and despite that we count calories here its not normal to obsess over it either. I think pointing out these things is a pretty valid point, people often mistake disordered thinking for other things, But definitely don't make me out to be some P.O.S moron on the internet passing some harsh judgement on her.

    Calm down. I will not argue with you.
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    I never starved myself and I have fasted before as a weight loss tool and it worked well for me. People save calories all the time so they can eat more later on. Girl scout cookies are about 1000 calories in a box and I ate the whole thing so it made me stressed because all week I have been over my calories by a couple hundred each day. I know not eating is not a rational way to think but people do fast so they can eat more other days so it was just a thought.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    You over eat.. and obsess over calories.. you also said that you tell yourself not to eat for 2 days to make up for the eating.. that is disordered thinking coupled with binge eating..

    I understand the concern but this is a learning process for me. Counting calories makes me think of food more often than if I wasn't counting calories because I have to think of every single thing I put in my mouth. I'm still getting used to the process and learning what my body needs.

    Yes I have heard that counting and tracking can cause some to think incessantly about calories.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I think a lot of us who may not have an eating disorder will still struggle a bit with trying to "make up for" bad food choices by over-restricting in the following days. Of course, it never works!

    While it is definitely a disordered way to think about food, I can't imagine that makes all of us binge eaters. It just takes some time to get the hang of having a better relationship with food and the CICO mindset!

    It sounds like the OP is being pretty hard on themselves. Maybe just try to stay at maintenance while you figure out how to figure weight loss into your crazy schedule! Trying to change 10 habits (not packing lunch, going to the gym, trying to cook at home, etc) is almost impossible to do at once! One thing at a time :smile:

    I agree.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    ...And put the package away after you take a serving, don't let it sit there and stare at you.

    <3 this! This is super simple, but such good advice that is so key for me. Don't bring out a box or a bag of something and eat from it. Measure out your serving and put the rest of the package out of sight. Don't even eat it in the same location. Go to another room away from the source. So much easier to stop at the end of your serving. If I have to think twice about having another serving because it's not readily available, I usually end up being too lazy to go back for more since it's already all put away. Also, drink a full glass of water with your snack. It will help fill you up so you don't even need another serving. :)
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    You over eat.. and obsess over calories.. you also said that you tell yourself not to eat for 2 days to make up for the eating.. that is disordered thinking coupled with binge eating..

    I understand the concern but this is a learning process for me. Counting calories makes me think of food more often than if I wasn't counting calories because I have to think of every single thing I put in my mouth. I'm still getting used to the process and learning what my body needs.

    Yes I have heard that counting and tracking can cause some to think incessantly about calories.

    Yes and I have a close friend who loves to eat and is not worried about his weight at all. We are golfing this weekend and I'm already thinking of what I can or cannot eat because we are going to have breakfast before and lunch afterwards. Normally I'd just be excited to get out and golf.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Is your calorie deficit too extreme? Are you worrying about eating "clean" or following a diet?

    Just set your weekly weight loss goal to half a pound a week, and eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.

    Be kind to yourself, and make time for yourself, or you'll waste time worrying about yourself. Best wishes.

    Yes I've been eating very "clean" but I enjoy nutritious foods. But I go through phases of craving sweets ALL day long and that's what throws me off. Ill have a little fruit at each meal and If I want a sweet such as chocolate or ice cream I'll have one serving. But this past week I have been going over board. I do really well in the morning and once the evening hits it's like a switch goes off in my brain and I eat whatever I want because I feel so hungry. I practiced 16:8 and it really helped me in the beginning of my weight loss but for some reason the past couple weeks I've been really hungry in the morning and need to have something in my stomach.

    Could it be hormonal eating? This can happen before menses or during ovulation.