Stay at home moms of young ones. How do you do loose?

Feeling little tired of trying. I had 75 day streak but stopped cause I was loosing and gaining the same lbs. as stay home moms we take care of everyone and house and cooking. I have a one year old and 5 year old. They are always eating. It's hard not to eat with them. They eat healthy too. But I over eat. Also I can't find time just to excercise for me. I just feeling very frustrated. I need some
Help and motivation. How have you ladies gotten a hold of weight loss and put yourself first? Thanks


  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Have you thought about joining the YMCA? I love it! They have a myriad of activities for children and free child watch while you work out. My little ones love it. They beg to "go the gym."
  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    We go to the park a lot. It's exercise for them and me. If you don't have a park within walking distance and you don't live somewhere that's safe to bike, you could drive to the park and walk around while there. Depending on the park (and the 5 year old) your 5 year old might be able to stay at the playground while you walk around with the baby and check in after each loop.

    I haven't had great experiences with the Y's child care-my kids always got colds each time we went, so we were never able to go frequently enough for them to get used to it. It's possible that my kids are just particularly talented at picking up germs, lol.

    At 1 I used to put my little in the stroller for a walking nap. The trick is to go early enough that they don't wake up as soon as you're home and tired, but not so early that they're awake and grumbling for the whole walk.

    I live in Northern California, and we're able to get outside most days-even when it's cold and rainy it's usually above 40F, so we just put on rain pants and rain coats and save worms or clear storm drains. But on days that it's too miserable to go outside for long we dance together, and play tag in the house, or go to an indoor playplace that allows parents to climb/run too.
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    you tube workout videos for zumba & kickboxing and i make sure that i walk 15k steps a day all indoors. To cold to go out when it gets nice i will go out for walks with my little one.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm a sahm of three older kids (8, 10 and 12), but they do their schooling at home, so they're with me all.the.time. :p

    I have a different eating schedule than the rest of my family because I do IF. My calorie window is between 11am-7pm, so no food intake before 11am, and then I set aside time to make my biggest meal of the day between 11am-noon (my favorite hour of the day lol). Kids eat after I'm done. Then I eat a smaller meal after my family has supper, close to 6pm. I may or may not have an afternoon snack, just depends if I want one or not. And then after 7pm I'm done eating for the day.

    Having a schedule like this helps me with my calorie adherence and also keeps things running smoothly over here :)
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm a sahm of three older kids (8, 10 and 12), but they do their schooling at home, so they're with me all.the.time. :p

    I have a different eating schedule than the rest of my family because I do IF. My calorie window is between 11am-7pm, so no food intake before 11am, and then I set aside time to make my biggest meal of the day between 11am-noon (my favorite hour of the day lol). Kids eat afterwards, closer to noon. Then I eat a smaller meal after my family has supper, close to 6pm. I may or may not have an afternoon snack, just depends if I want one or not. And then after 7pm I'm done eating for the day.

    Having a schedule like this helps me with my calorie adherence and also keeps things running smoothly over here :)

    We have a lot in common-we have 3 kids ages 10, 8, and 6, and two of them are at home for school this year (our youngest goes to school for kindergarten). I also do IF (loosely), eating about 1pm to 9pm. My lunch is a bit off-set from the kids, plus often I just eat different foods than they do. But I also work from home, so 3-4 nights a week I don't eat dinner with the fam since I'm in my office working.

  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Incorporate workouts with your kids. Push ups, situps, planks, jumping jacks, burpees, any sort of calisthenics. Setup a workout chart and do this with your kids to see how you improve from week to week.

    My wife and I have done this with our 3 kids (3, 6, & 9) with great results.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I'm a sahm of three older kids (8, 10 and 12), but they do their schooling at home, so they're with me all.the.time. :p

    I have a different eating schedule than the rest of my family because I do IF. My calorie window is between 11am-7pm, so no food intake before 11am, and then I set aside time to make my biggest meal of the day between 11am-noon (my favorite hour of the day lol). Kids eat afterwards, closer to noon. Then I eat a smaller meal after my family has supper, close to 6pm. I may or may not have an afternoon snack, just depends if I want one or not. And then after 7pm I'm done eating for the day.

    Having a schedule like this helps me with my calorie adherence and also keeps things running smoothly over here :)

    We have a lot in common-we have 3 kids ages 10, 8, and 6, and two of them are at home for school this year (our youngest goes to school for kindergarten). I also do IF (loosely), eating about 1pm to 9pm. My lunch is a bit off-set from the kids, plus often I just eat different foods than they do. But I also work from home, so 3-4 nights a week I don't eat dinner with the fam since I'm in my office working.

    We do sound alike :)
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    For me it's setting a pretty strict routine. I only feed my kids 3 meals a day. I'm not a proponent of constant snacking like I see a lot of parents do. It just doesn't work for us. They do eat snacks at school.

