Venting on not giving up



  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    You over eat.. and obsess over calories.. you also said that you tell yourself not to eat for 2 days to make up for the eating.. that is disordered thinking coupled with binge eating..

    I understand the concern but this is a learning process for me. Counting calories makes me think of food more often than if I wasn't counting calories because I have to think of every single thing I put in my mouth. I'm still getting used to the process and learning what my body needs.

    Yes I have heard that counting and tracking can cause some to think incessantly about calories.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I think a lot of us who may not have an eating disorder will still struggle a bit with trying to "make up for" bad food choices by over-restricting in the following days. Of course, it never works!

    While it is definitely a disordered way to think about food, I can't imagine that makes all of us binge eaters. It just takes some time to get the hang of having a better relationship with food and the CICO mindset!

    It sounds like the OP is being pretty hard on themselves. Maybe just try to stay at maintenance while you figure out how to figure weight loss into your crazy schedule! Trying to change 10 habits (not packing lunch, going to the gym, trying to cook at home, etc) is almost impossible to do at once! One thing at a time :smile:

    I agree.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    ...And put the package away after you take a serving, don't let it sit there and stare at you.

    <3 this! This is super simple, but such good advice that is so key for me. Don't bring out a box or a bag of something and eat from it. Measure out your serving and put the rest of the package out of sight. Don't even eat it in the same location. Go to another room away from the source. So much easier to stop at the end of your serving. If I have to think twice about having another serving because it's not readily available, I usually end up being too lazy to go back for more since it's already all put away. Also, drink a full glass of water with your snack. It will help fill you up so you don't even need another serving. :)
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    You over eat.. and obsess over calories.. you also said that you tell yourself not to eat for 2 days to make up for the eating.. that is disordered thinking coupled with binge eating..

    I understand the concern but this is a learning process for me. Counting calories makes me think of food more often than if I wasn't counting calories because I have to think of every single thing I put in my mouth. I'm still getting used to the process and learning what my body needs.

    Yes I have heard that counting and tracking can cause some to think incessantly about calories.

    Yes and I have a close friend who loves to eat and is not worried about his weight at all. We are golfing this weekend and I'm already thinking of what I can or cannot eat because we are going to have breakfast before and lunch afterwards. Normally I'd just be excited to get out and golf.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Is your calorie deficit too extreme? Are you worrying about eating "clean" or following a diet?

    Just set your weekly weight loss goal to half a pound a week, and eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.

    Be kind to yourself, and make time for yourself, or you'll waste time worrying about yourself. Best wishes.

    Yes I've been eating very "clean" but I enjoy nutritious foods. But I go through phases of craving sweets ALL day long and that's what throws me off. Ill have a little fruit at each meal and If I want a sweet such as chocolate or ice cream I'll have one serving. But this past week I have been going over board. I do really well in the morning and once the evening hits it's like a switch goes off in my brain and I eat whatever I want because I feel so hungry. I practiced 16:8 and it really helped me in the beginning of my weight loss but for some reason the past couple weeks I've been really hungry in the morning and need to have something in my stomach.

    Could it be hormonal eating? This can happen before menses or during ovulation.
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    edited February 2017
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Is your calorie deficit too extreme? Are you worrying about eating "clean" or following a diet?

    Just set your weekly weight loss goal to half a pound a week, and eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.

    Be kind to yourself, and make time for yourself, or you'll waste time worrying about yourself. Best wishes.

    Yes I've been eating very "clean" but I enjoy nutritious foods. But I go through phases of craving sweets ALL day long and that's what throws me off. Ill have a little fruit at each meal and If I want a sweet such as chocolate or ice cream I'll have one serving. But this past week I have been going over board. I do really well in the morning and once the evening hits it's like a switch goes off in my brain and I eat whatever I want because I feel so hungry. I practiced 16:8 and it really helped me in the beginning of my weight loss but for some reason the past couple weeks I've been really hungry in the morning and need to have something in my stomach.

    Could it be hormonal eating? This can happen before menses or during ovulation.

    First it was my 21st birthday week which I was happy to celebrate, week after that it was PMS which made me crave chocolate and made me more hungry, and this week it's just mindless eating. I'm having a hard time getting back on track and I feel like I have to get my body used to calorie restricting all over again.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Is your calorie deficit too extreme? Are you worrying about eating "clean" or following a diet?

    Just set your weekly weight loss goal to half a pound a week, and eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.

    Be kind to yourself, and make time for yourself, or you'll waste time worrying about yourself. Best wishes.

