March whole30

beeraxdidit Posts: 10 Member
Is anybody interested? Has anybody done this before? I'm doing my 4th round starting March 1, and I'd love to have people to talk to about it!


  • elizaberrie
    elizaberrie Posts: 4 Member
    Haven't done this. What is it?
  • beeraxdidit
    beeraxdidit Posts: 10 Member
    I always direct people to the website! It's great and offers a lot of information for free.
  • jannickelvira
    jannickelvira Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Braxmed, I just started learning more about this, and I think Im in! Will dedicate a couple of days to learn more about this but it looks like just what I could use right now :) What was the most challenging part of it for you the last times?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Haven't done this. What is it?

    An extreme elimination diet for people with digestive/allergy issues. Not really designed for weight loss, but because it's so very restrictive...people lose weight.
  • beeraxdidit
    beeraxdidit Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Jannick! For me, it was the sugar. It's everywhere. I love bacon and pasta sauce, and it took me a minute to find things that were compliant. Most tuna has soy, which is not compliant as well! Just takes a bit of getting used to. I've always made it the full 30 days and some times, I've gone a little longer!
  • jannickelvira
    jannickelvira Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Hm, sounds like Im going to have to prepare really well for this if I go for it. :) Sugar is my drug, so staying away from that totally is whats appealing with this - I need to kick that addiction!!! Any bodily symptoms like headache or stomach-issues doing this the first time? Cool that you have finished it every time!
  • Tweetybird8673
    Tweetybird8673 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi this is intriguing. I eat healthy overall, a lot of fruits and vegetables and rarely eat meat, but then go nuts and eat chocolate and get fries and a cheeseburger.
  • newstart7788
    newstart7788 Posts: 29 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm in. I was thinking of eliminating red meat, poultry and dairy products for Lent; so this challenge came at the right time. I'll just eliminate the rest as well. I'm starting March 1st. I hope that's alright. I think I'll be able to learn a lot about my body and its reactions to certain foods.
  • Becky_45
    Becky_45 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! Hm, sounds like Im going to have to prepare really well for this if I go for it. :) Sugar is my drug, so staying away from that totally is whats appealing with this - I need to kick that addiction!!! Any bodily symptoms like headache or stomach-issues doing this the first time? Cool that you have finished it every time!
    Jannicke A general guideline of what you may experience through the month.
  • Becky_45
    Becky_45 Posts: 59 Member
    I have tried this, it's very restrictive. I made it 11 days my farthest. But those 11 days I felt my best ever! The book "It Starts with Food" is VERY informative of why the restrictions. The idea is to restrict and then add things back in one at a time to find out what is and is not a problem for ya. This has become a "Fad Diet", which I don't like, but hey whatever it takes to get people in and focused on getting healthy. It's purpose is not for weight loss at all. That's just sort of a side effect.

    I do believe in this program, and with my own food issues you'd think I could stick with it, but it's been very difficult. I am tempted to try again, I am always considering it.
  • I'm in. I can't wait for march!
  • jannickelvira
    jannickelvira Posts: 10 Member
    So... you guys who are doing this, are you all using the whole30-website and subscribing to the Real Plan thingy there or are you just figuring it all out on your own? This is very tempting, but I dont want to decide until Im 100% sure Ill go through with the whole thing.

    Are you going to follow up here in this thread or in a FB-group? Or how?
  • lilgrace15
    lilgrace15 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm starting my first round March 1st!
  • missyfitz123
    missyfitz123 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm in! Started reading a book about it last week. Planned to start tomorrow!
  • gillesse
    gillesse Posts: 66 Member
    I started it two weeks ago and plan to do this until the end of March, so I'm in.
  • Onyinye12
    Onyinye12 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, just read about this and I would love to join. Am doing something similar already, except for the milk and ghee part. A week ago, I decided to go on a NO CARB no Sugar diet / alcohol . I just eat protein, vegetables . It's been hard but am sticking with it. I don't mind doing this challenge with you cos I think my worst week is over.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Today is my first day, first time doing it. Are you going to start a group? I'll join if you do.
  • angavai
    angavai Posts: 110 Member
    I m in
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    edited March 2017
    I am on day 59 of whole 200. There is already a whole 30 group if anyone wants to join. its for those who are going to or are already or even have finished a whole 30. Come by. I will be around. Add me as well. I am here every day but I do not log food.
  • Dafoxroxs
    Dafoxroxs Posts: 2 Member
    I've done 1 round of while 30 it was great but went back to eating too much sugars (my drug of choice). I am currently doing a whole 30 with a twist of Paleo due to my allergies. I am already 9 days in and am very interested.