    When they were younger, we'd exercise and run errands in the morning, then nap and play in the afternoon. I still follow that schedule with my youngest when she's not at preschool. My older ones are in school everyday, but we pretty much do the same on the weekends.
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    owlcake wrote: »
    Feeling little tired of trying. I had 75 day streak but stopped cause I was loosing and gaining the same lbs. as stay home moms we take care of everyone and house and cooking. I have a one year old and 5 year old. They are always eating. It's hard not to eat with them. They eat healthy too. But I over eat. Also I can't find time just to excercise for me. I just feeling very frustrated. I need some
    Help and motivation. How have you ladies gotten a hold of weight loss and put yourself first? Thanks

    It all comes down to the way you are eating. You do not need to exercise to lose weight. Exercise is primarily for your health and to stay in shape. Now, what's the point of logging for 75 days straight if you're not logging everything? If you were, you'd see what the issue is. You're overeating. Whether you're overeating healthy foods or bad foods, you are still eating more than you are burning. Try something different. Why do you need to eat with them? Or if you do, just eat less? I've been eating 5 to 6 smaller meals a day. It's the same amount of calories if I were to eat 3 big meals but it helps me because I'm a snacker. Also, try to pre-plan your days ahead of time. If you are taking care of all the meals, you should know what's in them. So, make recipes ahead of time and input that information into MFP. I've logged in for months without losing a pound because I wasn't eating under my TDEE. Be honest with yourself. Find out what's causing the over-eating.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member

    I'm not a stay-at-home mom anymore. Only started working last fall to pay for a new car. All my weight was lost while being a stay-at-home mom.

    Anyway, I logged daily. Bad days, good days and every in between. I used a food scale 95% of the time (I still do). I made workouts a priority. At first it meant mini workouts while the kids were napping. Now if I do a home workout they join in trying to imitate me. My boys are 5 and 2 1/2 years old. When I workout regularly I find that I don't want to graze or snack so much.
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    When my youngest was 1, I joined a gym with daycare. She's 6 now and has a group of friends of varying ages that she's known for years. Honestly, the gym was good for my sanity and helped socialize my kid. Her transition to school was very smooth too.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    It all comes down to the way you are eating. You do not need to exercise to lose weight. Exercise is primarily for your health and to stay in shape. Now, what's the point of logging for 75 days straight if you're not logging everything? If you were, you'd see what the issue is. You're overeating. Whether you're overeating healthy foods or bad foods, you are still eating more than you are burning. Try something different. Why do you need to eat with them? Or if you do, just eat less? I've been eating 5 to 6 smaller meals a day. It's the same amount of calories if I were to eat 3 big meals but it helps me because I'm a snacker. Also, try to pre-plan your days ahead of time. If you are taking care of all the meals, you should know what's in them. So, make recipes ahead of time and input that information into MFP. I've logged in for months without losing a pound because I wasn't eating under my TDEE. Be honest with yourself. Find out what's causing the over-eating.

    While you don't need to exercise to lose weight, it's a whole lot easier if you can increase your calorie burn by increasing daily activity. NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) can help dramatically with weight loss. I burn about 1000 cals/day in NEAT (and, yes, it takes a lot of steps to get to that level). I would be a cranky *kitten* if I had to eat little enough to get a 500 cal/day deficit without that extra burn.

    I have a one year old and a three year old. I'm back to work now, but I was SAHM while on maternity leave. I cannot sufficiently "Awesome" the posts recommending getting out walking with the kids and taking them to parks. Kids love to be outside. They love to run around and play. Bring a stroller that can carry both kids if they "poop out" on you and walk with them. Go to parks with playgrounds. Go to parks with nature. (Kids love animals.) If it's cold and yucky out, take them to the mall (or similar large indoor area) to walk instead. Let them play on those "put a coin in it and drive the car" rides as an alternative to the playground. (You don't actually have to put money in when they're little. They're just excited to "drive".)

  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    When my youngest was 1, I joined a gym with daycare. She's 6 now and has a group of friends of varying ages that she's known for years. Honestly, the gym was good for my sanity and helped socialize my kid. Her transition to school was very smooth too.

    Yep! I definitely wasn't trying to knock gym daycares in general. It just didn't work for me at the time. Now my "little" is in his last year of preschool and I do most of my exercise during his class. I do still take them both to the park, hiking trail, and bike trail as much as I can get them interested because I was a really lazy kid and want them to enjoy activity more than I did!
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Homeschooling SAHM to 4 boys 7& under here.

    I get up before the kids and do some yoga, fold clothes, pray, sometimes get in a short session on the mini elliptical. Important: train them not to bother you/come in your room :)

    Joining a gym is great if you can--mine has great child care/kids fitness classes, so we go often. Otherwise, I run on weekends when hubs is home, sometimes i will work out in the garage at night. Point is, it's a priority and I make time for it, even if it's inconvenient.

    Food wise...I log it all--that usually keeps me under control. If I feel myself slipping there, I make sure if it goes in my mouth I log it. Makes me not want the hassle of getting out the scale for a few bites of cheese, a handful of chocolate chips, etc.