    Yes I've been eating very "clean" but I enjoy nutritious foods. But I go through phases of craving sweets ALL day long and that's what throws me off. Ill have a little fruit at each meal and If I want a sweet such as chocolate or ice cream I'll have one serving. But this past week I have been going over board. I do really well in the morning and once the evening hits it's like a switch goes off in my brain and I eat whatever I want because I feel so hungry. I practiced 16:8 and it really helped me in the beginning of my weight loss but for some reason the past couple weeks I've been really hungry in the morning and need to have something in my stomach.

    Could it be hormonal eating? This can happen before menses or during ovulation.

    First it was my 21st birthday week which I was happy to celebrate, week after that it was PMS which made me crave chocolate and made me more hungry, and this week it's just mindless eating. I'm having a hard time getting back on track and I feel like I have to get my body used to calorie restricting all over again.

    Understandable. I'm sure you will get back on track. I know after overeating during my holiday visit with family for 3 days, it took almost a week for my body to stop craving the foods I ate. So I think this week's cravings is a result of your past 2 weeks of eating. Give it some time.

    Happy belated birthday!!!!
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Is your calorie deficit too extreme? Are you worrying about eating "clean" or following a diet?

    Just set your weekly weight loss goal to half a pound a week, and eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.

    Be kind to yourself, and make time for yourself, or you'll waste time worrying about yourself. Best wishes.

    Yes I've been eating very "clean" but I enjoy nutritious foods. But I go through phases of craving sweets ALL day long and that's what throws me off. Ill have a little fruit at each meal and If I want a sweet such as chocolate or ice cream I'll have one serving. But this past week I have been going over board. I do really well in the morning and once the evening hits it's like a switch goes off in my brain and I eat whatever I want because I feel so hungry. I practiced 16:8 and it really helped me in the beginning of my weight loss but for some reason the past couple weeks I've been really hungry in the morning and need to have something in my stomach.

    Could it be hormonal eating? This can happen before menses or during ovulation.

    First it was my 21st birthday week which I was happy to celebrate, week after that it was PMS which made me crave chocolate and made me more hungry, and this week it's just mindless eating. I'm having a hard time getting back on track and I feel like I have to get my body used to calorie restricting all over again.

    Understandable. I'm sure you will get back on track. I know after overeating during my holiday visit with family for 3 days, it took almost a week for my body to stop craving the foods I ate. So I think this week's cravings is a result of your past 2 weeks of eating. Give it some time.

    Happy belated birthday!!!!

    Thank you :) That's what I'm thinking too. I hope next week will be better.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    edited February 2017
    leejoyce31 wrote: »

    Yes I have heard that counting and tracking can cause some to think incessantly about calories.

    This. It's all over the forum, many members are doing it and teach others to follow them down into the same rabbit hole. You can do it, it's not a race, stop creating other problems for yourself, i.e. Losing the weight (getting rid of that problem) but in the mean time creating the problem of obsessing over the littlest things and littlest calories and being anxious around food

  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    OP, what are your stats and goals? People so often aim for calorie goals that are too strict, trying to lose 2lb a week unnecessarily, and then they suffer from cravings, binging, food obsession etc. In a lot of cases it can be made so much easier just by adjusting the goals and eating a bit more.
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    OP, what are your stats and goals? People so often aim for calorie goals that are too strict, trying to lose 2lb a week unnecessarily, and then they suffer from cravings, binging, food obsession etc. In a lot of cases it can be made so much easier just by adjusting the goals and eating a bit more.

    I have 15 pounds to lose. I am 5'2 and 135lbs. I've already lost the first 15 in about 3 months but it was a lot easier to stick to my calorie goals in the begining. I'm recovering from foot surgery so maybe since I am more active now, it makes me more hungry?
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    OP, what are your stats and goals? People so often aim for calorie goals that are too strict, trying to lose 2lb a week unnecessarily, and then they suffer from cravings, binging, food obsession etc. In a lot of cases it can be made so much easier just by adjusting the goals and eating a bit more.

    I have 15 pounds to lose. I am 5'2 and 135lbs. I've already lost the first 15 in about 3 months but it was a lot easier to stick to my calorie goals in the begining. I'm recovering from foot surgery so maybe since I am more active now, it makes me more hungry?

    If you have only 15lb to go you would be better to aim for half a pound a week. The closer you are to goal, the harder weight loss is and the slower you are recommended to go, to avoid health problems and issues like hunger and binging.

    If your activity is increasing, you may need to increase your calorie goal to reflect that.