Low carb / Low calorie diets



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    ania2704 wrote: »
    No, now I'm trying to gain weight

    Thank goodness for that!

    OP you're being scant on details in your posts.

    Low protein and fat can also cause the same symptoms as you described.

    I agree, 1200 calories is far too low.. But what was your starting weight, and what were your macros set at?
  • eviemac2017
    eviemac2017 Posts: 4 Member
    Understanding of how appetite is regulated supports a low carb approach . The energy in/ energy out model on which calorie counting is based is now debunked. Carbohydrate excess and insulin resistance are driving the obesity epidemic. YouTube Tim Noakes or Gary Taubes.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Understanding of how appetite is regulated supports a low carb approach . The energy in/ energy out model on which calorie counting is based is now debunked. Carbohydrate excess and insulin resistance are driving the obesity epidemic. YouTube Tim Noakes or Gary Taubes.

    gary taubes doesnt even have a degree in nutrition or anything else. hes a journalist. not very credible and dont know who the other guy is. but overeating is what is driving the obesity epidemic. I eat a lot of carbs and I still lose weight. and have no insulin issues.its all about a caloric deficit
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited February 2017
    Understanding of how appetite is regulated supports a low carb approach . The energy in/ energy out model on which calorie counting is based is now debunked. Carbohydrate excess and insulin resistance are driving the obesity epidemic. YouTube Tim Noakes or Gary Taubes.


    Like pp said, I eat a higher carb diet and have a bmi of just under 21 (ie I'm not fat). I'm also a former prediabetic who now has normal glucose numbers and consistent, good health markers/blood work panels.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Understanding of how appetite is regulated supports a low carb approach . The energy in/ energy out model on which calorie counting is based is now debunked. Carbohydrate excess and insulin resistance are driving the obesity epidemic. YouTube Tim Noakes or Gary Taubes.

    I wasn't aware that the fundamental energy balance of calories in/calories out had been debunked... better alert McGraw Hill that they need to publish some new science textbooks since one of the basic principles of thermodynamics has been invalidated on YouTube.
  • ania2704
    ania2704 Posts: 56 Member
    At the start of my diet i used to weigh 116 kg and i don't know how much calories i ate at the beginning, i only started eating 1200 kcal a few months ago to lose more weight