Are u a *kitten*!!!



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    In "real life" I'm fairly nice I think, I would never want to purposefully hurt anyone, I've always helped people and I'm always the one people come to for help. However, I am not afraid of saying no and I'm not afraid of cutting people from my life as soon as you bring any drama.

    On here, sometimes I can be a *kitten* mostly unintentionally, I forget that people don't know and don't know my humour and I see how it comes across sometimes. I like to think if I upset someone they could just say and I will always apologise if I'm in the wrong.

    Tldr: sometimes I can come across as a *kitten*. I don't mean to.

    Thanks you! I was just about to say we need a TL;DR summary for long posts.
  • blackcomaro
    blackcomaro Posts: 796 Member
    Lol.. what about, its not you buut......
  • Badger_Girl99
    Badger_Girl99 Posts: 2,220 Member
    In my real life I am very nice, caring... And kind of a doormat. I don't like confrontation and I like everything to be copasetic. My real life friends are a very closeknit group, and I am actually very carefree and kind. And damn funny. However on here I'm a bit more bold and don't take bs from anyone , so I'm for sure a *kitten* in this medium. I own that, even though I think it's misunderstood . But I have my reasons. Those are only disclosed if I trust you, but a few real life friends know the reason. I just feel like I don't owe anyone anything here because it is the internet. And that's probably why I'm a *kitten* here. Oh well.
  • 2MuchTyme
    2MuchTyme Posts: 129 Member
    I'm an *kitten*, just ask anyone. But, I am consistently an *kitten*. So, there is that.
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    I did a personality assessment recently (for work) and it turns out I'm actually really nice.
    Not sure if the husband agrees, mind.
  • jamcdonel
    jamcdonel Posts: 533 Member
    I am generally a very kind, generous, overly helpful kind of person. A people pleaser. A fixer. Everything always has to be fine. No friction, no conflict.

    Conversely, I have been burned so many times, and kicked in the cojoñes so many others, that I have a generally pessimistic outlook on life. If things can go wrong, they will. Then it is my job to take the blame and clean up the mess. Even if I wasn't involved.

    This need for everything to be fine, and it being my responsibility to keep it that way, really burns my fuse quickly. If your poor planning becomes my emergency, don't expect me to be happy about it.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I don't think I have lost my temper in over two decades. The last time I did it was in traffic. I got out and he got out.

    When I got back in the car, I remember the look on my wife's and daughter's faces and I didn't think very highly of myself at the time. Decided that would never happen again and it hasn't. Just got to step back for a moment and see the situation differently and move on.
  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    It takes a lot 4 me 2 lose my cool,I do care how I'm viewed 2 some degree cuz I don't wanna be known as the *kitten* ...Cuz if I do become the *kitten* it probably was pent up & u had it coming ...Plus I think being an *kitten* or *kitten* all the time isn't the best way u wanna be viewed...I know someone will debate that & say they're not gonna be fake & I get that especially with strangers,but are u like that with people in ur inner circle 2?cuz they should matter ...Ya ever meet someone that just exudes a positive personality & ur almost sickened at 1st ,but then ya have 2 give credit how they're always in a good mood ...I totally give credit 2 those people now ...Not just about fitness but also just being in a good place mentally with ur self (Sorry not trying 2 get 2 deep) I got guys at work that are always angry,always pissed off & always bitching about something & what happens is no one wants 2 be around them ..They get avoided & ignored cuz no one wants 2 be around them complaining or being a miserable f-ck....No one is perfect
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,504 Member
    My patience is gone... long gone.

    I've lost my religion, I damn sure have.

    and my sense of humor?

    Well, seeing some *kitten* -stick getting his a@@ handed to him is the highest form of comedy
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I'm a positive person who will lose my cool once in a while. It takes a lot to push me over the edge though. I hate confrontation. I get very nervous in confrontations, becuase I feel like I have been emotinally hijacked. I like to think about a situation for a while and figure out if I am really angry at whatever I want to lash out at, or if it's something more. If someone confronts me before I have had time to think I get frustrated and the words don't come out right, then I just want to cry becuase I'm a big over emotinal baby. So, becuase of that, I tend to walk on the positive side of life and try to find the silver lining in all things.
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    I am a total B word, and have mastered fooling people into thinking that I am not
  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    I don't believe that
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    In real life I'm generally a nice person. Stupid people irritate me, and living in Northern Virginia there is a lot of stupidity around, especially on the road.

    Wait, can I change my answer....
  • itsy_bitsy_spider
    itsy_bitsy_spider Posts: 292 Member
    Nope. Sugar, spice & everything nice. :)

    Exceptttt...when it comes to people falling (myself included). That ish always makes me laugh. Students went snowshoeing and those suckers were dropping like flies--it was hilarious :p
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    Nope. Sugar, spice & everything nice. :)

    Exceptttt...when it comes to people falling (myself included). That ish always makes me laugh. Students went snowshoeing and those suckers were dropping like flies--it was hilarious :p

    haha I am the same, people all go like are you okay?!? Me:


    I mean as long as its not like a terrible fall.
  • itsy_bitsy_spider
    itsy_bitsy_spider Posts: 292 Member
    subcounter wrote: »
    Nope. Sugar, spice & everything nice. :)

    Exceptttt...when it comes to people falling (myself included). That ish always makes me laugh. Students went snowshoeing and those suckers were dropping like flies--it was hilarious :p

    haha I am the same, people all go like are you okay?!? Me:


    I mean as long as its not like a terrible fall.

    Exactly! As long as it's not a bad one, like you said. (And btw... your post even made me laugh... because it made me think of someone falling :D )