
I keep telling myself I'm gonna lose this weight I can do it then I end up just eating bad unhealthy stuff again. Idk what to do


  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    Weight loss. It's not an easy thing to do. It's hard. It takes work. I don't know about you, but I am quite capable of gaining a few pounds over night, but daaaang, it takes weeks to lose those few pounds! So not fair. It takes so much stinking work and time, that most of the time, you can't tell you're getting anywhere. How annoying. How discouraging! Let's face it, we all want to see those results, whether on the scale or with how our clothes fit. 

    I think, to get started in any amount of weight loss, one must ask themselves a few questions. I sat down and started asking myself these:
    How did I get here? (a few reasons too many)
    Do I really eat that much?(at times,  yes)
    Is what I eat so horrible? (BINGO! found the culprit)
    Am i getting enough exercise? (Uh huh.. we know the answer to that one)
    How much water do I drink? (according to everyone.. NOT enough) 

    I had to get painfully honest with myself. I have some bad habits. I like goodies. I like treats. I don't eat huge meals, but I snack. Come to find out, snacking doesn't make a person full, so they end up eating more. Huh, who knew.  Ok, so it boils down to, I really need to lose weight. How can I do it? What are my weaknesses? How much does it mean to me to lose weight? What am I going to have to do to accomplish it? 

    Who likes to keep a log of every little thing they put past their lips. Oh My Gosh, I hate doing that. Who wants to feel deprived or hungry? Not me. I like food! Ok, so um, don't deprive yourself, but DO become more aware of what you're eating as well as how much you're eating. Make deliberate decisions. Like, maybe instead of the double chocolate muffin for breakfast grabbing a handful of sweet strawberries. 
    I found one site that said to not ask yourself if you really want (that chocolate muffin). Good chance is, you DO! I mean, DUH, you bought it, you want it!
     Instead, they say it's better to ask, "what do I want more?" (chocolate muffin or that sexy body that makes your man drool for you). Yeah, don't ask , "chocolate muffin or strawberries", because strawberries aren't your goal. The hot bod is. 
    So I'd say before you start, ask yourself those questions we really rather not. Be honest with yourself. Once you are, you can set out to right the wrong. 
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Start by logging everything you eat. Don't worry about goals the first week, just get in the habit of logging everything, without judgement.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Start by logging everything you eat. Don't worry about goals the first week, just get in the habit of logging everything, without judgement.

    ^^^^ Yes, just logging is the best start, it builds awareness.
    I started at ~295 in the new year and am down ~25 lbs already this year.
  • SpoonInTheRoad
    SpoonInTheRoad Posts: 35 Member
    Start by logging everything you eat. Don't worry about goals the first week, just get in the habit of logging everything, without judgement.

    This is great advice because we can't move forward until we really get it and being able to look at WHAT you eat will help you in a few ways. You get in the habit, as Concordancia says, and also it will give you a truthful look at your choices. It's amazing the capacity we have for hiding from ourselves. Be a friend to yourself, trust yourself to tell yourself the truth, and then begin with small healthy changes. If you are seriously overwhelmed, you can't change it overnight. My journey towards health and wellness began 25 years ago. I'm glad I switched to mostly organic food (80/20) many years ago but I'm still in a fist fight with sugar. I win most rounds but occasionally it's a complete K.O. But, just recently, I seriously educated myself about what sugar is actually doing to my body metabolically, on a biochemistry level. Okay. That goal isn't for everyone but it was definitely for me and made a huge difference in how I look at sugar.

    Find something that feels important to you. Do you want to reclaim your health? Feel better in your own body? Be able to move more easily? Take up an activity or sport? Only you know the answers. And they change so you can change with them. Vote for YOU. You can truly do this. All the best.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited February 2017
    Don't look at the bigger picture aim for - 10lb goals then go to the next 10 lb goal

    Eat foods you like but healthy as possible

    Log every single thing you eat and drink
    Weigh soilds on scales measure liquids in jugs

    Don't ignore blips or things you absently mindedly pop in your mouth log it all

    Exercise do only something you'll always do
    Walk swim weights etc

    Above all this isn't a race it's about making a healthy future this time next year at only -1lbs a week you'll be 245 and I bet you'll lose more than that

  • jrivey15
    jrivey15 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm right about at the same weight - I completely understand where you are coming from. It's difficult to give up habits that have been formed over a lifetime. But I can echo the sentiments of everyone here - reflect on what got you here and what is important to you. If it is important to lose the weight, form a plan to do so. Look at what you eat now, log it, and assess from there. There are a ton of different ways of eating, one thing doesn't work for everyone. If you feel that depriving yourself of certain things will eventually lead you back to over eating, look at portion control and monitoring your calories. For me, I knew my problem was an abundance of carbs - I am a carbohydrate addict. So, I felt that LCHF (low carb, high fat) would be the best for me, so I could break my dependency on carbs. Whichever way you choose, you can do this! Everyone has their aha moment or breaking point. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me!