Hey everyone!

kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Shawna, or you can call me Kakes as its been my nickname since I was little! I have come to this site because a friend told me about it! Last week was the beginning of the rest of my life. I had a doctors visit and I had asked about having surgery to get back down to the size I used to be. She automatically agreed it would be something that could be good for me. Low and behold the very next day I was at the University meeting with my nutritionist with a plan set for the next 6 mths before my evaluation for surgery.
This is something I have only shared with my friends and family here at home. Something that will be a big life change for me and I am ready for it!
I used to be so active in school when younger and over the years something slipped in me. Nearly 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Menieres Disease, its an inner ear disorder that wrecks havoc on my life. Since then I was gaining and gaining without losing. I fell into a depression with the loss of hearing, and without hearing aids its very hard to hear. BUT now it is time to get my life back, my hearing is gone but I am still here. So, I have cut out drinking, sweets, soda everything. The nutritionist has me on a very strict diet with exercise every day and I know I can do it!

I look forward to meeting new people here, and following you as you all follow me! Add me if you like!

Shawna :)


  • adie_rogers
    adie_rogers Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome Kakes!
    I'm new too - it's day 3 for me and I am loving it!
    I wish you every sucess with your weight loss - feel free to add me if you like.
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome Shawna. You can do this! We'll be rooting for you :-)
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks Adie! I added all my food stuff in from the last week figured Id do that before I got too far in! Nice to meet you!!! and I will add ya :)
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Hello and Welcome! It is day 16 for me. This is a great site.
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks jdiddy!
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks Kougra! I like it already and Ive been here about 20 minutes lol
  • shai29
    shai29 Posts: 13
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you like :-)
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    thanks shai! Will do :)
  • Welcome..I just started focusing on my health again recently as wel. I was very ill with a heart condition for the last 6 months on complete bedrest. I also felt depressed and a bit like I'd been put out to pasture, but its time for me now and I'm going to get healthy! Good luck, I look forward to following your progress.
  • Hi there Don here and I have just joined to see if this site helps me lose that 20 lbs of beer belly that seems to have grown round my middle over the last 10 years.
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    ck, I know that feeling well! I too look forward to following your progress!!!
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    shen, Im sure a lot of my pounds are due to beer as well!
  • loulou_88
    loulou_88 Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck on your journey and stick with it, before you know it you'll be 100 days in and feeling amazing! Add me if you'd like:)
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    thanks loulou, its only been 7 and I can already feel myself feeling better and having more energy! Amazing what the body reacts to!
  • Brisin87
    Brisin87 Posts: 61
    Welcome. U will enjoy it and u can do it add me if u like
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks Brisin!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Good luck to you, and no matter the outcome, be happy and proud of yourself for you have chosen to change your lifestyle and become healthy!! kudos to you.
  • sharishar
    sharishar Posts: 44 Member
    Good luck and welcome, fell free to add me too - I have not been here that long and have already lost 8k, this site motivates me to eat properly and go to the gym. it's great.
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks giants and shari, I like it so much already!!
  • Welcome Shawna! I love this site and have had a positive experience. Best to you. I will send you an add. :)
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